Murder Charges Dropped Against Escambia Man; Child Died Of Natural Causes

September 25, 2013

Charges have been dropped against an Escambia County man accused of murdering his child earlier this year after an autopsy determined the child died from meningitis.

Jeffrey Antwan Simmons, 30, was arrested in February, charged with second degree murder and aggravated child abuse for allegedly causing the death of a 22-month old.

The child was in Simmons’ care at the time of the incident. The child was discovered suffering seizures and was unresponsive; the mother attempted to perform CPR prior to the arrival of EMS.

When the victim arrived at the hospital, her symptoms were consistent with non-accidental traumatic brain injury. It was believed at the time that Simmons caused the injuries. The child was hospitalized for 10 days before being declared dead. Throughout this time, it was believed that the child died as the result of a traumatic brain injury.

Following the child’s death, an autopsy determined that the child was suffering from meningitis and that the cause of death was an infection of the central nervous system. The autopsy confirmed the child died of natural causes, the State Attorney’s Office announced Tuesday.


18 Responses to “Murder Charges Dropped Against Escambia Man; Child Died Of Natural Causes”

  1. David Huie Green on September 27th, 2013 11:11 am

    “does this mean if the baby had been treated for meningitis that it would be alive today??????”

    Possibly but probably not. Much depends on how bad off the child was when entering the hospital.

    The treatments they used were likely the same ones they would have used for meningitis, treating the symptoms rather than the cause until cause is known.

    Meningitis can be caused by bacteria, virus, autoimmune system, allergy, cancer or fungi. Some treatments are dangerous in themselves and make the child more likely to die of something else, thus aren’t used if not certain to be the cause. If, for example, West Nile Virus were the cause, it would take a week for CDC to confirm that as the cause and there would have been little they could do other than just try to keep the child alive until the body‘s natural defenses beat it back.

    Had they not had other evidence of physical abuse, they might have checked deeper or maybe they checked thoroughly anyway. As usual, there is much we don’t know.

    David for better diagnosis and treatment

  2. heather on September 27th, 2013 8:10 am

    all this says is that the child did not die because by this man’s abuse, not that the baby was not abused.

    I’m glad that the truth came out, so this man will not live the rest of his life thinking that the child died by his hands…but it does not make him “not guilty” of child abuse….which is likely why it “took so long” as many of you have mentioned.

    He was arrested because the baby’s symptoms (both inwardly and outwardly) led them to believe she was experiencing a traumatic brain injury. They didnt suspect meningitis because bruising & witness statement supported physical abuse.

  3. Do your research on September 27th, 2013 6:50 am

    The original story states that this child had SEVERE BRUISING TO HER NECK, CHEEK, AND COLLAR BONE. Also, apparently two other children were present when Mr. Simmons allegedly picked child up by her neck and threw her. With that information AND a doctor stating the child has non-accidental brain injuries, law enforcement and the state’s attorney’s office MOST CERTAINLY do have enough evidence to make an arrest and file child abuse charges. Just saying…

  4. Finger Pointers on September 26th, 2013 7:49 am

    For everyone who is so quick to judge a mis-diagnosis or falsely accused people. I would think it would be more helpful to know the FULL DETAILS of the case. Like when a child is admitted with these symtoms…….. it looks and mimcs physical abuse….mind you there were others in the home…..that may have saw something that we didnt since we werent in the home when 911 was called. And then most people once death has occured an autopsy is performed!!!!!!! And believe it or not the medical examiner finds so much more that is not known prior to death. Seriously people…… this happens alot. Yes it is awful to be arrested and especially when the child suffered from a termal illness……. But again, since you all really don’t know any details to this incident…. you might not really know what Simmons or the mother said at the hospital? Or did you all see the child? Could she have had bruises or physical signs of abuse? And ponder this just because she was diagnoised with this terrible disease…. do we really know for sure she hadn’t suffered any abuse? No We Don’t… Do we……….. Have another cup of Joe & Keep it classy Pensacola

  5. Diane on September 26th, 2013 12:53 am

    This is so sad. This young man not only has to deal with his childs death, but the fact that everyone was blaming him for the death.
    One has to wonder about the efficiency of our doctors and hospitals. Seems to me they would do all types of lab work and blood tests before coming to a conclusion.
    Mr Simmons, please know that God has this and you will come through this.
    It is always darkest befor the dawn.
    I will keep you in my prayers and lift you up to God and his healing powers.

