Cantonment Man Arrested On Child Porn Charges

September 25, 2013

A Cantonment man has been arrested on child pornography charges investigators after determined he had downloaded sexually explicit pictures and movies of children from the internet onto his home computer.

Jason Scott Bergen, 40, of 806 Chesapeake Trail was charged with six counts of possession of obscene material/child pornography. He was booked into the Escambia County Jail on a $12,000 bond, according to Pensacola Police Detective Chris Wilkinson.

Agents with the North Florida Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force initiated a search warrant at Bergen’s residence on Tuesday after he was identified via the internet as downloading child pornography.

Additional charges are pending, and the investigation is continuing to determine if he transmitted files or downloaded additional child pornography, Wilkinson said.

Task force members from the Office of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and Walton County Sheriff’s Department assisted the Pensacola Police Department with the investigation.

Pictured top and bottom: Law enforcement executes a search warrant in Cantonment Tuesday. The suspect’s address, 806 Chesapeake Trail, is the house to the far right (foreground) of the bottom picture. Reader submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Cantonment Man Arrested On Child Porn Charges”

  1. TC on September 27th, 2013 1:58 pm

    @A, Downloading requires different actions than a google search. I would suggest you get a bit of help with your computer. Most of the browsers have extensions like Ad Block, (to stop annoying ads and pop ups), WOT (for screening which sites are safe), and other things to make browsing more safe and secure.

    This guy knew what he was downloading and obviously was under the eye of law enforcement for some time. Personally I think all child molesters should be killed and types like this labeled for life. They should be going after sick perv groups within this country instead of looking for war in other places. Think of the number of missing kids never found, its just beyond sad.

  2. A. on September 26th, 2013 7:37 pm

    Several years ago when the internet was fairly new my wife wanted to look up a certain episode of “The Golden Girls” TV show. When she typed in those key words on the search bar and pressed enter, we could not unplug that computer fast enough as we saw some of the most disconcerting pictures we had ever seen. It was definitely porn. My point being, most of us don’t really have a clue what we’re doing on a computer most of the time and it happens too fast to back up. When it comes to the goings on of the internet I’d give most anybody benefit of the doubt on something like this.

  3. A. on September 26th, 2013 7:30 pm

    Six “counts” could, and probably does, mean six different pictures that qualify as porn.

  4. Lisa on September 26th, 2013 7:04 pm

    SIX counts is NO accident! It is apparent he was being investigated for a while! Spam or pop up ads? I think NOT!

  5. M Fox on September 26th, 2013 7:23 am

    How soon we forget!
    Do you know remember the crow you had to eat when you found out the child abuse murder charge had to be dropped on the other guy because it just wasn’t true?
    The police charge the highest so it can be pled out to a lower. You trust the internet to tell you the truth about who downloaded what? How old was the “child” in the porn and was it baited? Have you never clicked on a link and downloads start but it wasn’t what you thought you were clicking on? SPAM! So many questions and no answers. They just put it out there and you seldom see the end results. In the end he will pled to something lower even though he is not guilty because it is to risky to chance and cost of going to court is just too great.

  6. Dave on September 26th, 2013 6:36 am

    First…not condoning what this obviously sick person did.

    Second…don’t like the government looking at every keystroke I make on my computer.

    I’m not quite sure how else to catch someone like this, but I am bothered that the government has that kind of access to my daily goings on.

  7. Jane on September 26th, 2013 4:14 am

    Since it is against the law to have this stuff why isn’t it against the law to produce it and transmit it? Or is this stuff coming from other countries? Glad he is off the streets, but for how long? If you look at the ESCO website you will find a lot of child predators out there.

  8. Concerned Parent on September 25th, 2013 11:23 pm

    I can not believe this sick disgusting man is a soccer coach for a church soccer team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is this world coming to?! Stricter laws need to be made and enforced. $12,000 bond for a crime like this is ridiculous! He should not be allowed to bond out! Crime on children should be taken a lot more serious. I hope he they put his butt under the jail!!! One thing is for sure, if enough people share this article and photo then maybe just maybe he will be recognized if he ever attempts to set foot near children again!

  9. A. on September 25th, 2013 10:37 pm

    I find it interesting and a little disconcerting that this person was arrested based on “… he was identified via the internet as downloading child pornography.”

    Depending on a number of variables with your computer system and your internet connection, you could be downloading almost anything at almost any time and not have a clue about it. Every computer I have ever owned seems to have a mind of its own at times. I have tried about every virus protection known and I’m overly cautious about what I click. But, I still get those dancing monkeys popping up on my screen trying to sell me one thing or another. Sometimes it just ignores me altogether and seems to be doing something on its own. I’m about ready to throw this thing into the creek and this story supports that plan.

  10. melodies4us on September 25th, 2013 9:38 pm


  11. Mary Godwin on September 25th, 2013 9:18 pm

    It’s absolutely ridiculous that his bond is only 12,000!!!! There are other crimes WAY worse than this with higher bonds! When are we gonna start protecting the children first and foremost. What makes it even worst is he is a coach for a church soccer team that my niece is on….if we can’t trust the church who can we trust!?!???

  12. Billy D on September 25th, 2013 8:52 pm

    @Mick, it’s not just THIS county so don’t try and make it like no other area has this problem. Sex crimes are rampant everywhere you go because of the general decline in morals that we ALL suffer from now that liberalism seems to make it okay to act however you want with no respect for those around you or those you may offend. Yes, that’s a run-on sentence but very relevant and true. Jails are overrun, criminal justice systems overloaded and polluted with corrupt/”easy” judges and the general don’t give a crap attitudes. Sex crimes, no matter how disgusting, are just a drop in the bucket anymore. Sad but true.

  13. cpgone1 on September 25th, 2013 7:58 pm

    12k bond too low.
    Another life ruined by the internet and porn addiction.
    Sad, sad, sad

  14. mick on September 25th, 2013 7:40 pm

    Another perv to go to prison… If you bring up Escambis counties’ crime map you will be shocked at the number of registered sex offenders in this county.

  15. Billy D on September 25th, 2013 4:33 pm

    hmmmm, NCIS is in on this one too? Methinks he may have Navy ties……. goodbye retirement and hello bubba. Betcha thats the most expensive picture he’ll ever see again!!

  16. 429SCJ on September 25th, 2013 1:21 pm

    @Rebel L. Howard, many of the servers are located in a country/tries that have strong political and financial influence here in the U.S.

    The same thing happened when the justice department went after the Russian Mafia. When it was learned that the racial/ethnic/religious makeup of the members was something other than Russian Orthodox, the matter became politically sensitive.

  17. Rebel L. Howard on September 25th, 2013 11:17 am

    Why is there nothing done to the ones UPLOADING the garbage to the internet? I never hear of them going yo jail! They need to go too!!