ECUA Sanitation Rate Hike Slashed; Increase Now Just 14 Cents

September 27, 2013

The rate for residential sanitation service from ECUA will still increase next week, but not at much as originally anticipated.

ECUA had previously approved a 3.7 percent increase to cover a tipping fee increase at the Perdido Landfill and anticipated increases in costs related to the recycling program. But Thursday, the ECUA board slashed the increase amount to just 1.2 percent. That equates to a 14 cent increase per month for a residential customer.

The rate increase is to offset a 3.5 percent disposal rate increase ECUA will pay effective October 1 at the Escambia County owned and operated Perdido Landfill.

An additional 2.5 percent increase had been approved in August to offset anticipated costs of hauling and processing of recyclables, should West Florida Recycling , the regions sole processor of recyclables, not be able to provide the  service.

In recent months, West Florida Recycling has experienced operational challenges and the ECUA Board was preparing  for possible problems with the company. Recent improvements in West Florida Recycling’s  operations have significantly changed the ECUA Board’s outlook, ECUA said.

“It seems that WFR is taking their issues in hand quite well, with the acquisition of their stormwater permit and the ongoing clean-up operation of their facility,” said ECUA Board Chairman, Dr. Larry N. Walker.  “We are happy to see that progress and to see our recycling program continue to thrive.”

ECUA water and sewer rates will also increase on October 1 as follows:


  • Current residential rate is $10.48 for the base rate; this goes up to $10.68.  Volume charge (per 1000 gals. Consumption) goes from $2.14 to $2.18.
  • Current Lifeline rate (low income senior): Current base rate is $9.03; goes up to $9.20 (includes 6,000 gals. Consumption).


  • Current residential rate: $11.93 for the base rate (includes 2,000 gals. Consumption); goes up to $12.16; volume charge is currently $6.50, goes to $6.63.
  • Current Lifeline Rate: $11.62 base, goes to $11.84 (includes 6,000 gals. Consumption).

The increased water and sewer revenues would go toward infrastructure improvements.


One Response to “ECUA Sanitation Rate Hike Slashed; Increase Now Just 14 Cents”

  1. Randy on September 27th, 2013 10:01 am

    If they have a renewed confidence in WRF, why have any increase?