Suspect Arrested After Gun Theft Puts Flomaton Schools On Lockdown

September 18, 2013

Flomaton schools were place on lockdown Wednesday morning after a man reportedly allegedly stole a rifle out of a vehicle at a nearby business location.

Kedarius Dailey, 18, reportedly stole the gun from an unlocked vehicle parked in front of Buckshot’s ATV and Tires. Dailey fled on foot, prompting a massive manhunt involving multiple law enforcement agencies that included the Flomaton Police Department, Atmore Police Department, Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Office, Poarch Police Department, Alabama State Troopers, Alabama Probation and Parole, Century Correctional K-9 team and the Escambia County (Fla.) Road Prison K-9 team.

Dailey was taken into custody several blocks from the school on Palafox Street, but the school remained on lockdown for a short time period as a precaution as law enforcement worked to recover to the weapon.

The weapon was eventually recovered on Titi Street, about a block from Flomaton High School, after search by a K-9 unit from the Century Correctional Institution and other agencies, and school  lockdown was lifted about 11 a.m.. There were no injuries reported, and there was no indication that the suspect ever entered a school campus.

Dailey was booked into the Escambia County Detention Center in Brewton on charges of theft of property first degree, breaking and entering of a vehicle and attempting to elude.

Pictured top: Law enforcement searches for a suspect Wednesday morning in Flomaton. Reader submitted photo by Ashely Griffith. Pictured below: Authorities search for the stolen rifle. Photo by Chris Johnson, WEAR 3, for, click to enlarge.


26 Responses to “Suspect Arrested After Gun Theft Puts Flomaton Schools On Lockdown”

  1. Shanteria on September 22nd, 2013 11:43 am

    God Is Awsome!!!!

  2. tina Freeman on September 19th, 2013 2:22 pm

    The night before this event took place there was a prayer walk around the Flomaton School.So it’s no surprise that the enemy(satan) would attempt an act of evil the very next day.he will never get it thru his head that Flomaton is covered by the “Blood of Jesus” and therefore all is well!I pray for the person who was jailed and that God uses this event for His glory.

  3. Dennis on September 19th, 2013 12:30 pm

    Anyone can pray anywhere including in school if they want to. You just can’t require them to pray.

  4. tonya r on September 19th, 2013 10:18 am

    I thank god and I also thank the schools and the law enforcement for keeping our kids safe yesterday! Idk what I would have done if something would have happen to my boys or my nephews and plus I have friends that have there kids there also I pray everyday that they all stay safe and the good lord above watches over them

  5. Shanna nelson on September 19th, 2013 8:00 am

    I am glad the teachers an staff at the school shutdown so fast the childern didn’t even know what was going on mine had no idea what had happened!! Thanks to everyone that took part in the safety of all the children.God bless an keep praying for our schools and our children!!

  6. Mallary G on September 18th, 2013 11:06 pm

    @ E.
    Yes, I believe all of us their would love to have been able to pray in the hallways and classrooms of Flomaton school. And as crazy as it sounds I guess we didn’t cause the law doesn’t allow it. But I have taught my daughter that our real Judge would want us to pray in school. I honestly don’t care where people pray, as long as they praying! Our God is amazing :)

  7. Dennis HE Wiggins on September 18th, 2013 9:39 pm

    To Just Wondering ~ If that is the attitude you have, you are just as guilty as the person who put the children in that situation. You obviously have a greater love of money than of human life. “For the love of money is the root of ALL evil.” I would give my ENTIRE paychecks forever to make certain my children were safe in Flomaton Elementary School. If you don’t like seeing your tax dollars used to protect our children, the boarders are open IN BOTH DIRECTIONS! I’m sure you would be welcome somewhere else.

  8. FES Mom on September 18th, 2013 9:30 pm

    You guessed RIGHT!! How insensitive can you be? In a situation like today that should be the last thing on yor mind. The situation was handle in the correct manner. The schools took the nesassary precautions. Regardless of however much or little information the school and police had to go on. The safety of our children comes first! So thankful that the school didnt wait around to proceed with a lockdown and acted quickly to the situation. As for the owner of the gun lets not point fingers as if they left the gun unattended for this to happen. A thief is a thief! The boy should not have been snooping around! He will pay for what he has done. We should focus on making sure he is prosecuted for his actions. Im so glad our children and school staff are all safe!! This could have been a bad situation but the Good Lord was with our babies today!!!

