Teenage Girl Shot And Killed

September 20, 2013

A teenage girl was shot and killed in Escambia County Thursday night.

The shooting was reported about 9 p.m. on West Maxwell Street at North E Street, about a block from Pensacola High School.

Kenteyonna Anderson, 14, was outside with friends when a fight erupted nearby and shot rang out, according family members. She was reportedly struck multiple times in the chest. She was transported by ambulance to Baptist Hospital where she was pronounced dead a short time later.

Further details have not been released by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. There were no arrests reported.

Anyone with information on the shooting is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9630 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


38 Responses to “Teenage Girl Shot And Killed”

  1. Summer on September 24th, 2013 4:09 pm

    R.I.P .Kenteyonna Delvana Anderson You Didn’t Deserve To Die So Young You Had a Great Future Ahead Of You ! I Miss You So Much :( You’re A Beautiful Angel Looking Down On Your Good Mother And Siblings,Family And Friends ! I Love You Hunn I’ll See You Again When It’s My Time <3 Rest Easy Babygirl

  2. David Huie Green on September 22nd, 2013 5:33 pm

    “David Huie, you speak in riddles.”

    Not intentionally.

    You excoriate Zoe for suggesting other parents do differently in the future to avoid them also losing their loved ones.
    You don’t know she doesn’t feel their pain.
    In fact, she seems to be encouraging others to act in ways which will avoid them having to suffer such horrible loss.

    Zoe may be completely wrong in her reading of the situation, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care.

    Compassion is not JUST feeling another’s pain, it also includes a desire to help.

    Imagine life as a mine field with children walking through it and every now and then setting off a mine. You might think compassion would involve crying with each parent as the child was killed, but Zoe might consider it more compassionate to point out to all parents that there are paths through the mine field which will keep all their children alive if they follow them.

    “The parents most likely are already blaming themselves. For the love of God. Can we not think first about placing the blame so quickly before putting ourselves in the parents shoes??????”

    According to you they are blameless, so why would they blame themselves? Maybe Zoe put herself in the parents’ shoes and wanted to suggest changes so others would not hurt as badly as she does.

    I know most don’t follow the example of Christ,
    but He set the example in Mark 6:34
    “And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.”

    David for comforting those who mourn
    and reducing mourning in the first place

  3. Janet on September 22nd, 2013 7:20 am

    David Hulie,you speak in riddles. Blaming the parents is not TRUE compassion.
    I’m in my sixties…. yes, my parents did exactly with me what Zoe touted about her up raising. I know parents today that do the same thing.. you can’t be with a child every second of the day. I didn’t read in the article this young girl WAS friends with the three thugs. Did I miss something?

    TRUE compassion is feeling another one’s pain. NOT blame them for what has happened. The parents most likely are already blaming themselves. For the love of God. Can we not think first about placing the blame so quickly before putting ourselves in the parents shoes??????

  4. TC on September 22nd, 2013 6:38 am

    Zoe, wake up, Kenteyonna Anderson was caught in the crossfire of gun shots. If you want to blame then target the parents of the gangsters and the cowardly punks themselves. 9 pm is not late to be outside talking to ones friends and neighbors. Condolences to the family. RIP Kenteyonna

  5. Past student on September 21st, 2013 10:07 pm

    She was a great student and a leader. Always helpful. Don’t blame it on parenting! She has a good mother and siblings! Keep smiling kenteyanna!!!!! You are missed!!!

  6. Margielu on September 21st, 2013 5:04 pm

    Pensacola had a gang presence and problem when we moved there in 2004. The signs were everywhere. Having the backgrounds we do, we contacted the ECSO during the recovery from Hurricane Ivan, and again several times to report what we had been trained to recognize when we worked with at-risk and “throw-away” youth near Los Angeles, CA. No ears wanted to hear our concerns. We warned. We showed proof. After Katrina, the rose-colored glasses came off, but it was too late. Now our current law enforcement managers are trying to put out a fire by spitting on it. But at least they are trying. If Escambia County doesn’t immediately enforce. Zero-tolerance policy and begin educating itself and its teachers, religious leaders, parents and residents on the reality of gang presence here, it will just continue to take our young people one by one by one . . .

  7. David Huie Green on September 21st, 2013 10:14 am

    “How quickly, you judge, Zoe! I’m ashamed, as a mother with grown children, with your lack of compassion..”

    Maybe she wants to show TRUE compassion and encourage people to avoid repeats of this tragedy.

    David for love and kindness

  8. Janet on September 21st, 2013 7:20 am

    To cygie: My thoughts exactly about the video game. Each time I see it advertised, I become irate.

  9. Janet on September 21st, 2013 7:19 am

    How quickly, you judge, Zoe! I’m ashamed, as a mother with grown children, with your lack of compassion.. May you NEVER be put in a position to be judged so harshly, should you lose a child or grandchild in this way. Never say never. For those words are the hardest words to swallow. I’ll keep you in my prayers for Karma has a way to teach us when nothing else can.

