AG Bondi Asks Court To Block Florida Medical Marijuana Vote

October 25, 2013

Attorney General Pam Bondi on Thursday asked the Florida Supreme Court to block a vote on a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow medical marijuana, becoming the highest-profile official to take on the ballot initiative.

In a filing required because the group pushing the initiative has triggered an automatic review by the high court, Bondi wrote that the ballot language could deceive voters about the extent of marijuana use that would be allowed.

Bondi said the ballot summary written by United for Care: People United for Medical Marijuana wrongly suggests that only people with “debilitating diseases” could get the leafy green substance.

“But if the amendment passed, Florida law would allow marijuana in limitless situations,” she wrote. “Any physician could approve marijuana for seemingly any reason to seemingly any person (of any age) — including those without any ‘debilitating disease.’ So long as a physician held the opinion that the drug use ‘would likely outweigh’ the risks, Florida would be powerless to stop it.”

The ballot language also suggests the amendment is not in conflict with federal law, which still prohibits the use of marijuana, Bondi said.

Official state estimates have not painted the likely marijuana use under the law in the sweeping terms that Bondi’s filing suggests would be possible.

Health officials have estimated that 1.6 million Floridians would be eligible for medical marijuana, according to information provided to state economists. But somewhere between 175,000 and 450,000 would probably take advantage of the measure.

The push for allowing pot to be used for medicinal purposes in Florida has received a boost from John Morgan, a prominent Orlando trial lawyer and Democratic contributor. Morgan has already recorded a radio ad urging Floridians to approve the amendment “for the really sick people.” Elections officials say the measure has received 111,940 valid signatures — more than enough to trigger Supreme Court review.

Supporters of the initiative would need to gather 683,149 valid signatures by Feb. 1 to put the amendment before voters in the November elections.

Ben Pollara, the campaign manager for United for Care, blasted Bondi’s filing in statement issued Thursday.

“It is not surprising that out of touch Tallahassee politicians like Pam Bondi continue to oppose compassionate health care policy in Florida,” Pollara said. “Just as politicians in the Florida Legislature refused to even give medical marijuana a hearing in the 2013 session, AG Bondi wants to deny Floridians the opportunity to even vote on this issue — despite numerous polls showing that an overwhelming majority of the state is supportive of the issue.”

Pollara also sent out a fundraising email based on the filing.

by Brandon Larrabee, The News Service of Florida


21 Responses to “AG Bondi Asks Court To Block Florida Medical Marijuana Vote”

  1. 429SCJ on October 29th, 2013 11:41 am

    I am in agreement with everyone except Mike, Big K and Pam Bondi.

    One good thing about the coming economic collapse is that it will get these problem childs out of our hair. After a short spell anyway.

  2. jenelle on October 29th, 2013 8:01 am

    hell yeah legalize it been waiting for 34years for this to happen,reason being i’ve tried all types of prescribed meds,but nothing seems to work as well as marijuana.there are no side effects

  3. Jesse on October 28th, 2013 2:37 pm

    Dr.’s are educated in the medicinal values of marijuana far better than Pam Bondi or the courts. If Dr.’s are prescribing marijuana the Dr. has the responsibility to ensure that it’s prescription is medically necessary. We have enough regulations without the government deciding who gets medicine and who does not. Pam Bondi is contradicting herself here. The GOP argues government should not be involved in our health care, that is why Obamacare should be repealed. Now AG Bondi wants the court to rule, who should get Medically prescribed marijuana. Which is it Pam?

  4. bigk on October 27th, 2013 8:32 am

    Ok I know I will irk some of you by the posts but here yah go. Bondi is not against medical MJ she is saying the current bill is too vague. It would allow MJ use for a hang nail if your doctor prescribes it. It should be administered to the severe patients only. Also it should be the pill form not plant form. Now those of you who say MJ users are no threat. I as a LEO have worked countless accidents involving persons under the influence of MJ. It affects their motor skills just like alcohol. I have also seen its use cause persons to neglect their kids , lose their jobs and lead to other drug use. I personally feel the cancer patients and those persons that are in severe medical conditions should be prescribed the MJ pills to ease their suffering. Not to every pot head that has an ache and uses that as excuse to circomvent the law. And last is do you want your kids prescribed MJ by less than honest doctors. There will be MJ clinics popping up just llike the pill mills with a cash and carry policy. No regulations and moving in to your neighborhoods. I feel the law should be more closely regulated and rules for dispensing the pills stictly spelled out. Hastey laws have always caused problems that require fixing later at a greater cost to the tax payers. Get it right the first time , just saying.

  5. Preda on October 26th, 2013 7:42 pm

    I also have never seen a person high on pot jump up and want to fight but I have saw many drunks ready to fight. The whole thing is strange I thought we was a country we all did the same like obamacare we all have to join or whatever I don’t even know or care bout that. Point is each state has no other choice in it but each state has a choice about marajuana don’t get it.

  6. perdido fisherman on October 26th, 2013 1:42 pm

    Mike why would you drive under the influence of anything that has altered your perception to the extent you cannot react appropriately? it’s about personal responsibility just like with anything else, why do we want to take peoples rights away who do act responsibly, not everyone gets blasted and endangers people, but I guess some people get their kicks by having control over others ( I have seen this personality in mostly LEO’s) but these same people do the things they have others incarcerated for doing, so it’s a power trip.
    When will people learn prohibition creates more dangerous situations than good. Cartels want drugs illegal to maximize their profits, our countries own C.I.A. has admitted to using the black market to pay for operations our government will not fund because they are illegal, DEA does the same.
    I personally am sick of being forced to take LEGAL drugs that have way worse side effects to control severe pain from a stroke I had while serving this great nation, don’t give me any that crap no one is forcing me to take these legal drugs because I am being forced, if you have ever suffered from severe pain then you will know that you will try anything to make it go away, but why should I be given a drug that causes me even more problems. yes addiction stinks but when you have pain that will drive you to suicide with out relief and it is a condition that will never get better, why should addiction be a concern? I guess you anti drug people think it’s better to take drugs that cause liver and kidney failure or sudden death are better alternatives, well I do not agree. Did you know that pure unadulterated opium causes ZERO damage to the major organs of the body, this is a fact proven by many cardio-thoracic surgeons who have to replace infected heart valves or perform liver transplants on people because prohibition has allowed these drugs to become adulterated.
    Try doing some research on your own instead of soaking up the propaganda your being fed.

    outdoorsman for personal responsibility and less propaganda.