  9. bama girl on September 18th, 2013 7:51 pm

    Thank YOU such small words for such a awesome job done by all teachers,law enforcement first responders and the praying parents . I belive we all take for granted how quick life can change by the sensless act of a criminal.Thank God for the great out come of today every child was returned to the parents un harmed and every teacher returned to their family .. Again THANK YOU ! KEEP up the great work for our children..

  10. mel on September 18th, 2013 6:27 pm

    At the end of the day, does it really matter who pays for all of the officers/equipment dogs etc that were involved finding the suspect & gun. If they wouldn’t have found the gun, thanks to the k-9, some child from the neighborhood could have gotten their hands on it.
    And to the insentive comments like the background used in the suspects arrest picture… who cares??!!
    It’s most important that our neighborhood/school children/teachers and so on are safe and that tonight even with one persons careless gun practices and the one who seized the opportunity…. we’re not mourning the loss of someone special to us thanks to our law enforcement and all involved. And most of all… Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers every morning…..

  11. Flomaton Mom on September 18th, 2013 5:42 pm

    I just want to say THANK YOU. Thank you to the men and women in law enforcement, the teachers, and the administration of the schools. Thank you for keeping my children safe. Thank you to the people who run this site for getting us the information and for letting us know that our children were safe. Thank you for putting up pictures of the police, so that I could show my little girl that she was being protected today. Thank you for putting up the picture of the suspect so that I could show her that they caught the bad guy, and that he is in jail. She felt a lot better after I showed her those pictures.

  12. Thankful on September 18th, 2013 5:08 pm

    I am very thankful for those who put their life on the line for the community, You don’t think about it until things like this happen and it hits home…. Thanks to my all my cop friends and securtiy that did what they have been trained to do….I praise the Lord that you took this situation so serious and you locked the school down!!!!!!! The safety of our kids were my first thoughts and what you did was brave and Yes Give GOD the Glory because he was sitting in lock down with those kids as we pray daily for his protection. If I could, I would pay part of my own salary to have more security at the school on a daily basis. This a was terrible feeling today as parents worried, wondered and prayed it would turn out ok. Praise the Lord it did!

  13. Hannah on September 18th, 2013 4:17 pm

    Some people need to realize the blessing of today and be thankful each and every teacher and student that walked in that school this morning was able to walk out just the same this afternoon and not on a stretcher or in a bodybag. Thank you God. It’s not about the money or the background of a mug shot, its about innocent lives being saved. Also, the comment was made about the gun being left unattended but obviously it wasn’t that unattended or it would not have been noticed before the theft could make it more than a few blocks. So, if we could let’s show consideration for the ones who protected our loved ones and the teachers and students that were there instead of showing our ignorance and typing before thinking. Thanks from a very thankful and concerned parent of two of these children.

  14. FHSSTUDENT on September 18th, 2013 3:58 pm

    As my name states I am a FHS student. When we heard that we were having a lockdown the lights were immediately turned off and we all went to the safest place for us in the room with thoughts of Sandy Hook and The Boston Marathon in our heads. When the question arose of whether it was a code red (person in building) or just a lockdown (precautionary measure) at first the answer was, “I don’t know, I really don’t know” all anyone knew was that as stated it was not a test. Yes, we were worried and scared and for those of us, like myself, who had siblings in the other schools it was even worse. I’m glad we were on lockdown and that we were safe. As for who pays for it, I’m a tax payer and I don’t mind my hard earned money being used to protect myself and others. Thank you to those who kept us safe today and for the payers to God who ultimately kept us safe today.

  15. Reader on September 18th, 2013 3:57 pm

    To just wondering. Your comment has to be the most idiotic statement made in north history. I am glad that the school was put on lockdown this is to ensure our children are safe. The law enforcements agencies did a great job along with the schools and daycares that were involved. Now to answer your question as to who pays for this. Well that answer is simple. “I do along with many other people”. Matter of fact we are the same ones who are apparently paying and allowing you to sit at home commenting idiotic statements on the internet while I was at work at 1:02p.m. this afternoon.

  16. E on September 18th, 2013 3:24 pm

    Mallary G it is wonderful to know folks still pray to GOD for the children in these schools, but would it not be even better if they were allow to pray in school as well?

  17. Mark on September 18th, 2013 3:00 pm

    Why does Escambia County Alabama put a ugly screen behind the suspects in the jail booking photo ?? What is wrong with a height chart behind the person.

