Blog: Where Were You That September Morning?

September 11, 2013

September 11, 2001. It’s been 12 years.

Life, at least when that morning began, seemed good. I’ve always been a work at home dad, so I was home with my two girls. The youngest was almost four months old, and the oldest was approaching her fourth birthday. It was a normal morning. The little one was asleep, “fat and happy” as we used to say, after a morning bottle. The oldest was in the living room just a few feet from my office watching PBS Kids on the TV as I worked on a project for a client.

Then this arrived in my inbox:

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 08:52am

– World trade center damaged; unconfirmed reports say a plane has
crashed into tower. Details to come.

I got up, walked to the living room and flipped the TV to CNN. They were talking about how a pilot could make such an error, hitting such a large building. They were speculating that it was just a small plane. But then as the TV news helicopters zoomed their cameras in closer, the anchors were beginning to notice what I had already thought….those holes the tower were to big to have been a small plane.

I called my wife at work in Atmore. She had seen the breaking news email, and had tried to visit the CNN website to see the story. If you remember trying to use the internet that morning, it was near impossible to get a news website to load; they were all overloaded. She was unable to see the pictures. I was describing what I saw on the TV to her.

I managed to grab a picture from CNN via my web server and then download and email it to her. We were speculating about how it could happen when the second one hit.

I remember saying “wait, hold on, wait…”. I told her what I just watched on the TV. The second plane had hit the other tower. We quickly decided that we were at war as the anchors on TV speculated again that perhaps there was a problem with some navigational system, causing jetliners on a beautiful, clear morning in New York to fly into some of the tallest structures in the world.

Another breaking news email arrived:

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:21am

– Second plane crashes into World Trade Center.

She and I began to speculate ourselves that we were at war. What would we do? What should we do? What about the kids? It was not panic, understand, but just that protective momma and daddy instinct, I suppose. Prayer. That was a good idea. Maybe go to the bank and get out a little cash. That seemed like a good idea. How would you prep for a war on American soil? We were not sure.

I continued to relay information about what I was seeing on TV to my wife at work, who, in turn, would relay the information to her coworkers. They had a TV, but no cable service or antenna. They ended up fashioning a homemade antenna to see a fuzzy picture.

Meanwhile, the breaking news emails kept arriving…

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:32am

– Sources tell CNN one of two planes that crashed into World Trade
Center was an American Airlines 767.

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:42am

– President Bush calls plane crashes at World Trade Center a
terrorist act.

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:45am

– Significant fire at the Pentagon. Details to come.

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:46am

– White House evactuated. Details to come.

The Pentagon on fire? The White House evacuated? Notice that in CNN’s email they were in such a hurry that they misspelled “evacuated”. One sentence at a time, the situation became more grave.

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:55am

– CNN confirms a plane hit the Pentagon

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:03am

– One of World Trade Center towers collapses; fire forces
evacuation of State Department

Subject: CNN Breaking News
From: BreakingNews@CNN.COM
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:30am

– Second World Trade Center tower collapses in Manhattan

Over and over, we watched those towers collapse on TV, and we watched our Pentagon burn.

Our almost four year old asked a lot of questions. “Were people hurt? Did they need a Band-aid?” The magnitude of the event was lost on a four year old. Looking back at those first few hours, I think the magnitude of the event was lost on all of us.

Like many Americans, I sat glued to the TV that day, continuing to watch the video of the towers falling. Our almost four year old asked if another building fell down or if it was the same one. It was time to change the channel on the TV.

You might remember that many of the entertainment TV stations ran network news feeds. Others just simply ran screens about the day’s events. There was no USA network, no ESPN, no MTV. But on PBS, we found children’s programming at a time it was not normally on. For a little while, sitting in the living room floor holding my kids, the world stopped turning that September day, as we watched Big Bird and the Cookie Monster.

Country artist Alan Jackson later wrote a song “Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?”.

Some of those lyrics:

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
Out in the yard with your wife and children
Working on some stage in LA
Did you stand there in shock at the site of
That black smoke rising against that blue sky
Did you shout out in anger
In fear for your neighbor
Or did you just sit down and cry

Did you weep for the children
Who lost their dear loved ones
And pray for the ones who don’t know
Did you rejoice for the people who walked from the rubble
And sob for the ones left below

But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith hope and love are some good things He gave us
And the greatest is love

Where where you when the world stopped turning that September day? Your comments are welcome below.


