Realtors: Local Home Sales On The Upswing

September 23, 2013

Single-family home sales across Florida grew 12.5 percent in August compared to the same period a year earlier, the Florida Realtors reported Thursday, with the local market expanding at almost twice that rate.

In the Escambia-Santa Rosa market, new home sales were up 22.6 percent in August over last year, while local condo and townhouse sales were up 6.1 percent.  The average home sale price in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties was up 4.7 percent  from last year to $157,000.

The Realtors reported there were 20,933 sales closed statewide on existing single-family homes last month. The median sales price for single-family homes was $175,000, up 18.6 percent from a year earlier. That was down from the $179,500 median price on the 20,632 single-family homes that were sold statewide in July. The median sales price on single-family homes nationwide, based upon July numbers, is $214,000, up 13.5 percent from the prior year.


2 Responses to “Realtors: Local Home Sales On The Upswing”

  1. Jane on September 24th, 2013 8:32 am

    I sure am seeing an awful lot of homes for sale here in Escambia County. With unemployment and underemployment here that doesn’t surprise me that Sant Roas is doing better than we are here. Maybe some people moved over there for better jobs.

  2. cpgone1 on September 23rd, 2013 4:22 pm

    And we believe Realtors ,right?