$3.7 Million Project Making Safety Improvements On Jacks Branch Road

September 3, 2013

A $3.7 million project will enhance the safety of Jacks Branch Road.

The Florida Department of Transportation is funding the design and construction of the safety enhancements as a “Local Agency Program” project. Escambia County has bid the project, awarded the construction contract to Roads, Inc., and the county will manage the construction.

The work includes widening the travel lanes to 11 feet and added four-foot paved shoulders, along with some minor draining improvements. Escambia County will fund and perform milling and crack relief concurrently with the planned construction.

The project will begin at Muscogee Road to the south and end at Barrineau Park Road to the north.

Pictured: The intersection of Jacks Branch Road and Schifko Road. Photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “$3.7 Million Project Making Safety Improvements On Jacks Branch Road”

  1. Hmm on September 5th, 2013 12:02 pm

    Why won’t they add an additional lane for those turning as well as widening the current lanes? I’m glad the work will be done. Those trucks are too close for comfort!

  2. goodstart on September 4th, 2013 8:37 am

    Jacks Branch Road is part of my daily drive – IT SCARES ME EVERYDAY to drive that road especially with my kids in the car! People FLY down this road and I have never once seen any type of law enforcement to help control speeds! Im on my 3rd windshield this year from log trucks flinging rocks from excessive speed in curves and running off the road to keep from coming into my lane. I feel road work is much needed but pray it doesn’t encourage the already reckless teens and log truck drivers into feeling safer in their apparent race to eventually hurt others!! SLOW DOWN PEOPLE before you end up killing someone (or a family) and ruin more lives than you can speed away from!!!!

  3. River Rat on September 4th, 2013 8:19 am

    We have property on Vantage Road off of Jacks Branch. When they put in the connector road from 9 mile to Quintette Road what will eventually happen is Jacks Branch will soon be the next 9 Mile Road. They have no other roads that travel East-West that far to the Alabama Line.

    This MUST be stopped! We love our little piece of heaven. We might not be able to retire out there as planned because of the rezoning. Leave us and things the way they are and QUIT telling us what we can and can not do with our property!

  4. Hello on September 4th, 2013 5:09 am

    Sooner or later Hwy 4 and Hwy 99 have got to be addressed. Every bus in the century / walnut hill area have to travel these roads. Many years ago they started widening 4 and said it would be continued until completed….?
    About 5 yrs back county workers widened the sides of 99 from 97 to the Alabama line explaining the road would then be resurfaced…..?
    It’s all about the squeaky wheel, and the southern portion of the county.

  5. Freda Whaley on September 4th, 2013 4:58 am

    I travel on Jack Branch Road every day. These improvements are really needed. But they should be done over the summer. Not while school is in session. It’s hard enough to get the buses down there as it is.

  6. JR on September 3rd, 2013 6:01 pm

    The meeting for the Re-zoning is on the 9th. The re-paving starts on the 9th. Makes me think this is already a done deal.
    Trade off maybe?

  7. gpriley on September 3rd, 2013 2:43 pm

    our county leaders are lead by those who offer the most regardless of the out come.lets remember ELLYSON FIELD,CENTRAL COMERCE PARK,THE LAND GRAB at Ely rd. and Beulah rd.the buy out of the 4-H land,the landing field.all of them filled with PROMISES of growth like the Sony and Michilen plants the Wal-mart and the Ace hardware distribution centers,and the boom in business next Navy Fderal.Are largest employers are a credit union and a hospital.Who will have the income to buy these upscale homes and land?Retirees or fast food workers.More promises.Lets hope for the day when we will learn to manage what we have the best we can,without additional cost to the taxpayers

  8. Funny on September 3rd, 2013 2:07 pm

    Roads inc gets the job resurfacing Jacks Branch Road and Jerry and Donald long who are trying to get their land rezoned own Panhandle Paving and Grading. Definitely sounds like someone did their homework on this ahead of time

  9. ME on September 3rd, 2013 9:19 am

    Seems like someone knew about this project ahead of time, now the rezoning of the acreage on Jacks Branch makes more sense. The better the roads, the more the land is worth. Get ready Jack Branchers Public Housing may be coming your way.

  10. g.priley on September 3rd, 2013 8:43 am

    Friday and Saturday nights the boys cut loose out here and run the roads like an interstate.Lets go ahead and make it what they want a speedway.Unless the FHP and the sheriffs dept. will make more of a showing you can look forward to more high speed wrecks.Sadly even the folks who live along Jacks Branch and the surrounding roads dont respect the speed limits.The projected time for the widening is over a year to go about 7 miles thats around 2 months per mile.then figure in delays and weather.

  11. LOULOU on September 3rd, 2013 7:44 am

    Thank You it’s about time. This road has needed it for a long time .

  12. bk on September 3rd, 2013 6:01 am

    Yay! About time! When this is done it will surely improve the safety of both residents and motorists. Four foot paved shoulders sound great.

  13. widen hwy 164 for our school kids on September 3rd, 2013 5:54 am

    How about widening hwy 164 and Pine barron road. Our kids have to travel these roads to get to Northview high school from Molino. These roads are more important I believe. Both areas need widening, but these northend roads are traveled by more inexperienced drivers.

  14. worried on September 3rd, 2013 4:18 am

    Can anyone say how long this is going to take? Work has been going on on 297a for at least a year. Any time I am on 297a I never see anyone working though.