Scott’s Education Summit Wraps Up

August 29, 2013

Gov. Rick Scott hailed the conclusion of his three-day education summit from afar, issuing a statement Wednesday after the educators, business leaders and advocates adjourned their meeting in Clearwater.

“The discussion and ideas generated this week will guide our future decisions and steps we will take through either legislative proposals, action by the State Board of Education or executive action,” Scott said.

The discussions largely focused on high-level ideas and few specific recommendations, such as whether the state should bail out of a consortium of states developing new tests for the nationwide “common core” standards now being implemented in Florida classrooms.

Democrats slammed Scott for not attending the sessions in person.

“After a disastrous summer for Florida’s education system, Rick Scott should have learned a lesson about hands-on management,” said Allison Tant, chairwoman of the Florida Democratic Party. “Instead, he cannot even be bothered to attend his own education summit, which he himself said was designed to improve communication and confidence in Florida’s schools.”

But interim Education Commissioner Pam Stewart deflected those criticisms and said Scott would be brought up to speed on the discussions.

“The governor asked me to convene this education summit. … We certainly will have conversation,” she told reporters.


3 Responses to “Scott’s Education Summit Wraps Up”

  1. Rufus Lowgun on August 30th, 2013 12:56 pm

    So instead of attending the education summit in Clearwater that he convened, Rick Scott was meeting privately with Jeb Bush, John Thrasher and Gary Chartrand in Miami to set his education policy. One wonders why he even bothered convening the summit in the first place.

  2. Robert S. on August 29th, 2013 6:00 am

    Hummm…Not at all sure that the Gov. would have made any impact other than making an appearance at this summit. “Hey, look y’all, it’s Rick Scott.” Woo-Hoo
    The intent was to bring together educational experts in an effort to resolve some problems within our state, and there are many.

    It would be good for us citizens to know why the high-level folks think “…the state should bail out of a consortium of states developing new tests for the nationwide “common core” standards…” Florida has plenty enough of its own financial difficulties with education.

    Sad that any party always tries to politicize education. The purpose of education is to promote a passion for learning and the gift of curiosity, not to be bashed about by a bunch of self-interest and agenda wielding politicians and lobbyists.

  3. Elijah Bell on August 29th, 2013 5:55 am

    This is not the way to be involved as a governor. Where was he and why was it more important than what we spend the most tax$$ on? Just a thought.