    To the family and friends, I offer my sympathy. No child should be lost is such a way. It’s become a sign of the times. I’m so very sorry for your loss.

  10. dnax69 on September 20th, 2013 9:58 pm

    Very well said, God’s Child…beautiful sentiment to Miss Anderson. My thoughts will be with you and this young lady’s family.

  11. God's Child on September 20th, 2013 8:06 pm

    This is a real hard subject to deal with!!! I knew Kenteyonna Anderson as well as her mother and siblings!!! She was a very beautiful young lady that sadly has been taken away from us way to soon!!! She loved her family as well as her friends!!! She always wore a smile on her face!!! I cant remember a day that i saw her and she wasnt smiling. She will be greatly missed!!! We all loved her in life as we do in her death!!! I live on Maxwell and saw her everyday!!! Too much violence is happening in Pensacola as well as around the world. I saw this child 10 minutes before her death happy and in great spirits!!! Never thinking this was to come!!! She had nothing to do with anything that went on that day!!! An innocent casualty of violence!!! Love one another and tell your loved ones how much they are loved as often as you can!!! My prayers go out to the family of this beautiful girl, especially her mother!!! We love you Yonna!!! May you rest in peace!!!

  12. mick on September 20th, 2013 1:50 pm

    The scumbag(s) need to be found, or if they have one ounce of morality and human decency they will turn themselves in to authorities… wherever you are you have taken a life and you will pay for this despicable act one way or another…

  13. Charlotte Lucas on September 20th, 2013 12:27 pm

    This young girl was one of my best and most respected students. She happened to be in the wrong place, outside of her home. She was in the Law Academy at Pensacola High School. We have had a trying and sad day today. I will miss this truly wonderful girl.

  14. cygie on September 20th, 2013 12:23 pm

    Y’all scratch your heads trying to reason as to how this happened. Then read the news of how an ulra-violent video game, Grand Theft Auto, broke sales records the day it was introduced to the retail customer. Media and video games have glamourized violence to such a degree that the populace has become desensitized. There is no value on a human life when Hollywood celebrities make millions to act like thuugs and criminals.

  15. Preda on September 20th, 2013 12:23 pm

    If this young lady did cheer who did she cheer for? My son is a football player and I find this sad that someone who cheers has been killed.

  16. jeeperman on September 20th, 2013 12:22 pm

    Multiple shots to the chest does not equal “unintentional”.
    She was shot on purpose by someone within ten feet.
    Is what I am reading.
    Death penalty to follow.
    Speak up neighbors or give up.

  17. perdido fisherman on September 20th, 2013 11:51 am

    Is the sheriff ready to admit we have a gang problem yet?

  18. Workin Man on September 20th, 2013 10:48 am

    Pensacola has gone to crap FAST….

  19. Dennis HE Wiggins on September 20th, 2013 10:22 am

    I’m with D.H. Green on this one. ONE shot would have been an accident – not an accidental shooting but an accidental victim. Being “struck multiple times in the chest,” though, can not possibly be unintentional. I hope they find the person who did this. Aside from LEGITIMATE self-defense, there is no justifiable reason for killing another human being. My prayers are with the family that they may receive the peace that passes all understanding and with LEOs that they may find the person who did this.

  20. tired, help Lord on September 20th, 2013 10:09 am

    Please young people stop killing one another, they are your sisters and brothers.
    Stop carring weapons. what are you all thinking. Learn to love yourself, think with your heart, walk away if you can. PRAY- STUDY the WORD. Get in involved in something positive, you are are good people look inside yourself.

  21. david thomas on September 20th, 2013 10:06 am

    This is so sad! A young 14 year old girl life has been taken because of a bunch of thugs fighting. The people of that community need to arm themselves and take their neighborhood back. These thugs are taking over the city. Like I mentioned earlier, The parents are ultimately responsible for this crap. What parent would allow her son to live in his/her home with sagging pants, dreaded hair, unemployed, school dropout, carrying guns, selling drugs and living in their home. I went to school with many of these parents. I know the lack of parenting that is going on there in Pensacola.They have no respect for no one, to include themselves. KEEP LISTENING TO THE RAPPERS, THEY WILL INSURE YOU GO TO A EARLY GRAVE OR YOUR STATE PRISON!!!!!!

  22. mi on September 20th, 2013 10:00 am

    My Lord my Lord!! I am so sorry to the family my heart truly goes out only u knw lord!!

  23. Zoe on September 20th, 2013 9:53 am

    Yes this all very sad. But it comes back to parenting! Why was a 14yr out at 9pm on a school night? Also, You’re only as good as the company you keep. My parents knew all my friends & yes at the time all up in my business. Which parents should be! This is very tragic but could have be avoided if the kid was at home where kids should be. Would be a different story if this happened at a different time. But parents failed, in this case in my Opinion.

