Lawyer: Century Can’t De-Annex Resident That Once Claimed Slavery, Discrimination

September 19, 2013

Century’s lawyer has once again determined that the town can’t de-annex the property of a woman that once claimed she is the victim of slavery and discrimination based upon the town limits drawn 34 years ago.

Leola Robinson, a resident of of 350 West Highway 4, claimed at a March 2012 Century Town Council meeting that her nearby “farm” was wrongly annexed into the town back in 1979 when other farmland belonging to white property owners was not.

“It is slavery and discrimination,” Robinson told the council on March 19, 2012.  “It must be because I am black.”

Matt Dannheisser, the town’s attorney, said in 2012 that Robinson’s property cannot be removed from the town limits because it would leave other parcels of property non-contiguous — essentially cut off from the town.

Robinson once again approached the council this year, requesting that her agricultural acreage be removed from the town limits.

And in a letter dated, September 11, Dannheisser reiterated that removing the property from the town’s limits would simple be illegal.

According to Escambia County Property Appraiser website records, Robinson a owns a 28.72-acre parcel at 351 West Highway 4, across the street from her residence, that is zoned improved agricultural and contains two mobile homes. The remainder of the property is wooded, according to property appraiser aerial images. She also owns a 19-acre parcel at 7501 Williams Road that is currently zoned for a mobile home. Records indicate three mobile homes are on the property.


13 Responses to “Lawyer: Century Can’t De-Annex Resident That Once Claimed Slavery, Discrimination”

  1. Rip on September 22nd, 2013 7:28 am

    Race is made an issue by some because it has worked for the past 75 years. If they holler discrimination, everyone gets in a tizzy, If society would stop listening to it, we would not have to hear it anymore.

  2. Sad on September 20th, 2013 7:48 pm

    “It is slavery and discrimination,” Robinson told the council on March 19, 2012. “It must be because I am black.”

    My question to Mrs Robinson about her statement is: how, why, when, and where?

    My thoughts are: she threw out all of this hog wash hoping something will stick!!

    Crap like this makes it hard for some one that was really discriminated against because so many wants to use a race card to try in get their way!!


  3. armymajorswife on September 20th, 2013 7:16 am

    I’m really tired of people using the race card when something is not going there way. Bad things happen to people of all colors, including being annexed when you don’t want it. It’s not slavery and it’s not discrimination.

  4. David Huie Green on September 20th, 2013 6:23 am

    But at least she can still run for mayor.

  5. MissB on September 19th, 2013 3:42 pm

    @ME… I am aware that slavery was suppose to have ended in 1865 but that is when people started using them a servants or maids that is probably what this woman is talking about. But just because people were not suppose to have slaves doesn’t mean that they didn’t. Look at how many people lie on the daily. I don’t think that we should have to pay for what happened in the past.

  6. Terri Sanders on September 19th, 2013 11:20 am

    Miss Leola just likes seeing her name in the headlines…..I wonder if the mobile homes are all legally licensed and not breaking any zoning regulations. Sometimes it is better to remain silent than open a can of worms!

  7. sorry people on September 19th, 2013 11:12 am

    Its simple some people just want something for nothing and its always someone else’s fault!

  8. Me on September 19th, 2013 9:01 am

    @MissB: You do know that slavery ended 150 years ago, right?

  9. MissB on September 19th, 2013 8:13 am

    I’m with BK, How does slavery fit into this situation.?! And why is it that discrimination always brought up? I for one am sick of people always using the racist card. This lady might have been a slave back in the day but she still has to abid by the rules like everyone else.

  10. jeeperman on September 19th, 2013 6:33 am

    Certainly a lot of effort on her part over an additional $3.50 per year in property taxes.

  11. Bk on September 19th, 2013 5:55 am

    I think I missed something, because I do not see how property lines have anything to do with slavery. A slave can’t own land, and she obviously does. Where is the slavery talk coming from?

  12. JRES on September 19th, 2013 1:39 am

    Agriculture does’nt always mean you have to plant crops, or raise cattle. Forestry is also a part of the agriculture land tax. Maybe Miss Robinsons timber trees fall under the exemption she is looking for. Maybe she should call the county extension office in Milton Fl. and ask. I do believe they are in contol of both Santa Rosa and Escambia.

  13. gus on September 19th, 2013 1:06 am

    What happened in 1979 to annex this property into the town city limits? Was there anything done between 1979 and 2012?