Northview To Name Football Stadium, Possibly For Tommy Weaver

September 9, 2013

Northview High School is considering naming their football stadium, possibly in memory of late teacher and coach Tommy Weaver.

The school has received an official request to name the stadium for Weaver, setting the naming process in motion. For a 30 day period, the school will accept suggestions from the community for potential stadium names. Any name change would then be considered by the Escambia County School Board.

Suggestions must be submitted by October 7 by email to

Weaver was a longtime DCT and Ag instructor and assistant coach who passed away suddenly at the age of 61 in March 2012. The Chiefs’ entire 2012 state championship football season was dedicated to Weaver. photos, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Northview To Name Football Stadium, Possibly For Tommy Weaver”

  1. randy murph on September 10th, 2013 11:22 pm

    Name it Tommy ( Big Weave) Weaver field

  2. Gaye Evans on September 10th, 2013 9:24 pm

    I can not think of a more appropriate name for the stadium, Tommy was someone that loved the game, the players and the school

  3. Renea Daniel on September 9th, 2013 7:45 pm

    Great idea!! Couldn’t imagine a better name for the stadium ❤

  4. clint on September 9th, 2013 4:00 pm

    comment from former player d-1 brought tears to my eyes. I didn’t know the man but reading comments like these, makes me wish I did.

  5. Haley Smith(Knapp) on September 9th, 2013 7:12 am

    I am a Northview Graduate, class of 2010, Big Weave was one of the best teachers to ever teach any of my Classes period! He was a true Man and stuck up for his students and what he believed in, I got pregnant at the age of 16 and he was my inspiration, he taught me that no matter what life puts you through, no matter how many struggles you may face, always push forward. I am proud to say That I did graduate when I had fears I wouldn’t, and now I am married with two kids and I have a great job and I give 90% of the credit to him.. I think they should name the stadium Big Weaves Stadium.. after all that is what we called him… He will forever be missed by the whole entire northview family…

  6. former player (d-1) on September 9th, 2013 6:11 am

    No man loved Northview Football more than Coach Weaver. He was an assistant on the Junior Varsity during the time I played. He was kind of the butt of jokes because he really was a yes man to whomever the head coach was at the time. When coach gave him the order he would take a peticular team over to the side for any number of drills.

    He would at times try to to inspire us with encouragement. Cheers of “Come on boys” were a constant. Never was much of a Coach, but the man, the person, and the coach was loved by all of us players and he showed that friendliness and love in return. His passion for the love of football, whether be his Auburn Tigers(which he constantly trash talked to the Bama fans on our team in a humourous dad-like fashion) or his passion to see the Northview Cheifs succeed, made the hard days of practice more tolerable.

    He was a father figure, to me and many of my teammates. Loved by us who even joked at him, which he was quick to join in. Humble, passionate, Mr. Weaver embodied a certian characteristic in which all should try to reach. For every amazing player we see in college, or professional, there are thousands who aren’t as talented, or as recognized, but can find characteristics in Mr. Weavers legacy in which if practiced, can become loving husbands, courageous dads, and passionate in anything we find worthwhile.

    Many are better men because of the actions of this one assistant coach who cared. We can name the field after any successful coach who wins any infinite number of championships, but without men like Mr. Weaver, men whole really shaped lives through his encouragment, optimism, actually caring for the player, and willingness to be a part of something the he was truelly passionate about, the field will just be a memory of a few wins, rather than being a symbol of everything great about one man who has inspired so many.

    You should name the field after him. I would even recommend having a statue built in his honor the entering area, He represents what all men/women should be, and that is what he was is what every student/athete should look up to.

  7. Aimee Solari on September 9th, 2013 4:48 am

    That’s an awesome idea!