800 Acres Off Jacks Branch Road Rezoned For Commercial, Other Development

October 4, 2013

The Escambia County Commission voted Thursday night to rezone just over 800 acres off Jacks Branch Road from residential to a variety of zoning districts including residential and retail commercial.

“This is part of the Sector Plan and what we’ve generally thought would be the right direction to be put thing things forward in the future for our community,” said Commissioner Grover Robinson after making a motion to approve the rezoning.  “I am excited to see something move forward from this.”

Robinson’s motion passed unanimously.

The property is located at 900 Jacks Branch Road and lies east of Jacks Branch and north of Well Line Road, all to the west of Highway 29. The rezoning was proposed by the DDJ Land Company, LLC, managed by Jerry and Donald Long of Pensacola.

An area of 444 acres, 275 of which are not wetlands, will be rezoned to C-1 (commercial). The area will serve the surrounding area with larger and small scale retail, office and residential use. The center will be designed around pedestrian and utilized plazas and other public space “to create an attractive environment”, according to the application.

A 74 acre area, 60 acres of which are not wetlands, will be rezoned R-4 to allow for neighborhoods comprised primarily of attached single and multifamily residential dwellings. The roads will be designed in a gridded system, with public spaces for civic, community and recreational areas.

A 156 acre area, 65 acres not wetlands, will be zoned V-5. The area would be located in the “rural” area of the development with subdivision that would be clustered single family homes focusing on efficient use of land and infrastructure, conventional large lot development and accessible open space.

A 107 acre parcel, 85 which are not wetlands, will be zoned R-3 with a range of housing types on a gridded block road system.

An R-4 zoned area of 25 acres will provide a housing area of a variety of attached and detached residential homes. Parks, conservation and public spaces are to focal point for the neighborhoods, once developed.

Pictured top: A location map for about 800 acres that was rezoned by a vote of the Escambia County Commission Thursday night. Pictured east: Looking north into the parcel from Well Line Road. Pictured below: Looking east into the parcel from Jacks Branch Road. Courtesy images for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “800 Acres Off Jacks Branch Road Rezoned For Commercial, Other Development”

  1. Tony on October 7th, 2013 5:09 pm

    85Aggie, I am a property owner in the neighborhood, too.

  2. Bammagirl on October 6th, 2013 5:24 pm

    I travel this way when going from my home near Atmore, AL to my ex-mother-in-laws in the Farm Hill area. I have been teaching my daughter this way so when she starts driving she could go the back way versus traveling Hwy 29. Hmmm this may not work out due to construction…. Will have to wait and see.

  3. granny on October 5th, 2013 3:05 pm

    Did you notice who made the motion? This is part of the money clan who wants more development in the county. Not interested in what the people want. There is a much better way to handle this but they can’t stand to see prroperty not developed. Just leave it un til it’s needed. We can’t see a need for a hugh developement in this area. Why not figure out a way to help Century develope jobs for the people who live there?

  4. Granny on October 5th, 2013 2:55 pm

    Did anyone notice it wasn’t distrrict 5 commisioner who made the motion. It was another districts. This was decided long ago.

  5. James Broel on October 5th, 2013 9:36 am

    So who is willing to bet this will be home to another Walmart super center in three years?

  6. there goes my home. on October 4th, 2013 9:15 pm

    Wow. There goes my home where i was born and raised. We cant have any good small town roads around anymore. River annex is next im sure. They need to leave it alone. Theres enpugh there. Enough house n people around there! We dont.need no retail or offices either. Everyone comeplains about the crime issues already. Lets add more stuff so if random people mess with it everyone can down our comunity! ! I think the lawn mower shop and bindu are all we need for retail. Never thought id see the day.
    Oh and ME some people may not of been aware of a meeting. Even if we were an went it wouldnt of changed. We dont matter. Theyd make it look like the owners sold it to people cause they wanted even tho it was a set plan

  7. John on October 4th, 2013 8:03 pm

    If you do the research ..It will show that this was in the works when Whibbs was still in office . The addition of a former county commissioner to a key spot was a must for this to happen.For or against would have no effect either way.You haven’t seen nothing yet .Laws are made by those who benefit from them.

  8. 85Aggie on October 4th, 2013 4:50 pm

    Tony, I am a property owner in the neighborhood that is being or will be directly affected by this and I am not for it and no one else that I have spoked to in our neighborhood is for it or the I-10 connector. As for being at the meeting, I work shiftwork and was working last night but I hardly doubt this decision was made last night but instead it was made a few years back when they rolled out the grand plan to rip out all the woods from Muscoggee Road to Barreneau Park Road and replace it with housing and businesses.

  9. Honest John on October 4th, 2013 4:40 pm

    Do you really think Muscogee Rd and Jacks Branch Rd could handle anymore traffic safely?
    Also, there is an industrial park on Hwy 29 just north of Cantonment that is doing NOTHING!

  10. Tony on October 4th, 2013 9:36 am

    I am in favor of the project. I think it’s good for the county and good for the property owners in the neighborhood. I think it’s okay that some folks feel differently, but no one should be blaming the commissioners. I was at the County Board meeting last night. All the people who came to speak about this re-zoning were in support of the project. Absolutely no one showed up to speak against it. Not one person. What would you do if you were on the board? Would you oppose a project that everyone else in the room was in favor of? Why, if it appeared your constituents were all for it? This isn’t money taking care of money. This was the County listening to the constituents that cared enough to come and tell the board what they wanted.

  11. ME on October 4th, 2013 8:25 am

    I wonder how many people here complaining actually went to the meeting to voice their dismay concerning this project, NONE I’ll bet.

    Like The Sign Says, If You Don’t Vote, Don’t Complain

  12. barrineau on October 4th, 2013 6:57 am

    There goes the neighborhood !

  13. 85Aggie on October 4th, 2013 4:35 am

    It was rezoned simply because the county commisioners do not live in this area and most of them probably have not ever even driven in this area or have any ideal what it looks like in this area. To rezone it as commercial property is a joke . It is nothing but creek bottoms and until the last couple of weeks, big pine trees which was home to the abundant deer and wildlife.

    All who can read knew this rezoning was a done deal long before yesterday. First the public notice of the intent to rezone it. Then the very next day the notice to widen the road was in the paper and about the same time the pines trees were cut. Yes, the same ole same ole is still happening in Escambia County. Money taking care of money!

  14. TIna on October 4th, 2013 4:34 am

    Why? This will bring more people, more traffic, more light, less trees in our area, less places for the wildlife to live. How ridiculous. There are so many properties that have been foreclosed on or are just sitting vacant. Why not utilize those areas before building more. What a waste! I moved out here to have country living without the hustle and bustle. I just don’t understand why properties are constantly being developed when there are clearly so many that are no finished. Look off Quintette where they started a neighborhood, but it s still nothing or farther down Quintette off Wallace Lake there is a another development there that was started and nothing ever came of it. Use one of those spaces.