AG Bondi Apologies For Delaying Killer’s Execution

September 25, 2013

Attorney General Pam Bondi repeatedly apologized Tuesday for asking Gov. Rick Scott to reschedule an execution from the night of her waterfront “campaign kickoff” fundraiser, as she addressed the Tallahassee media for the first time since the reason for the delay became public.

Bondi said her request to move the execution of convicted murder Marshall Lee Gore from Sept. 10 to Oct. 1 was a “mistake” that “won’t happen again.”

Scott has said he was simply complying with a request from a state Cabinet member when he rescheduled the execution. Bondi, who has yet to receive a challenger in her 2014 re-election campaign, said her staff was aware of the reason for the request.

Attorneys for Gore, whose sanity has been the focus of two prior successful efforts to block the execution, have again filed a challenge to the planned execution.

“We are fighting that,” Bondi said.

Gore was convicted of killing two women in 1988 in Miami-Dade and Columbia counties. Gore’s death warrant is for the murder of Robyn Novick, whose nude body was found in March 1988 in a rural area of Miami-Dade.

Asked if she was concerned the incident could hinder the perception of her as a crime fighter, Bondi replied: “I asked that a killer’s date be changed and he was given 20 more days, and it won’t happen again. I’m sorry.”


5 Responses to “AG Bondi Apologies For Delaying Killer’s Execution”

  1. David Huie Green on September 27th, 2013 10:52 am

    “Justice is not served by taking some ones life”

    Actually, that is often true.

    Even that is not enough to undo the damage they have done. But at least it’s the best we can do until we change the law and harvest their living organs to save the lives of others who have NOT tortured and murdered innocent people.

    David for better justice

  2. David Huie Green on September 27th, 2013 10:49 am

    She has repented so I forgive her and would even if she didn’t look like a child.

    David for better thinking in the future

  3. N A reader on September 26th, 2013 9:53 am

    Give her a break. She may have made a mistake but who doesn’t. No one died from it. Many countries and some states never execute. I read way too many remarks on here calling for someones job or head. Let us all treat our neighbor like we want to be treated. Justice is not served by taking some ones life. There is really no difference between being locked up til death or executing except for the feeling of revenge. He will never be a menace to society again either way. It is no easier to forgive if he is executed or not. You just feel like he got his punishment, which doesn’t hurt him and is probably better than living on death row anyway.

  4. paul on September 25th, 2013 9:32 am

    If she didn’t understand the importance of a death penalty case she should resign.. I could care less about the killers feelings but the family of the victims were done wrong in a Big way.. “It was a mistake that won’t happen again” just doesn’t work for me when it’s something on this level.. This murderer has been wasting oxygen since 1988.. That’s 25 years and I’ll bet a few family members have already passed not knowing if justice was or ever will be served.. :(

  5. Jimmy on September 25th, 2013 3:31 am

    This is a gross abuse of office. And now a convicted killer’s attorney has jumped on the opportunity to file yet another appeal costing the Florida taxpayers money. It is only fair that an ethical review and investigation be conducted against AG Bondi. And I would hope an investigation would find Bondi owes restitition to the Florida taxpayer for all additional legal fees incurred since the stayed execution.