Man Tosses Brick Through Credit Union Door

September 11, 2013

A Century man is charged with throwing a brick through a glass door at a local credit union because he was allegedly upset with the customer service he received.

Brooks Griggs, 44, of East Pond Street, was charged with felony criminal mischief with property damage for the incident at the Pen Air Federal Credit Union on North Century Boulevard. He remained in the the Escambia County Jail Wednesday with bond set at $2,500.

“Yeah I was down there,” Brooks told Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies, according to an arrest report. “I threw a brick through the door.”

He first told deputies it was none of their business why he was upset with the financial institution, but he later said he was disrespected by the staff, according the report.  Griggs stated “he threw the brick through the glass door to show them they cannot treat him that way”.

The Sheriff’s Office report does not state if Griggs is a member of the credit union. He was given a trespass warning, forbidding him from returning to the business.


22 Responses to “Man Tosses Brick Through Credit Union Door”

  1. Just Me on September 16th, 2013 3:29 pm

    @ Davie Huie Green…….. Just wanted to comment on your comment about more rude people in other parts of the country more so than in the south. Well, I have news for you, I have lived ALL over the United States of America and I can tell you, that there are just as many rude folks in the south as there are EVERY where else. Not sure why folks insist on this “Southern Hospitality” because it doesn’t really exist. I have lived in the south for 20 yrs and there is NO more hospitality here than ANY where else. So maybe you should not speak of rude folks in other parts of the country until you fix the problem here first.

  2. David Huie Green on September 14th, 2013 12:14 am

    ” poor customer service in general. Walk into most places today and you leave feeling like you were a burden to them. Look outside the box and you will understand my concerns”

    But now, independent of this action, we can look at the concept that poor customer service is not uncommon and that there are places where the employees seem to not want any customers. I agree they exist, just don’t agree I have run across them at Pen Air.

    I was talking to a person who works at a call center and wondering why there have been so many opening in the South.
    Because in other parts of the country it was hard to find people willing to be polite to customers who were being difficult and rude.

    But there’s plenty of rude people here in the South.
    Yes, but it’s nowhere near as bad as in other parts of the country. At least HERE there are SOME people who were raised to be polite. They try to hire the polite.

    I see plenty of polite people and plenty of rude people. Unless the government continues to expand benefits for the jobless, most of them will be working eventually and some of them will be polite, some will be rude.

    Patronize the places with polite, concerned workers. They will grow and expand.
    Avoid the places with rude, disinterested “workers”. They will go out of business.

    And if you can possibly bring yourself to do it, treat the workers with respect and decency. They aren’t machines or slaves or emotionless entities. Be friendly to them and be amazed how much they will try to do for you.

    David for politeness all around

  3. David Huie Green on September 13th, 2013 1:52 pm

    You’re barking up the wrong tree. People can be as they wanna be and that wouldn’t justify this. What is more, what happens elsewhere has nothing to do with a particular place. In fact, problems with a particular person don’t justify harm to others there.

    David for sanity

  4. Randy on September 13th, 2013 9:47 am

    In reply to: David Huie Green on September 11th, 2013 5:27 pm

    Although I do not condone the behavior, the point I was trying to make is customer service is not what it used to be. My remarks were not targeted to this particular institution, but to the underlying problem of poor customer service in general. Walk into most places today and you leave feeling like you were a burden to them. Look outside the box and you will understand my concerns… The problem is bigger than just this place….

  5. the smart don on September 12th, 2013 2:38 pm

    Hey Don. If this is freedom of speech, please throw a brick through my bedroom window and see how fast the cops get there and charge you with attempted murder and property damage

  6. proud member 2 on September 12th, 2013 6:20 am

    why does everyone seem to be supporting this man… lives could have been in danger if the Credit Union was one should do this to any business….and Mr. molino man the Century branch does have wonderful member service

  7. don on September 11th, 2013 9:49 pm

    all of you sound like he did something wrong. he was using the brick to express his constitutional right to freedom of speech.

  8. David Huie Green on September 11th, 2013 5:27 pm

    “Lets work on the underlining problem of the lack of customer service in this day and age…”

    Pen Air doesn’t have customers, they have members. They serve their own members, people such as me. So we are talking member service and I’ve never had a problem with their member service.

    Even if I did have a problem, that would still not be the “underlining” or even underlying problem. The problem is that people think they can force others to respect them by violent actions. That is unwise and unsafe because there are way too many who can respond to violence with equal and opposing violence. It may not even be equal since few get into brick fights but gun fights are not uncommon and are quite unreasonable when facing the criminally insane.

    David for better brick users

  9. Doug Coburn on September 11th, 2013 4:57 pm

    Though I cannot speak about the Pensacola branches, I use this Century branch and have received nothing but great customer service, even in the loan department…

  10. Ben Thar on September 11th, 2013 4:40 pm

    Everybody knows you can’t throw a brick into the bank unless you fill out a deposit slip first.

  11. Proud member on September 11th, 2013 2:44 pm

    Really people…..

    Y’all are making it sound like its the customer service there….

    Come on this is a guy that has been ran off from 4 businesses in less than a month and your gonna down the customer service there!! I have been a member there for years and them girls do a fine job….

  12. Bluebell's girl on September 11th, 2013 12:13 pm

    it’s me, it’s me, its Ernest T..
    I can understand the feeling of being disrespected by customer service – in general..that seems to be the norm. I remember the days when even if a customer wasnt right, they were treated with respect and appreciation. Now customers are treated as if the customer and their questions or problems are of inconsequence to companies and their future. Sadly, as long as the revenue continues and there isn’t a bottom line impact – the companies could care less…

  13. molino jim on September 11th, 2013 11:58 am

    Pro & Con on this fellows actions. Pro-it helps a glass company and some one who boarded up the door. Con– is he even a member of that CU? If you are receiving poor service at your CU try the city CU downtown, they are great.

  14. Kim on September 11th, 2013 10:23 am

    That is so funny and stupid. If we all threw bricks thru windows everytime we got upset well, we would spend to much time in jail plus all the money it would cost us. I get upset with customer service with half the people I deal with but, this doesn’t get him or anyone else anywhere.

  15. Concerned on September 11th, 2013 10:09 am

    Everybody has the right to there opinion, but you need to get the facts straight before making comments about CUSTOMER SERVICE… The customer is not always in the right.

  16. Rob Hinton on September 11th, 2013 9:57 am

    He sure taught them a lesson didnt he. Most people would just ask for the next in charge to voice their complaint, but who am I to doubt his method.

  17. Randy on September 11th, 2013 9:42 am

    1. I generally think that people are fed up with the lack of customer service that is displayed today. However, throwing a brick through the window of a business will only bring you more problems. Lets work on the underlining problem of the lack of customer service in this day and age…

  18. LEO GUY on September 11th, 2013 9:23 am


    Loved your reference to Ernest T. Bass. I’m assuming most people don’t have a clue about it, but it made my day. :-)

  19. Mark on September 11th, 2013 7:43 am

    WOW! I can understand his frustration at bad customer service, but you are NOT going to win with those actions!

    Not only did he get treated unfairly (in his eyes), but now he is probably going to have to pay for the damages. Double whammy.

  20. john on September 11th, 2013 6:24 am

    He will soon find out that the customer service he will be receiving from this descision,will far out weigh what he received there .Heres your sign.

  21. ernest on September 11th, 2013 6:04 am

    “yeeehaaaawwwI got me a dandy rock!!!” you caint catch me no sirreeeeeee heee, hee,heee

  22. tbone on September 11th, 2013 5:16 am

    Andy! Ernest T. Bass is back in town.