Century Approves Budget With $1.6 Million Increase, Sets Tax Rate

September 24, 2013

Monday afternoon, the Century Town Council voted to adopt a budget  that was up about 50 percent over last year and set the tax rate for the upcoming 2013-14 fiscal year.

The proposed 2013-2014 budget is$4,384,791, up about $1.6 million over the last fiscal year. The operating budget increase is due to grant income and associated expenditures of $1,595,000 — including a $650,000 housing grant and a $944,000 drainage project grant for North Century Boulevard.

There will be no net increase in ad valorem taxes this year to meet the budget for fiscal year 2013-2014, which begins October 1. The recomputed millage rate of .9006 is equal to and does not exceed the rolled-back rate.

To view a summary of the budget in pdf format, click here or the image below.


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