20 Responses to “Blog: Where Were You That September Morning?”

  1. Nana of 10 on September 13th, 2013 8:44 am

    I am now a grandmother of 10 but that day my very first grandbaby was in Mobile Womens and Childrens Hospital after being transfered from Brewton shortly after birth. I was sitting in the NNICU with her when all of the sudden the hospital went into lock-down. No one would say anything, they just moved about in a very fast pace and started tagging all of us with compatible bracelets. Shortly afterwards I returned to the Ronald McDonald House where her new mommy and daddy and other granny was staying – that is when I saw everything on TV. They were all sitting in the living area crying or staring at the TV in sadness. I too sat down and cried. For I had been a volunteer fire fighter for several years, as my son and son-in-law were along with many of our friends, first I wanted to be there but then I was sadded for those who were. THIS IS A DAY I WILL NEVER FORGET, GOD BLESS OUR COUNTRY although others lost family members we all hirt and greived with them and for them.

  2. GRAHAM SMITH on September 12th, 2013 7:05 am

    My wife and I had just left our driveway for an appointment at a prosthesis to have a brace made for her hand , the car radio was on an the announcer commented
    “I rmember when a B-25 bomber in WWII hit the Empire buiding” I commented to my wife, There must have been an aircraft hit a building. Then the truth came on. We arrived at the prosthesis center where they had a TV on in the waiting room and we witnessed the 2nd plane hit the second tower. What a shock. That scene is still vivid in my mind today.

  3. morris family on September 12th, 2013 12:20 am

    On the day the world stood still,I had taken my kids to school that mornig’
    On my way home,i stopped by my mother house,my mom didn’t know what
    Was going till i had her change the channel ,my moms eyes filled with tears
    Both our hearts were heavy,heavy with prayer.we will never forget Sept11,2001
    SEPTEMBER 11 2001

  4. ms peacock on September 11th, 2013 11:03 pm

    I was working for a company as a supervisor that actually did sales for The New York Times. Agents started telling us customers were saying a plane had crashed into the world trade center, not long after that agents were told to log off computers after cnn confirmed it was indeed an attack. We were allowed to go home. I was passing people crying in their cars. no music was playing everyone was listening to the news.

  5. Kenleigh on September 11th, 2013 8:43 pm

    I was in middle school, changing classes and walked into second period. The television was on, just like any other day. Except today, it was showing the horrible news that was devestating our country. I remember I sat down at my desk and felt deeply saddened for all the lives, and families enduring such tragedy. I remember thinking to myself that thousands of innocent lives were going to be lost as people would be trapped. I stayed in second period most of the day. When I got home from school I watched the news with my dad. I remember telling him that I could not imagine knowing you are going to die, and there is nothing you can do. Never being able to see your family, children, friends. My heart was and still is broken for all the families affected. Sad, sad day! Always will be…..

  6. Nancy Perry on September 11th, 2013 8:34 pm

    Northview High School in the Anatomy Classroom and Teacher Terry Ravey came into my room and said a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center. I turned on the TV in my room and watched the 2nd plane hit the towers. Needless to say I do not think I did much teaching the rest of the day. The day that forever changed America:((

  7. R Gibson on September 11th, 2013 7:08 pm

    I am employed with the county. I was on a motorgrader working on Pine Forest Rd. on the north end of the county knocking down dirt building the road up trying to get it ready to asphalt when my boss called and asked me if i was listening to the radio. It was a very sad day when he told me what was going on in this country that we love and should cherish everyday. Times like that you never forget. Thank to all our troops that fight for our American freedom.

  8. Debra E Wilson on September 11th, 2013 4:47 pm

    I was working at the ESCAMBIA COUNTY DETENTION CENTER in Brewton as a sergeant in corrections. We were advised to place the whole facility in a lockdown due to the unforseen security risk….

  9. Jordan Washington on September 11th, 2013 4:13 pm

    I was about 6/7, and it was a pretty normal day for me. My teacher just carried on as usual, but when my mom picked me up from school, she kept on telling me that, “Something very terrible has happened today.” When we got home, she turned on the news, and I thought that I was watching a movie. It wouldn’t be till about a couple of months later that I realized that it wasn’t. I just couldn’t stop thinking about all of those people who were trapped/all the firefighters/paramedics/police/other officials who lost their lives that horrible day.

  10. Tommy Knotts on September 11th, 2013 3:32 pm

    I remember it like it was yesterday! I was in my office in South Boston preparing for an early meeting. A coworker told me a plane had hit the WTC. A short time later he came into my office and said that the other tower had been hit. By then the news was reporting that two planes were hijacked from Boston. From then on we watched events unfolding on live TV until word was given that most businesses in Boston were shutting down and that we too were to evacuate. For a while I lost track of my wife who was working in the same building as the FBI office; they had evacuated after a bomb threat. We finally found each other on the streets and then walked about three miles toward our home. I have to commend the MBTA for the tremendous effort that they did in getting all those people out of Boston by public transportation and for the riders on the subway who assisted others in getting into the packed cars.

  11. No Excuses on September 11th, 2013 3:28 pm

    I was at work and I noticed large groups of people clustered around all available TV’s. I arrived just in time to see the second plane hit the second tower. It was horrible! Not much work was completed that day, I can tell you.