  7. Thinking out of the box on October 26th, 2013 5:53 am

    I’m not big on conspiracy theories but consider this, if pot is legal it frees up law enforcement to pursue the much more dangerous meth and pill epidemic, the bootleg fake pot industry will be all but eliminated. I’d be willing to bet that the powers that be have discussed this already.

  8. 429SCJ on October 26th, 2013 4:46 am

    Well said Anastasia. On target.

    Pot was here to see the arrival of man and it will probably still be here after he is gone.

  9. Non user on October 25th, 2013 9:23 pm

    I drink beer and sometimes wonder why it is legal? Guess it is because the taxes? I have never heared of anyone smoking maryjo acting stupid driving causing recks. It is natural, put a seed in the ground and it grows! I have never heard of a beer or whisky seed. You have to alter grains or hopps to make the brew! I don’t know where this may lead, but many people are seeing it may be the least of the bad!

  10. Duke of Wawbeek on October 25th, 2013 1:28 pm

    Could this be a reaction or knee jerk resulting from that early released murderer incident, that is under investigation..

    Many times we feel a need to compensate for mistakes and inadequacies by attempting to demonstrate that we are in charge, at the wheel or just simply in control
    of matters. It Is always good to evaluate things before acting in times of great stress.

    I think we have all experienced this at least once in our lives. We are all human.

    I think it would be fair to all for Governor Scott to approach Atty Gen Holder in regard to appointing an independent Special Prosecutor, to relieve all parties of any appearance of conflict of interest in the matter. I am confident that this would make everyone involved feel less stress, being relieved of that burden.

  11. Anastasia on October 25th, 2013 10:40 am

    Pharmaceutical companies do not want to see medical marijuana legalized, because there is no known way to patent a plant; therefore, no money can be made. So there is a political agenda involved.

    Pam Bondi has a political agenda as well. It’s all about money, control, and votes.

  12. shiloh on October 25th, 2013 10:20 am

    Getting medical marijuana is not near as bad as the crooked politicians that think they control the world. Pam Bondi works FOR the people in Florida and is suppose to do as they wish. Already she thinks she knows more than the voters. Let the people have their vote!

  13. Pro Legalization on October 25th, 2013 10:17 am

    Assuming you have never tried Marijuana to help with your pain, how can you be so sure it wouldn’t help you?

    I would be more afraid being out in traffic with others sipping grandpa’s cough medicine.

    Take a chill pill.

  14. Randy on October 25th, 2013 10:01 am

    Government by and for the people, unless the people want to vote.

  15. Mike on October 25th, 2013 8:59 am

    Wow, so far everybody is for medical pot. I’ve suffered from leg pain for 9 years and doctors from 4 specialties have not been able to solve it. But do I want another distraction and excuse out there that will get more people killed in car accidents? NO!

    Sure we have alcohol and Rx drugs affecting drivers now. But should we add another?

    Sure we have distracted drivers causing accidents and death made worse than before because of cell phones (not just fiddling with the radio or arguing with the passengers) but do we want to add another distraction? NO!

    Driving Under the Influence (DUI) has been illegal for ages yet people still do it and people are still killed. So sure, let’s add another reason and another excuse.

    The result will be even more needless accidents causing pain, suffering, heartache, and death. That’s my opinion.

  16. paul on October 25th, 2013 8:57 am

    she needs to be gone.. blocking people from their right to vote is Un American..

  17. knowa on October 25th, 2013 7:47 am

    Thousand of Floridian who could genuinely benefit from cannabis and are realizing that there government has lied and colluded to maintain the most destructive policy since slavery. I think its time to Tar and Feather these scoundrel and send the down the river.

  18. Travis McGess on October 25th, 2013 6:54 am

    ’ So long as a physician held the opinion that the drug use ‘would likely outweigh’ the risks, Florida would be powerless to stop it.”

    I guess we should speak with Pam before we go to the doctors from now on. Appears she knows best. Pam, stick to your fund raisers, your going to need the money.

  19. 429SCJ on October 25th, 2013 5:03 am

    You certainly would not want to be powerless to stop it.

    I know that this is wonderful news to the current wholesalers and retailers as their profits will continue to be protected. No price break for consumers.

    I guess now with the flow shut off we will be somewhat limited in the availability of cannabis. It appears that all that will be left is just twigs and seeds, twigs anyway.

    “Twiggs and Seeds, Twiggs and Seeds, It sure don’t deliver the punch that this old head needs.” Jessie Winchester.

  20. Duke of Wawbeek on October 25th, 2013 4:46 am

    I wonder who Governor Scott’s successor will replace her with?

  21. perdido fisherman on October 25th, 2013 2:11 am

    This woman needs to go with her reefer madness propaganda, i’m sick of suffering because of ignorant people like her. Go away pam and bury your head back in the sand, Research has proven cannabinoids to be effective medicine.
    I do agree smoking it is bad for you but not the way she is thinking. Eatting it is healthy and beneficial, big pharma hates it because they can’t control it to make big money. I bet she is for death panels also.