Sheriff’s Office Unveils ‘Take Back Your Streets’ Video

September 27, 2013

“Take Back Your Streets” is the title of a new public outreach campaign launched Thursday by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office in response to ongoing acts of gun violence in the county. The campaign is aimed at encouraging community involvement in reporting crimes and combating gun violence.

Sheriff David Morgan, School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas, FBI Resident Agent in Charge James Stewart, Pensacola Police Department Chief Chip Simmons, Mayor Ashton Hayward, ATF Resident Agent in Charge Randy Beach,Commissioner Lumon May and Pastor Rodney Jones presented the first of three public service announcements at Thursday’s meeting. Two more videos will follow over the coming months.

The videos encourage members of the community to work actively with law enforcement to solve and prevent crime.


6 Responses to “Sheriff’s Office Unveils ‘Take Back Your Streets’ Video”

  1. David Huie Green on September 28th, 2013 3:49 pm

    ““STOP AND FRISK” worked good in New York- — according to the mayor of New York.”

    Yes, if you allowed the police to search you wherever you were, whatever you were doing, they would probably find reasons to arrest many people who might be considering committing criminal acts — as well as some actual criminals. And if it were properly extended to breaking into your house and looking for evidence of criminal activity, they could probably catch a bunch of criminals that way too.

    You wouldn’t be secure in your home and effects, but they would do an awesome job other than the fact that the courts would throw out any evidence gained through these illegal searches and you would still be subject to breaking and entering by the law “enforcement” folks.

    Before long they would be good at doing it without getting shot in the process.

    And America would no longer be the land of the free. It would be the land where the mayor decided how big a drink the store could sell you, where you would not have the right to be armed, where you would be a subject rather than a citizen.

    David for working inside the law
    if possible

  2. jcellop on September 28th, 2013 2:28 am

    “STOP AND FRISK” worked good in new york- not sure if it was shut down recently- but, i think it was, due to complaints of targeting..but, it did work and did reduce gun violence- according to the mayor of new york.

  3. LEO WIFE on September 27th, 2013 8:02 pm

    You people need to quit trashing LEOs!!! You have no idea what these individuals dealwith everday! My husband and father to our three kids is a great officer who loveshis job and has helped save peoples lives! Its time to quit pointing the finger at our officers and start praying for these lost individuals who keep comitting these horrible crimes!!! I’m proud to say I support my LEO!

  4. David Huie Green on September 27th, 2013 11:36 am

    “Oh and you might want to try letting us citizens speak at the town hall meetings rather than wasting our time telling us how much you love us….”


    Actually, the only thing I actually heard Sheriff Morgan say was, “I don’t do Jerry Springer.” It looked like he was willing to let folks speak until some lady started shouting like she was giving a performance, yelling at everybody there. That might make her feel better and some would enjoy the entertainment, but unless she were willing to name names, would have accomplished little — if anything.

    Note he did not call it a town hall meeting, claims he just called them in to inform them. But what he informed them was that he wanted them to inform him and then shut them down ere anyone tried to do so.

    Most peculiar.

    Nothing stopped them from speaking after he was through and surely there were still some deputies around to listen. Complaining at him for the statistics showing who was doing most of the crime made no sense.
    Stopping that crime would have made sense.

    David for better communication
    and more love

  5. WOW on September 27th, 2013 9:26 am

    Seriously?? so that PSA is suppose to stop all the gun violence??? PLEASE!!!! You have to do better, the community 1st and foremost needs to be able to gain trust in LEO’s, all of the unarmed violence they have done, the harrassment from them on the streets when one is doing nothing but minding their own business!!! Trust has to first be earned from the community and until your LEO’s are trained better and do their job right instead of taking their authority and abusing it, then trust will NEVER be regained!!!!

  6. Not impressed on September 27th, 2013 7:01 am

    Does Sheriff Morgan seriously think that a PSA video is the answer to stopping the gun violence and getting citizens to report crime?

    Sheriff if you want citizens to feel comfortable reporting crime, put a police force that can be trusted on the streets.

    Oh and you might want to try letting us citizens speak at the town hall meetings rather than wasting our time telling us how much you love us….