  6. Sue on September 25th, 2013 9:36 pm

    I’m wondering what lab work and diagnostic tests were done on the baby during the 10 days in hospital. It boggles my mind to think that a child could be misdiagnosed for that long.

    Will the mother now be charged with filing a false statement? Her misinformation may have been the beginning of the end for this child.

  7. JT on September 25th, 2013 3:37 pm

    The child’s mother accused Mr. Simmons of picking up the child by her neck and slamming her on the bed. With law enforcement given that information y’all would be throwing a fit if he was left on the street. The blame falls with the mother in my book. If not for these false allegations then maybe the Dr’s would have been looking in a different direction for the correct diagnosis.

  8. Vicki on September 25th, 2013 12:30 pm

    This is awful! What a mess they’ve caused for this young man. It will be so hard for him to get this stuff cleared out the system, not to mention hois mugshot plastered all over the web! Just a little common sense would’ve gone a long way in doing a THOROUGH investigation and autopsy before arresting and charging this young man with such a terrible crime! I can guarantee you he won’t find a competent, courageous lawyer in Pensacola to file a lawsuit because they’re ALL cowards and they scratch each others back! What a SHAME!!!

  9. Preda on September 25th, 2013 11:24 am

    This could happen to any of us. I think this needs more attention this child died because of ignorance. I know money can not bring back anyone but it can make someone think twice before they pass judgement so fast. I am sorry I passed judgement before I knew all the facts this man was wronged in a very bad way and people need to be held accountable for this.

  10. Puddin on September 25th, 2013 8:42 am

    Terrible! You know that this man will always be looked at with suspicion even though he is innocent. I am also wondering why it took them seven months to figure this out? Someones reputation has been irreperably damaged because a judgement was made before the facts were in.

  11. mnon on September 25th, 2013 8:35 am

    Sounds like the doctors dropped the ball, finding an infection in the body especially for meningitis is med-school 101. I would sue the doctors for their false and presumptuous diagnosis. I would sue the state for the allegations with no evidence and for any jail time I received. Yeah I know it doesn’t mend wounds or bring the child back but someone would pay for my stress, mental anguish and punitive damages caused to me and my family from this. Period.

  12. Ben on September 25th, 2013 8:34 am

    Which hospital was it?

    I don’t understand why they wouldn’t have a correct diagnosis after 10 days.

  13. Brittney on September 25th, 2013 5:29 am

    How awful for Mr. Simmons, I can’t imagine the hurt. As for the baby, I’m just wondering if they would have been more focused on the symptoms rather than Mr. Simmons could the meningitis have been treated? Sad sad sad..I pray for all involved!

  14. Pineville PI on September 25th, 2013 5:25 am

    The state seems to be very eager to make a name for itself by pinning charges before knowing the facts. This is common practice for these folks.

  15. Carolyn Bramblett on September 25th, 2013 5:13 am

    This happened in February and the results are just now known?

  16. Freda Whaley on September 25th, 2013 4:46 am

    Once again someone is charged without waiting to have all the facts. It’s horrible a child died and then having to go through all that. Adding to the grief of the adults and then putting them through this …. no excuse. None.

  17. Barbara on September 25th, 2013 1:40 am

    doea this mean if the baby had been treated for meningitis that it woukld be alive today??????/

  18. Jacqueline on September 25th, 2013 1:30 am

    How terrible for Mr. Simmons to be falsely accused! I am wondering why they couldn’t have waited for the autopsy results before arresting him? I am sorry for the child’s death as well. Prayers for comfort for all.