Suspect Busted After Overnight Manhunt On Alabama/Florida Line

October 21, 2013

A Century man was taken into custody early Monday morning following a manhunt on the Alabama/Florida line after he allegedly ran from a meth lab location in Alabama  late Sunday night.

Escambia County (Ala.) Chief Deputy Mike Lambert said 33-year old David Michael Mathis ran after his department discovered the alleged meth lab  at a mobile home on Fowler Lane, just north of Old Atmore Road, about 500 feet north of the Florida line, outside Flomaton.

K-9 teams and law enforcement officers from Alabama and Florida took part in the search that began about 10:20 p.m. and continued into early Monday morning in the area of Fowler Lane, Old Atmore Road and Gandy Lane in Alabama, and Tulip Street and Highway 4A in Florida.

Just after 3 a.m., Lambert reported Mathis was taken into custody. He was transported to the Escambia County Detention Center in Brewton where he was booked on charges of manufacturing of a controlled sustance, possession of a controlled substance, first degree possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Further details were not immediately available early Monday morning.


30 Responses to “Suspect Busted After Overnight Manhunt On Alabama/Florida Line”

  1. David Huie Green on October 24th, 2013 6:23 pm

    “My son has been in jail for 6 months I’ve asked for help from good Christian people who could help but no no one has very wanted to do anything to help him ”

    Please give some details.
    Why is he in jail?
    Was he falsely accused?
    If not, has he repented?
    Did he hurt others?
    Is he a danger to others?
    Is he a danger to himself if he is freed?
    What type of help are you seeking?
    What type of help is available?
    What does “go home and eat enough food to feed a whole family at one time” have to do with his situation?
    Is this how you have unsuccessfully tried to enlist help for him in the past?

    David for help through clarity of purpose

  2. debora on October 23rd, 2013 10:07 pm

    My son has beenin jail for6months I’ve asked forhelp from good christian poeple who could help but no no one has very wanted to do anything to help him where the love for family no family poeple who should pray for the peace they need help them find that peace but ugo ahead judge then go home and eatenough food to feed a whole family at one time

  3. OldmanJoe on October 22nd, 2013 9:30 pm

    I too hope this man may find a place in his life for God and to be reborn but I am not sure that even having God in his life will cure David. My family has experienced the destruction this drug and cocaine has caused some of the members , the lies, stealing and attempts at rehabilitation. One of them has accepted God into his heart but he too struggles often with lapses of this horrible addiction.
    Pray for this man and his family but accept the fact that some people never will shake the control of this stuff.

  4. pastor stophel on October 22nd, 2013 9:02 pm

    I think most people over use,Judge not lest you be judged with the Same judgment. The good book also says Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. People are looking for a better world not to be so.Jesus said,”as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the son of man. People’s hearts continually on evil. We have arrived at that place.

  5. family on October 22nd, 2013 3:15 pm

    I agree with “area”. All of you who are judging David, just remember you will be judged oneday yourself. David is not perfect, nobody is. He has a problem and i hope and pray that oneday he will beat this problem. David is a good man with a heart of gold. The only people that this is hurting is his family. His mom, sisters and his wife. So maybe everyone should realize how hard this is on all them and stop saying the things that you are saying.

  6. David Huie Green on October 22nd, 2013 1:54 pm

    area, You are being extremely judgemental against those who condemn certain actions. Of course that is up to you, but understand the contradiction. David for rational actions

  7. area on October 22nd, 2013 12:56 pm

    I feel as God says, DO NOT JUDGE! He has not made the best decisions and that is obvious. But all of you bashing him and his family are completely selfish. Truth is, what are you hiding? I hope this man gets the help he needs. I pray for him and his family. I pray that God will give him the strength and the confidence to beat his addictions. He is human, and its never to late to get on the path that God has for you. So if you are going to be negative and bash him, do not comment. That’s pathetic and your probably a grown man/woman, but your acting like a child. One day this man, David, will find God. He will live the everlasting life and be a Man of the Lord. That’s my hopes for him as well as his family. So do not be rude. Thanks

  8. Family and Friends on October 22nd, 2013 6:35 am

    Jessica and Michael love you David, the whole community hopes that you recover from your addiction and are able to resume a normal life.