  24. Drew on September 20th, 2013 9:32 am

    My family knew this young lady personally,she was a cheerleader on my wife’s cheer squad…She was a very respectful young lady,and a leader,she wasn’t a trouble maker and kept a smile on her face…My wife has been crying all night over this…this child had no control over the fact that someone was acting ignorant,her life was taken prematurely..It’s easy to pass judgement on someone because they live in a certain area,and think that everyone in that area is bad,that type of thinking is ignorant…True,there is a crime rate that needs to b put under control,but just leave it at that,no assumptions on this young lady’s character,because she was an awesome young lady!! Her family as well as everyone who’s life she impacted is hurting right now,please respect that!!! I’m aware that everyone has a right to their opinion,but if its negative,this is not the time….Please pray for the family….

  25. Buddy on September 20th, 2013 8:34 am

    As I read this sad story this morning I could not help but reflect on how far our society has fallen in a few short years. We stood by and allowed the teaching of God’s word to be removed from the schools, hid inside our comfortable homes and church houses and allowed the violent television shows, games and music lyrics to steal our young peoples minds and elected people to public office who were vivid examples of perversion and now we as a country are reaping the whirlwind of evil which was bound to follow.
    May God help[ us to find our courage and stand up against this evil which is taking over. If not,I fear we will see a complete collapse of the way of life we love.
    My prayers for the family of this child. Their sadness is just beginning.

  26. Lainey on September 20th, 2013 8:13 am

    So sad. Prayers for the family.

  27. Robinhood on September 20th, 2013 8:09 am

    The biggest problem is Parents do not go to Church, they do not take their children to Church so they can learn that the LORD is the ONLY answer in this cruel world we live in. Back in the day when I was growing up Parents always took the children to Church raising them up in the LORD teaching us right from wrong and to learn to LOVE o ne another and treat people as we would want to be treated … works really great IF everyone would remember that rule, it is so easy to do. I will take this time though to let everyone know that the BIBLE teaches that in the end of the times (world) the people will get meaner and meaner to where Fathers will be against Son’s, Son’s against Dads. Mother against Son’s. Son’s against Mothers, and on and on and we are in those times NOW. I for one know quite few families where the family is disfunctional because of infighting among family members. It is only going to get worse until the LORD does come back, and HE IS COMING BACK and hopefully not much longer. I worry about my kids, my Grand Children but I try to raise them up as I was and teach them that the LORD is the ONLY ANSWER to the problems we have in the lousy world we all live in. Can’t wait for the day that I go home to the LORD and receive my Mansion in the Sky, walking streets of Gold with no problems, no worries, no pain or sorrow and definitely no meanness among GOD’s children. OH HAPPY DAY, OH HAPPY DAY, when the LORD washed all my sin’s away.

    Give your heart to the LORD, it will be the happiest day of your life and definitely will not live to regret it one bit. Give the LORD the GLORY for all the GREAT THINGS HE AS DONE and going to do. Let’s all start going back to church to learn about GODS great love he has for all mankind and teach our children so they can grow up as better people. It works, trust me :) God Bless everyone !!!!!

  28. young on September 20th, 2013 7:23 am

    The young lady that was killed was actually only 14 and a freshman in high school. Although the family did not live in the best neighboorhood her mother was a single parent working very hard to provide for the family. Prey for the family as this was a innocent child shot multiple times. Also prey for those around her who would think that their way to seek justice on her behalf is thru their own hands.

  29. homebody on September 20th, 2013 7:08 am

    Praying for the family. So sad.

  30. John on September 20th, 2013 6:57 am

    What a shame. The issue now is the retaliation shootings. Someone else will be shot or killed over this. Senceless.

  31. reality on September 20th, 2013 6:31 am

    hate to say this, but this type of things happens all the time in Chicago…yet no one is called on it.

    This truly is a sad day.

    Prayers for the family

  32. mnon on September 20th, 2013 6:27 am

    West Maxwell Street… say it isn’t so! Who would have guessed it is such a peaceful neighborhood.

  33. David Huie Green on September 20th, 2013 6:19 am

    Multiple shots implies her killing was intentional.
    I regret and wonder why.
    Why the shooter would want to.
    Why the shooter would choose to.
    Why and how the shooter was raised.

    A block from the high school.
    Lord, she’s in Your hands.

  34. T on September 20th, 2013 6:02 am

    Such a young life taken because of evil.
    My prayers to the family.
    I’ve said it many times on here that this world is slowly coming to an end, Lord it scares me to death knowing my grandchildren are growing up in this cruel world, and it’s only getting worse each day.
    All we can do is pray to God that we can teach them to the best of our knowledge and keep them out of situations like this.
    What do we do about the violence around here? Lord help us!
    16 years old, and dead because of violence, gang related most likely….Breaks my heart.

  35. Oversight on September 20th, 2013 5:24 am

    Another murder in Thugville. But according to the police, crime is down. So how many murders have there been in Escambia Conty this year, 15 or 16?

  36. JUST SAYIN' on September 20th, 2013 4:47 am

    My prayers go out to the family. God is who you need to get through this horrible tragedy.

  37. troubled on September 20th, 2013 4:32 am

    I am sorry for the loss of a young person. she was young. RIP

  38. Lindsey on September 20th, 2013 12:53 am

    This is so sad… She was only 16!
