Trials Delayed In Lottery Store Murder, Robbery

September 15, 2013

Trial was set to begin Monday for  the Alabama men that allegedly robbed and shot a Davisville lottery store owner last November. But now trials for both men accused of the murder have been delayed, according to Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille.

Jury selection was set to begin Monday morning  in the trial of 21-year old Brent Dewayne Lambeth  and 25-year old Malcolm McGhee Jr. A continuance was granted Friday by Judge Linda Nobles until  November for McGhee. A continuance was also granted for Lambeth, but his new trial date was not immediately reflected in court records.

Lambeth and McGhee remain in the Escambia County Jail without bond, charged with first degree murder and robbery with a firearm for the shooting death of 74-year old Thomas “Tommy” Kroll during a robbery on November 6, 2012, at the State Line O’ Yes Lotto on Highway 97.

Investigators said McGhee and Lambeth targeted Kroll’s business because they had previous purchased “Spice” there and the duo intended on robbing the store of more of the synthetic marijuana.

Pictured top and bottom: The scene outside the State Line O’ Yes Lotto on Highway 97 following the murder of store owner Thomas Kroll on November 6, 2012. file photos, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Trials Delayed In Lottery Store Murder, Robbery”

  1. me again on September 22nd, 2013 2:10 am

    Some people try drugs innocenly and get addict after there first try that’s the problem these days …if u have never had an addiction u do not know what its like I myself have never smoked spice but have had friends that have ans were very highly addicted and if they didnt have it they were super messed up with or with out it so I agree ..if it wasn’t so bad it wouldn’t have been taken off market ….but they did not gonin intending to kill ….no none of it should have happened an they were very wrong for what they did but some of the things that are being said like kill them..death penalty it could have easily have been ur son grandson or even ur self then would u feel the same way …no u wouldn’t…..yes they deserve to be punished for what they did but

  2. David Huie Green on September 18th, 2013 11:01 pm

    “You take a crazy person who murders actually murders someone they get away with little of any time because they’re mental“

    Please note that people born with mental handicaps are different from those who make themselves crazy. Some things you can help, some things you can’t help.

    If they did this crime, they ACTUALLY murdered someone, not kind of murdered, sort of murdered, practically murdered.

    “they weren’t even in their right minds”

    If so, their choice was to be out of their minds.
    You can’t decide to use drugs so you can kill with impunity.

    “they never meant to kill him and again they were out of their minds….”

    I’d have to be out of my mind to think it mattered.
    You don’t take a gun to a robbery intending to NOT kill if things go wrong.
    You’d have to be an idiot too.
    If that were your intention, you’d leave the gun at home or unload it.

    David for functional minds
    functional morals

  3. ashley on September 18th, 2013 8:49 pm

    Spice is very very addictive….its illegal and that’s why its taken out the store they had already purchased some that day an was high and drug addicts will do anything for another hit…no the man should not of been killed ….but u take a crazy person who murders actually murders someone they get away with little of any time because ther mental..spice has made people do crazy crazy things ….I know brent and I know he is not that person and wasn’t ….they never intended to kill the man things went wrong im not sayin it was right because it was wrong and yes they will pay for what they have done but they werent even in there right minds …look spice has caused people to do several crazy things and they didn’t shoot first either I pray god take control in this situation ……people make mistakes and yes they should pay for their crime but they never meant to kill him and again they were out of their minds….

  4. Larry on September 18th, 2013 6:35 am

    I don’t think that anyone is “blaming” the victim. Just remember, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you put yourself into this situation, then your chances of that reaction increase dramatically. You take the risks and accept the results.

  5. bewildered on September 16th, 2013 10:41 am

    A little convenience store in my neighborhood went out of business as soon as “all spice trade” was made illegal. This indicated which products were the money makers! The specific spice this store carried might not have been illegal at the time, but the owner knew he was selling a highly addictive product and accepted the risks – an increased chance of a hold-up, robbery, etc. by desperate addicts.

  6. CBrown on September 16th, 2013 2:05 am

    My dad used to buy his tickets there back when I was small enough to fit in the back window of a Mercury Cougar. I’m 33 and 6′2″ now. Tomorrow sounds better for their death to me.

  7. Pops on September 15th, 2013 9:45 pm

    JC – There we go. Blame the victim. I weep for this planet.

  8. mick on September 15th, 2013 7:22 pm

    Closure will be their convictions and sentencing of death, if found guilty, quit the delays and get on with it.

  9. R Gibson on September 15th, 2013 5:15 pm

    To JC at the time of the murder of Mr. Tommy Kroll what he was selling wasn’t illegal. I am not sayin it was right for him to sell it but it was on his shelves legally. They both need the death penalty and don’t wait 20 years to do it. Next month sounds good to me. Why should the taxpayers feed and cloth these thugs forever.

  10. JC on September 15th, 2013 3:44 pm

    Well first of all I would like to address the air conditioning inside prison. There is no AC inside prisons in Florida except staffing areas. The officers pods inside the dorms have ac the dorms themselves do not. There are ac’s in the front where the inmates attend, school, medical, church but that was done for the comfort of the staff that has to work with them not for them. 2nd while I agree these two need to go to prison for the rest of their lives, or be put to death, the man they killed was not an innocent. The reason he was targeted is b/c he was illegally selling spice out of his store, to those addicted to this dangerous and lethal drug. The product is illegal…, if he would have never sold the product illegally to them in the first place he might not have been targeted, even still it does not make it right to kill another human being, and these two should not be delayed from receiving their justice which I have no doubt will prove them to be guilty…..

  11. melodies4us on September 15th, 2013 1:42 pm

    Couldn ‘t have said it better, medical proof.

  12. Medical proff on September 15th, 2013 11:26 am

    Not for me to judge but I can’t help but to express how I feel so …. I think it’s kind of messed up I work in the heat all day going in homes that are bug infested where people have little or no food with no ac in the summer no heater in the winter because people can’t afford it such as people on fixed incomes or are unable to qualify for any income or unable to work and waiting on disability or unable to see a doctor because they cant afford it then I actually went into the prison on a job interview those people have ac they have heat they have a bed and friends and free food, free medical treatment with docs and dentist and meds paid for ect so basically these 2 get a free life paid for by us if they do not get the death penalty . I usually am not for the death penalty but some cases make me change my mind. Prayers for the victims family and loved ones that have to ensure seeing these sorry low down people’s faces and for all the pain they have and still do have to go through because of these 2 men !

  13. 429SCJ on September 15th, 2013 8:06 am

    It would be better to remove the death penalty from the table in exchange for a guilty plea and life without parole.

    I am sure that the families of Mr Kroll and the two defendants could use closure and an opportunity to move on with their lives.

    It is time for Mr Lambet and Mr McGee to step up to the plate and settle accounts.

  14. H on September 15th, 2013 4:59 am

    They caused death to an innocent. They deserve LIFE in prison, their family should have to pay for cost, fees and food to keep them in Jail. If their family chooses not to pay to keep them alive, and not the death penalty, why should we have to pay for it? I do have a heart, but not for actions such as this.

  15. j on September 15th, 2013 1:21 am

    Please put them where they need to be!! Behind bars cause if they wana b like this why do we have a system set of for them to postpone there trial!! Put them under the jail!! Where everybody else would be if they done the same thing!!