USPS Proposes Three Cent Increase In Cost Of Stamps

September 25, 2013

The U.S. Postal Service has announced proposed price changes, including an increase in the price of a first class letter from 46 cents to 49 cents. The proposed changes, which would go into effect in January, are intended to generate $2 billion in  annual revenue for the Postal Service.

Other types of mail would also increase in cost:

  • Letters (1 oz.) — 3-cent increase to 49 cents
  • Letters additional ounces —  1-cent increase to 21 cents
  • Letters to all international destinations (1 oz.) — $1.15
  • Postcards — 1-cent increase to 34 cents

In a letter disseminated to customers today, Board of Governors Chairman Mickey Barnett described the “precarious financial condition” of the Postal Service and the “uncertain path toward enactment of postal reform legislation” as primary reasons for seeking price changes. He also indicated that the price adjustment is necessary in order to ensure that the Postal Service will be able to maintain and continue the development of postal services.

“Of the options currently available to the Postal Service to align costs and revenues, increasing postage prices is a last resort that reflects extreme financial challenges,” said Barnett in the letter. “However, if these financial challenges were alleviated by the timely enactment of laws that close a $20 billion budget gap, the Postal Service would reconsider its pricing strategy. We are encouraged by the recent introduction of comprehensive postal reform legislation in Congress, and despite an uncertain legislative process, we are hopeful that legislation can be enacted this year.”

Pictured top: Forever stamps. photo, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “USPS Proposes Three Cent Increase In Cost Of Stamps”

  1. David Huie Green on September 27th, 2013 10:46 am

    Charge whatever you need to pay expenses.
    Cut expenses as you see fit or don’t.
    Reduce delivery and pick-up to once per week if it takes it.
    I’ll use you if I need you and figure you’re worth whatever you’re charging.

    David for better ways

  2. seriously... on September 27th, 2013 10:42 am

    …who cares??

    i bought a book of “forever” stamps over a year ago…i still have a couple stamps from that book, and that’s with me giving out a couple to random friends/family members who needed one.

    no one uses snail mail, except for special occassions, really…so in those cases (weddings, parties) budget that into the party planning expenses. And in the rare cases of having to send a paper bill [who does this anyone??] or letter to santa, 3 extra cents wont hurt you.

  3. Jane on September 27th, 2013 3:22 am

    Keep raising the cost of stamps and even fewer people will use the Post Office. Why would we pay over 50 cents to mail a bill/letter when we can use the internet or UPS for less? Postal workers are some of the highest paid and have the most benefits. They can’t compete with the private sector who have lower costs because they pay less out in benefits and wages.

  4. huh? on September 26th, 2013 6:53 am


    The usps cannot answer that question…but i have a pretty good idea why they cannot make a profit….

    It’s run by the gob’mt…

    It’s union

    and last but not least….

    The gov’t runs it…

    Name one program the gov’t is in charge of that is successful…if you can name one….I challenge you to double that and name two…

    Now it wants to run health care…I mean hell care…

    my oh my…

  5. OLD MAN on September 25th, 2013 11:23 pm

    if UPS and FEDX can make a profit why cant USPS answer double dipping and people not doing their job i have direct deposit and mail payments the person delivering my mail does a good job as for paying on line i dont want someone hacking my account also i cant drive to town to pay bills for fifty cents overall i get good service

  6. huh? on September 25th, 2013 9:48 pm


    one other item…if it’s a larger post office…with multiple clerk stations…why are there only one or two clerks working?

    Why do other usps employees “stroll” through where the sheep are waiting to be served…

    Good looking babe alert in line?

    Shall I continue ?

  7. huh? on September 25th, 2013 9:46 pm


    Ok…so there’s one good usps employee and it’s “me”…awesome…

    Referencing your comment about me driving my bill to where it needs to go….at least I know it will get there. Try not to buy many stamps as I have to enter the Lazy, good for nothing zone…therefore…I electronically pay bills…heck, I can’t even to get my “awesome” usps employee to push down my flag on my mailbox….any suggestions other than asking, leaving a note, or calling…been there…done that…oh, then around Christmas time, some expect a tip or a present….

    Explain why I shouldn’t feel like I do…

    I will hang up and listen to your reply….

  8. mick on September 25th, 2013 7:45 pm

    The USPS are their own worst enemy, the organization itself is the cause of their problems…a good example of a once good organization being run into the ground.

  9. Wharf Rat on September 25th, 2013 7:07 pm

    @ me:

    I’m not a postal employee. But that was by their policy, and my bad luck.. I’m not a veteran, though I do appreciate their service, nor a minority. This is a whole new story here.

    I doesn’t be “waiting for a check,” as I have all mine deposited electronically…however, I have met most of my neighbors by taking them mis-delivered mail. And the torn magazines, that I hopefully do eventually receive, really do give me “confidence” in your system.

  10. me on September 25th, 2013 6:00 pm

    Huh you sound about as crazy as you say postal workers are…. I myself am a postal employee. I for one am not lazy by no means. I work hard to make sure my customers
    are satisfied. You go to a bigger office and yes you are gonna wait longer because there is probably 20 people in line at all times. And why fuss over 3 cent. I’d like to see you drive you bill to where ot needs to be for 49 cent. To me that is still a good deal.

  11. HUH? on September 25th, 2013 5:09 pm


    that’s the problem…wait…wait…wait….wait…go to Nobles Station in Pensacola…not only will one wait on a check…one will grow a beard waiting on someone to help them…

    Lazy….employees have a job, and no matter how they treat the customer…they will still have a job…period…they cannot be fired…the general public just waits for one to go whack on fellow employees….that’s the only way to lose ones job at the USPS is to get whacked by a crazy co-worker…

  12. HUH? on September 25th, 2013 5:05 pm

    This is why I despise the post office, and the the post office employees and anything associated with the post office.

    Typical gob’t approach to solving problems….mo’ money….mo’ money….meanwhile back at the ranch….

  13. David on September 25th, 2013 4:37 pm

    To Me–Checks in the mail…ha…I guess some don’t have a bank account for direct deposit

  14. Stop already on September 25th, 2013 4:30 pm

    They need to stop playing idiotic government games. Raise it to .50 cents and get it over with.

  15. me on September 25th, 2013 3:56 pm

    Its something how everyone wants to down the postal service. Bet its a different story when you are waiting on a check to come in the mail.

  16. Randy on September 25th, 2013 3:24 pm

    Seems like the more USPS raises the prices, the less people use them.

  17. David on September 25th, 2013 1:52 pm

    USPS, I thought they went bankrupt. Oh will be soon. USPS used to ride a horse…now they beat a dead one

  18. Matt on September 25th, 2013 1:28 pm

    Who cares, no one mails letters any more. Raise it 30 cents..