  9. poplardell on October 21st, 2013 10:59 pm

    Lets get this straight I nor anyone else can sleep peacefully in there home when cops are looking for a grown man hiding from cops for his wrong doing

  10. truth on October 21st, 2013 8:18 pm

    I Know David Have Have For A Long TIme WalkinG In Them Shoes Isnt Easy But Prison, Jail And REHAB hasn’T Done It I HoPe He Gets Help This Time Because He Is Really Really Running Outta Chances. He Is A Great Guy But Has ChoOse To Do Things That Is COsting A Life That He Will Never Get Back

  11. gotem on October 21st, 2013 8:14 pm

    GOTEM!!!!! You may run from the law but they know who you are and they will get you, your only making it worse on yourself! Just remember you have a scent on you and dogs have noses, put them together and you will find out that they add up together, CAUGHT AND BEHIND BARS!!!! Where drugies and other criminals belong. Thats whats wrong with the world today if its not the (president) so he calls himself its the criminals and drug heads we have in this world. Glad to see the law enforcement trying to clean it up. GREAT JOB BY THE WAY!!!!:)

  12. David Huie Green on October 21st, 2013 7:23 pm

    Jail does many people much good.
    It does it by keeping criminals away from them — in jail.
    That way they can’t rob them, kill them, entice them, infect them, vandalize them, harrass them, whatever.

    This is not a comment on my fellow David; his life is its own commentary. I just don’t want people to think the only options in dealing with criminals are to let them do as they wish or to shoot them down like rabid dogs.

    David for justice

  13. Oh My on October 21st, 2013 6:11 pm

    Running but innocent!!!!!! I hope the Sheriff’s Office and Police continue to clean up that area. I feel sorry for the honest, hardworking people who live in the area and have to put up with this for neighbors. They do not deserve it. Why don’t all of you find 10 acres all move on it together and leave the area.

  14. Honesty!!!! on October 21st, 2013 4:54 pm

    All I have to say to “wife” is of he was innocent like you claim, why was he running? If he was truly an innocent man he wouldn’t have anything to run from!!! & I agree after the first time being arrested, you aren’t making mistakes, you are making choices. Glad to see a meth head off the streets but many more in the are to go!

  15. wife on October 21st, 2013 2:41 pm

    Well lets see we never had company…..he was not cooking meth nor did he have an active anything…..for those who want to say what u will….go ahead thats all this towndtown does anyways … I never said he was right I said u all didnt no the story or how it happen or what was found so mind ur own buisness ….I love my husband an always will…..and most of this town is hooked on pills ect whatever they can get… Its not like they pulled up ans he was in the process or anything of that nature …yes he has been to jail for this before an that doesnt help… again ill say he is not perfect…but he is human an it could of been anyone or anyones family member … . No ones knows and all of u can bash me bash him all u want …..but what u all think doesnt count just be careful what u say cause u may find urself or kid in this same situation….

  16. Never Learn on October 21st, 2013 10:26 am

    Ol David will you ever learn to leave that mess alone? You’ve been to prision 2x now, not counting all the time you spent in the county!!smh @ You!!… To Wife, Don’t judge unless you walked in his shoes? The first time was him being Stupid. Now this is the 3x or more, it has now become a choice!! David knows right from wrong and he is just being really really stupid!! He must really like the Prision life cause that’s right where he’s headed again!! You crazy for stnding by him all this time!! Oh yeah, you a meth head right along with him!! When I seen him a bout a month ago he had a GPS tracking on his leg from Florida, for beating up on you!! So you crazy for staying with him!! He’s gone be down a long time!! While you down this time get ya head straight cuz!! This life you livin ain’t getting it man!!!… YoU NeeD SomE SeriouS HelP!! Time to man UP ans stop being a Punk!!