  12. Dennis HE Wiggins on September 11th, 2013 2:33 pm

    I was sitting in a classroom at Jefferson Davis Community College in Atmore. I had gotten there early that day to look over my Statistics. Our insturctor, Ms. K. Hall, came to the room and told the two of us what had happened. We rushed to her office and looked at it on a little portable tv she had in her office. It was really hard to concentrate in class that day, knowing that America had just been violated and how many people suffered because of it.

  13. Debbie T. on September 11th, 2013 1:25 pm

    I was arriving at an airport, early. Flying back to Boston. I was supposed to connect through LaGuardia and a week before decided to switch airports. My flight was scheduled to be in the air at the time the second tower was hit.
    I remember arriving at the airport, saying good bye to my brother and going to the American Airlines desk. The attendant and the rest of the crew were looking at their monitors. There was a report of airplane trouble. I left my bags and went up stairs to buy some coffee and everyone in the airport was in the bar, watching the only TV (27″). We saw the footage and were all stunned. I had work colleagues traveling to LA out of Boston and tried to get anyone on the line. My family was trying to locate me. The flights being diverted and turned around, I saw. The mobilization of the air guard, the police, the tactical units. I am from La. and from the gulf coast. The possibility of an invasion hung n the very quiet air.

  14. Katina Hagen on September 11th, 2013 1:22 pm

    I was on my way to the hospital to see my sister-in-law that was pregnant with my niece, we thought she was in labor but come to find out she only had bladder infection. All I could think about was my boys that were at school, thinking should I just go get my babies and bring them home with me,then thinking they will be fine they are at school nothing could happen to them there. Later that day when my boys got home, they told me that the cops had come to the school because someone was walking around outside that no one knew. I just held my babies and make sure they knew I love them very much. I was scared for them to even go back to school after that. And have wondered many time since then will it happen again and will it be closer to home the next time. I still think about it now and worry about what will happen to my kids when they are not with me. Things like this make us realize we should take anything or anyone for granted because you never know when you may never see them again. I make sure to tell my family and friends ever chance I get that I love them and think of them often. Life should never be taken for granted no matter how long, short, bad, or good it may seem. Everday that you wake up is a blessing and people should be thankful for that.

  15. JSCS on September 11th, 2013 12:16 pm

    I arrived for my beauty shop appointment and was astounded to see what was happening since I had not seen anything about the towers.
    We sat in the living room and watched with horror as it got worse and worse.
    My hair appointment was done by going back and forth into the shop as needed.
    It all still seems unreal. Prayers and God’s blessings on all survivors and their families. A day never to be forgotten.

  16. Robert Barrow on September 11th, 2013 10:09 am

    My family and I were at a Missions Conference at a Church in Panama City, FL. We were in a Hotel room getting ready for the day’s activity when my Mother called asking if I was watching the news. We quickly turned on the television to see one of the buildings on fire; then the other plane flew into the other building. What a somber day! As we got to the church with other missionary families and the Pastor and his wife, I remember taking some time to pray for the whole situation. As our church is only 4 days away from our annual Missions Conference, and 9/11 upon us, I am reminded of the virtually unnoticed and unsung heroes that risk their lives sometimes on a daily basis to get the gospel of Jesus Christ to those that are lost and sit in darkness. Thank God for our first responders, military & other heroes. While we remember them and honor them, let us not forget those that have left careers, houses & relatives to serve in a foreign mission field. I am looking forward to our missions conference and hearing from the missionary families.

  17. Lifendason on September 11th, 2013 10:08 am

    I was sitting at my desk, got up, took some papers to our duty office and noticed everyone’s eyes was on the TV. We were watching only the first tower hit, then minutes later we saw the other plane come in and hit the second tower. It was like all work stopped and everyone was watching, calling family, etc.

    I remember that day and will NEVER FORGET what happened and WHO it was that did it.

    God comfort the families!

  18. Anita Davis on September 11th, 2013 9:35 am

    I remember sitting at my desk in Louisville, KY when one of our draftsman told everyone what happened. We were in disbelief at first, then all heck broke loose. I remember the empty feeling and the fact that my kids were in school and away from me. Just carrying on our everyday ritual – then major interruption and turmoil!

  19. Scobie L. Wilcoxon, Sr on September 11th, 2013 8:37 am

    I was sitting on the couch watching the events unfold on television, with my late Dad, as our world was changing before our eyes.

    This morning, I am sitting on the couch watching events unfold on television, with my wife, as our world is changing before our eyes.

  20. My Computer Guy on September 11th, 2013 8:33 am

    I do not remember the early parts of the day it probably started out with a mile that last several miles. Then I went on base in Pensacola and ended up watching the second tower get struck by a plane. I ended up with sealed orders to Jacksonville, FL. From there I became part of Operation Infinite Justice. The name was later changed to Operation Enduring Freedom.