  18. Tina on September 18th, 2013 2:30 pm

    I am so glad they did a lock down when it comes to my kids and there safety cost is at no limit.. Some places never get the chance for a lock down and they buried there kids so a lock down is the right choice.. Great job to all lawmen that was able to help with this matter…..GOd bless y’all

  19. Jamie on September 18th, 2013 2:22 pm

    @ just wondering: it doesn’t matter whom pays for what went on today! They protected our children! Our families! Us! You need to be thanking the good Lord that they responded so quickly and apprehended the suspect as quick as they did! No one thinks that in a small town such as ours that anything like this could happen, and because of our local law enforcement agencies doing their job we are all safe! As a mother to a child that attends Flomaton I will be forever grateful to all the police for their actions and to all of the teachers , aides, all staff members at FES, FMS, and FHS for comforting and being there for our children and protecting them as their own while in lock down when we parents could not! Thank you all whom had a hand in being with our precious angels today! @ just wondering I will pray for you as well

  20. katie clay on September 18th, 2013 2:20 pm

    who cares how much money it costed tax payers! Im glad that the school was on lock down and i was able to bring my children home alive!! Thank you to everyone who kept our children safe this could of ended badly!!

  21. Chris on September 18th, 2013 2:19 pm

    @ just wondering “School lockdowns, massive searches, several law enforcement agencies – all involved in this – so, my question is – Who pays for this time and energy. Oh – My guess is WE THE TAXPAYERS”

    OMG!!! I know we are not sopost to bash someone’s post on here but that is plain stupid!!!

    I don’t have a child at that school but they should spend what ever it takes in a situation like this, keep the kids in school late if need be!!! Public safety is #1 and beside a school !!!

    Why would that question even pop up in your head????
    OMG!!! You should be thanking all involved
    And people is asking what is wrong in our country, that post is one if them!!!

  22. Hannah on September 18th, 2013 1:43 pm

    First of all I could understand your concern about who is paying for this us or the criminal in most situations but in this case I would save that argument for a different situation like when it’s not an innocent child’s life at stake. I pay my share to and I am very appreciative and thankful they locked down and surrounded our school first at whatever cost. I have two children there and I would much rather them pay tax dollars to protect them rather than be attending funerals next week of these innocent children and teachers. Secondly, I would much rather the kids be locked down and scared instead of running and hiding for their lives scared while a killer is lose in their SAFE ZONE. But it also lets them know the seriousness of the situation and to be AWARE because it can happen ANYWHERE even Flomaton.

  23. Angela on September 18th, 2013 1:36 pm

    @just wondering: I’m glad my child was locked up in a school rather than on the playground where he could have easily been a target. The several agency search and school lockdown was the response I would expect and I am more than glad to pay those officers and school officials to keep my babies safe!! They deserve a raise for goodness sake! All crimes cost $ that’s what bond amounts are and every prisoner is paying towards restitution, which is $ for crimes. I highly doubt the gun owner was leaving the weapon in plain sight to make it a crime of opportunity. I am impressed at the quick response and thank God the suspect was caught so quickly. Thank you so much to the police officers, school officials, and everyone involved to keep both of my babies safe!

  24. Mallary G. on September 18th, 2013 1:26 pm

    Yesterday I attended a prayer walk. The focus was Flomaton school. Adults of all ages, children, and even babies attended and walked the campus, praying that God would keep our children, the teachers, and anyone else who is on the grounds, would have a safe school year. Our family lives very close to the school, so I knew something was going on. At first, I felt fear. I didn’t know what was going on exactly. Then, I remember what an amazing and migjhty God I serve!! I knew the school and all the people inside would be fine. May God always bless Flomaton!

  25. just wondering on September 18th, 2013 1:02 pm

    School lockdowns, massive searches, several law enforcement agencies – all involved in this – so, my question is – Who pays for this time and energy. Oh – My guess is WE THE TAXPAYERS. Not that I mind keeping the community safe or even the resources expended but is it time to make the offender pay $ for his crimes. Also, did the owner of the weapon leave it unsecured so the gun would be a target of opportunity? Not enough information to make an informed decision. Accountability should be foremost in all of our minds. Our children deserve better than to be locked up in a school (scared and wondering if a shooter is going to kill them). Swift and hard punishment is all people like this offender understand – so we as a community need to stand up and demand it.

  26. northendbratt on September 18th, 2013 11:35 am

    Thanks northescambia,you reported the news AGAIN, before the localnews affiliates could blink an eye!!!!¡¡