  17. Billy D on October 21st, 2013 9:35 am

    glad to see another meth-head back behind bars and more of the poison they make off the streets. Evidently “wife” doesn’t see things that way but everyone has an excuse to keep from taking ownership’responsibility for their failures and misgivings. Too bad she didn’t get anough education to spell properly either. Good JOBS are hard to find if you don’t graduate middle school. Hopefully the guy can get some help to break the cycle. Unfortunately a convicted felon will ALWAYS have a hard time with employment even after they have done their time. Nobody wants to hire an ex-con…..even wally world. Sucks for those who try to straighten themselves out and do better things.

  18. Poplar Dell 2 on October 21st, 2013 9:33 am

    Wife if he’s making meth and you knew about it you should be locked up also. Meth destroys families and children along with the ones who steal from others to support the habit. And your right we shouldn’t judge but the courts and the good Lord will judge him; and if he was making meth I hope he’s locked up for a long time so he can break the habit.

  19. Zoe on October 21st, 2013 9:19 am

    “Wife” haha no one needs all the facts. He was running from a meth lab! Got yourself a winner with that one.

  20. Wife's Friend on October 21st, 2013 8:48 am

    I agree with you people assume and judge someone when they do not know that person or the things they are going through. I’m going through the same some what situation and I behind you on that. Everyone acts if they are perfect but everyone has skeletons in their closet. Sending someone to prison/jail that has a addiction to drugs doesn’t help them, they need some type of treatment and counseling on ways to deal and recover from addiction. I hope David gets the treatment he needs.

  21. Really!! on October 21st, 2013 8:39 am

    Don’t judge him…HAHA This is not his1st time with this kind of charge is it? I didn’t think so. Maybe he will learn one day, but it’s not looking too good.

  22. Just looking on October 21st, 2013 7:46 am

    Third time getting busted with a meth lab WOW, how many chances does one get before they blow someone or themselves up with that mess??

  23. arrest the wife on October 21st, 2013 7:32 am

    I say arrest the wife too, she had to have known what was going on. What they need to do is stop sending these people to jail, and send them to federal prison. You are correct, serving a sentence at camp cupcake isn’t going to help anyone.

  24. well on October 21st, 2013 7:25 am

    Maybe the real him can stay out of the prison while the meth making, dealing him goes to prison for awhile.
    Not judging, just looking at the story.

  25. wife on October 21st, 2013 7:07 am

    Now u can sleep ha funny…….people need to know all the facts before jumpin an assumeing ..u wernt ther and dont no what happen…..get a life….yeah well maybe thats his problem jail never helps anyone like. That ….they need different help…..and untill u walk in someone shoes do not judge lest it be judged apon u wirh the same judgment…I love u david and I no the real u…..xoxo

  26. just sad. on October 21st, 2013 6:30 am

    This is just a frustrating story. You see people who are habitually in trouble and nothing changes that when dealing with drugs. I have family members who have stole from everyone, will lie or do anything to anyone for drugs. The problem here, is that David Mathis has been on the wrong track since Elementary School – I know, he was in my classes. Just seems like bad parenting from the beginning of his life… Sad to say.

  27. M3!! on October 21st, 2013 6:17 am

    People like this kill me this guy has been arrested over and over for the same thing and keeps getting out with a slap on the risk I think its time to put him away for a while!!!

  28. poplardell on October 21st, 2013 5:14 am

    Now I can sleep !

  29. Lila Mcghee on October 20th, 2013 11:09 pm

    Praying for a safe and peaceful resolve.Meth is becoming one of the plagues on our young and families.Very dangerouse situation when officers well being is at risk.This is the only way they will ever stop this spread,bust the producers of the drug!

  30. old friend on October 20th, 2013 10:53 pm

    Ol DaviD On The Run Again Wow Man Prison And All That Jail Time Didn’T HelP Man I Hope The Best For You