Teens Arrested For Cantonment Vehicle Burglaries

August 2, 2013

Two juveniles have been arrested in connection with at least four vehicle burglaries in Cantonment.

During the early morning hours Thursday, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office received a call reporting that a vehicle burglary had just occurred and the victim was chasing the suspects down the road. Deputies arrived in the 1800 block of Wareham Way in Cantonment where a resident advised that the victim had chased the suspects in the direction of Highway 297A.

One of the suspects, 17-year old Marquis Derrell Byrant, was quickly apprehended.  Two K-9 units were used to track the second suspect, leading the arrest of 17-year old Lakendrick Jiles Holmes.

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office revealed the duo was responsible for at least three other vehicle burglaries.

Bryant and Holmes were charged with four counts of burglary of vehicle and larceny. Holmes was also charged with possession of marijuana.


31 Responses to “Teens Arrested For Cantonment Vehicle Burglaries”

  1. liberty on August 3rd, 2013 4:10 pm

    its not ….that the smirks are so bad rather than the source or purpose if you will, of the smirks..its the culture of these two young men have been raised…..the notion that they ‘ have arrived’, because of their arrests or the notion that our justice system has been slowly but surely compromised over the years….and they know it…..as if this is something to be proud of in their culture…..probably go and get some celebratory tattoos to mark the occasion………hmmmm how pathetic. Its probably the only way of life in which they’re familiar, ….also how pathetic…

  2. chrstefl on August 3rd, 2013 1:04 pm

    Wow! Look at thier faces as if it is a game. How sad. Unreal. Good job LEO’s. I’m sure they arenot smiling now but then again they probably are.

  3. cpgone1 on August 3rd, 2013 8:44 am

    reply to Ifish4,

    “Well, if I were on the jury and someone had shot a punk breaking into their vehicle they wouldn’t be in trouble”
    Me too. We both would likely get excluded after lawyer questioning.
    EVEN IF FOUND innocent, get ready for 50k in attorney bills.
    Of course it would depend on the circumstances,if they are in the driveway in your car and you shoot them , stand your ground doesn’t apply.
    I’m afraid too many people are getting Zimmerman bold/trigger happy.

  4. well on August 3rd, 2013 7:54 am

    and they think it’s funny ?

  5. M on August 3rd, 2013 6:18 am

    I wish you all would quit calling these thugs kids. They are young adults that are out there stealing your stuff, and would kill or hurt you if given the opportunity. They got arrested for four burglaries, I wonder how many more they got away with. Thugs like these should be stopped in their tracks at every opportunity. I’ll “stand my ground”, not run and hide like some of the jessies would advocate.

  6. DJ on August 2nd, 2013 9:12 pm

    “look Ma, instead of a senior portrait, I got you a MUG shot with my smirky grin, hope you like it”.

  7. Ifish4 on August 2nd, 2013 8:52 pm

    Well, if I were on the jury and someone had shot a punk breaking into their vehicle they wouldn’t be in trouble. I for one am tired of all these sorry punks getting away with taking what hard working people have worked to have. When momma and daddy came running up saying he was just a 17 year old child, my reply to that would be you should have raised him better. It might seem harsh but it’s the way I feel.

  8. REALLY?! on August 2nd, 2013 8:22 pm

    Smiling for the mugshots….GOTTA make a mamma PROUD!!!!!!

  9. David Huie Green on August 2nd, 2013 5:48 pm

    “Those types of people are as much a problem in our society as the ones who steal cars.”

    Nah, not until they act on those fantasies.
    In fact they should be encouraged to remain at their keyboards for that very reason.

    David for kinder, gentler people
    (or lazy bad people)

  10. KB on August 2nd, 2013 5:43 pm

    To Howard P: I did call the police and remind them about my case. They have been wonderful from the start. I believe they really are doing their best. Everyone is questioning why they don’t finger print every car. From talking to them I understand they are completely overwhelmed. Finger prints may or may not be helpful. They could be smeared etc. They have to focus their time and energy in a direction they know will pay off. I wish ,and I’m sure they do too, that everyone of these cars could have been finger printed, but there are so many and the process is so time consuming. However, while talking to them I started to remember details about my case that were very helpful. So I encourage everyone that has been a victim to call the police. You never know what detail, that is so small, can turn out to be helpful. Did they leave behind anything, drop something, take something with your name on it, or anything unique to you. Every charge the police can get them for will add up.

  11. cpgone1 on August 2nd, 2013 5:20 pm

    All the trigger happy posters (who would shoot a person) breaking in your car,
    likely you would be charged. Get a good lawyer and spend $50k plus for your satisfaction.
    Zimmerman was a special case , you are not.

  12. Really? on August 2nd, 2013 4:29 pm

    I’ll never understand why some people fantasize so often, and publicly, about how much they would enjoy shooting or killing another person. Those types of people are as much a problem in our society as the ones who steal cars.

  13. David Huie Green on August 2nd, 2013 3:48 pm

    Assuming guilt and assuming conviction, in a few years we will be told how terrible it is that nobody will hire these young gentlemen or trust them with money or even want to live near them and how they’re going to have to steal to “earn” a living because we are just too unforgiving. It will be made out to be OUR fault.

    David for better people
    better judgment

  14. Howard P. on August 2nd, 2013 3:36 pm

    KB- I called the investigations department and left a message. I hope I get a call back in reference. The ford ranger they recovered at the end of our street wasn’t even finger printed. We filed a report about our vehicle as did a neighbor on theirs. Of course, after deputies left, we discovered other things in the vehicle missing that we hadn’t been thinking about in the craziness of the moment. Keeping my hopes that some answers come! You’re right….it makes me look at these kids like they did it and I hate to feel that way.

  15. KB on August 2nd, 2013 2:59 pm

    William, I was able to look up Marquis Bryant at www2.escambiaso.com and see that he was arrested last year. If I understand the abbreviations correctly it was 12 counts of the same activity. However I was unable to look up Lakendrick Holmes records, even his current arrest. Do you know why I can’t find him, and do you know of another sight were I can view his arrests information?

  16. kathy on August 2nd, 2013 2:40 pm

    Love those smirks. Don’t care now and never will.

  17. paul on August 2nd, 2013 1:10 pm

    I don’t call 911.. I just call for cleanup.. :) I do have a security system w/8 cameras and a LARGE pet..

  18. KB on August 2nd, 2013 1:03 pm

    There has been a LOT of cars broken into and stolen in cantonment, including mine. From what I hear all were recovered. The crimes don’t seem to be committed by adults, just young people who don’t really seem to know what to do with the vehicle once they get it. Valuable items were left right beside the cars. These guys are smiling now, think they are really cute, but here’s the problem. In the morning you are going to wake up and realize the sinking feeling that everyone knows who you are. Every victim of these crimes is now thinking that you guys are responsible for their loss, whether you did it or not. And now your pictures are out there for everyone one to see. We’ve had the uncomfortable feeling that strangers came onto our property, know who we are, what we have, took our stuff, and are likely to come back, and we don’t even know who did it. But now your photos are out there for everyone to see, we know who you are.

    Please don’t anyone think that my comments are a threat, and don’t any victims be so stupid as to take the law into your hands. As for me, and I would advise all the other victims, I’m about to call the police dept and remind them of the items that were stolen from me and inform them that I still care about punishing the people responsible . If we all call we will send a message to the police dept that we will not be quite until they are stopped. Although I don’t make threats I DO PROMISE that if the police can prove who was involved in my case I won’t be quite, I will not stop. I will ware out all legal avenues. I will sue. The judges will know me by my first name, before I stop.

  19. Karen on August 2nd, 2013 12:29 pm

    Every law abiding citizen should own a firearm and know how to use it. Until criminals are stopped in their tracks this kinda of mess is only gonna get worse.

  20. uncle sam on August 2nd, 2013 12:07 pm

    need a few more zimmermans on the street….

  21. MOM3 on August 2nd, 2013 11:46 am

    I hope these are the ones that stole my dad’s truck last month. Something needs to be done about these kids.

  22. jake c on August 2nd, 2013 11:14 am

    i wish i could catch a cuple scumbags like this stealing some of my stuff. they wouldnt be smiling like that i promise. the cops hands are tied. judges let them all go. a few of these losers get their head blown off and theyll stop it.

  23. Howard P. on August 2nd, 2013 10:36 am

    Tuesday evening 2 cars in my neighborhood were burglarized & a stolen vehicle was recovered from the end of my street at the same time. We are off Ryale Rd & West Roberts, just a few miles from these incidents. They didn’t dust for prints but did make reports….. I hope a full investigation is done to see if all these burglaries are connected. We work hard for what we have and there’s little hope it will be returned. :(

  24. wm on August 2nd, 2013 8:35 am

    They could have ended up like…Trayvon…

  25. LEO on August 2nd, 2013 8:35 am

    I wish I could SLAP that smirk right off of there faces! We need to hold public lashings, etc for this foolishnes. Like “Two more” said until these criminals be held fully accountable, they are going to keep doing what they do. This place has gone to the pits really fast. I recommend covering them in honey and laying them in a field and let the ants have their way. Geeessshhhhh

  26. Lifendason on August 2nd, 2013 8:20 am

    17 years old…I wonder if the parents know where their 17 year old son is/was?

    Sad Sad Sad I tell ya!!

  27. Colonel Lee on August 2nd, 2013 7:47 am

    Would not happen if they did like Jessie Jackson said and Boycott Florida!

  28. i hope on August 2nd, 2013 7:01 am

    I sure hope Florida’s juvenile system is a lot better than Alabama’s

  29. Two more on August 2nd, 2013 6:32 am

    Until the courts hold these criminals fully accountable, you will continue to see mug shots with cocky, arrogant smiles on “juveniles’” faces. They have very little to fear from the judicial system and less from some of the judges.

  30. Don on August 2nd, 2013 5:36 am

    they seem to be enjoying the attention huh……

  31. Jane on August 2nd, 2013 2:39 am

    Good job LEOs! Bad idea to chase a suspect.