Pensacola State College Theatre Technician Missing

August 19, 2013

Escambia County Sheriff’s investigators are attempting to locate a missing Pensacola State College theatre technician last seen leaving work a week ago.

Tiffany Heaven Daniels, 25, of Pensacola, has not been seen since August 12 at 5 p.m. when she left PSC. She is 5-foot, 7-inches tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was driving a gray 1999 Toyota 4-Runner.

Friends and family said her vehicle, bike and cell phone were found on Pensacola Beach Tuesday in the Park West parking lot. Volunteers spent the day scouring the beach and passing out flyers while looking for information about Daniels’ whereabouts.

Anyone with information on her whereabouts is asked to contact the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620.


20 Responses to “Pensacola State College Theatre Technician Missing”

  1. Mary Kendall on December 23rd, 2013 11:30 pm

    I agree. There are couple women missing from Atmore Alabama and Ft Walton Beach There is very little news about this concern. Why?

  2. David Huie Green on August 23rd, 2013 11:49 am

    “PSC campus police where are you? Escambia SO where are you? Pensacola PD where are you? Guess all eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, hanging out together under trees and local convenient stores.”

    I very much hope this girl is okay.

    Regardless, it is unreasonable to complain about law enforcement officers eating and “hanging out” as a general rule.

    When they eat, they are still listening to dispatch and often have to leave a meal before it reaches them because something has come up. Further, they are interacting with the public and with each other at those times. This gives people a chance to directly interact with them and share complaints and suspicions. It gives them a chance to share observations and concerns with each other. They may do other things but they are not off the job just because they are “eating and “hanging out” “.

    David for sharing

  3. William on August 21st, 2013 5:07 pm

    >>@ William– I was told that her car was located on Pensacola Beach, can you verify this?

    From the story above:

    Friends and family said her vehicle, bike and cell phone were found on Pensacola Beach Tuesday in the Park West parking lot. Volunteers spent the day scouring the beach and passing out flyers while looking for information about Daniels’ whereabouts.

  4. molino jim on August 21st, 2013 5:02 pm

    @ William– I was told that her car was located on Pensacola Beach, can you verify this?

  5. bewildered on August 21st, 2013 12:02 pm

    Thank you Mic Hall. It’s refreshing to see common sense in a comment. People abandon jobs for no apparent reason all the time and in a free country any adult can come and go as they please. Of course, if you dislike law enforcement (or the current Sheriff!) you will not miss any opportunity to gripe and complain about them. . .

  6. Mic Hall on August 20th, 2013 8:34 pm

    All of you that are coming down on PSC or any of the Law enforcement agency’s have no basis for your complaints. No one has even IMPLIED that she disappeared FROM PSC where she works but that it was the last place she was seen by those who have come forward.

    It is far more likely that something happened after she left the school where she is known and problems would be recognized. I hope that instead people help in any form that the search and investigation takes. The focus should be on finding where she went from work and not throwing accusations with no validity at all.

  7. Just Me on August 20th, 2013 4:38 pm

    If no one knows someone is missing, why go looking for them??? Why do folks automatically blame the PD’s? Once she was reported missing, officers from MULTIPLE agencies have been looking for her, all over the place! I can assure all those folks on here fussing about the PDs will be the 1st to call the PD or SO if someone they love goes missing.
    So now that has been established, lets use this as a support system & help those officers find her! If you think you see her, call the SO. Sometimes people are found because of the most smallest clue. If you want to help, call the number on the flyer and see if you can join a search team if one has been established.
    Please stop bashing everybody and every situation on here. Nobody ever knows everything! Most of the time there are reasons why things happen how & when they happen. It’s not for the general public to know all the details, sometimes to protect the general populations life. Sometimes, because it could worsen the situation. Please be supportive of this family and those agencies trying to find her.

  8. molino jim on August 20th, 2013 3:13 pm

    As Jim said she has gone away before and let us hope this is the case here. For those who are so fast to point a finger at law enforcement— ask yourself a simple question. Did this young woman live with others who would have missed her or did she live alone. I knew an older fellow who lived alone and decided to take a trip out of town– he saw no need to tell anyone– no pets to feed–used a drop box for his mail and so on. He was reported “missing” when he failed to show up for his volunteer job answering the phone at the desk sergeants office at the local police department. Upon his return he found out he was “missing”. I hope this can and will turn out as well.

  9. Dawn on August 20th, 2013 1:34 pm

    Tiffany has been missing 8 days not 2 weeks and everyone is doing everything they can to find her. Instead of being judgmental help find her.

  10. puddin on August 20th, 2013 11:08 am

    Just called it in. I saw a woman who looks just like her at the middle school today, dropping off a child who looked very much like the mother. They were with a skinny man. Who also looked similar to the child. Hope it was them, and hope they are found quickly. This was about 10 this morning.

  11. Cj on August 20th, 2013 11:06 am

    There have been many young ladies that have gone missing recently in our area …has anyone considered this as a pattern. It’s like a seen out of the Tv show (which I dont watch) Criminal Minds. Remember the girl in orange beach? And this young lady and there have been more. I agree with LMN…someone needs to wake up and inform the public that something more evil may be happening in our area. Just Saying.

  12. nick on August 20th, 2013 10:21 am

    People did report it. I’m a friend, and we’ve been searching for days. only the independent and north escambia picked up on this — pnj did not. come help us try and find her

  13. yeah on August 20th, 2013 9:54 am

    It wasn’t reported by news until now…Doesn’t mean that it wasn’t reported to anyone until then. PSC has camera’s don’t they. Sounds to me like PSC police need to get on the ball and take care of their campus. How many PSC officers do you see when you are leaving at 5, or maybe at 8 when evening classes let out..

  14. jim on August 20th, 2013 9:34 am

    anyone who is close to the situation will tell you, as soon as Tiffany was reported missing to the SO they have done everything they can to locate her. dont blame the local police, ive known Tiffany for a few years and it was never unusual for her to disappear for a short time and then turn up again. ppd was only notified within the last two days by one of her friends of her absence. i pray that she is found safely soon.

  15. Pensacolian on August 20th, 2013 9:24 am

    LMN before you go judging law enforcement at least have the facts first. You have no idea what is going on with this case, so unless you have ALL the facts it makes you look ignorant to pass judgement on law enforcement.

    Are you going to sit here and complain about what “needs” to be done and wait for someone else to do it. Or are you going to get out there and make a difference. The choice is yours…

  16. Ronda on August 20th, 2013 8:31 am

    My first thought was similar to yours….2 weeks missing, last seen on a local college campus, and this is the first we’re hearing about it? My daughter has been on and off that campus all summer. My niece starts classes there today. Though in this day and time we should always be on guard against evil people wishing to do us harm, it is easy to become complacent as we and our children go about our normal daily routine. Information such as this heightens our vigilance and therefore, should have been shared much sooner.

  17. lmn on August 20th, 2013 7:23 am

    Why is it that this girl has been missing for a week and we are just now hearing about this story. PSC campus police where are you? Escambia SO where are you? Pensacola PD where are you? Guess all eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, hanging out together under trees and local convenient stores. Sheriff Morgan when there is a neighborhood clean up we hear all about these poor depressed neighborhoods that need help. Where were our honorable uniforms when this poor girl went missing? MIA too so sad. Someone had to report her missing surely they would know if she had anything planned. PSC what are you doing to ensure the safety of our children especially the young women who appear to be the prey to some low life that has nothing better to do. People wake up look at all of the unsolved missing persons from our town most of whom are young women. Law enforcement step up and do your jobs even the hard ones this is what you are paid to do. Neighborhood clean up is not for volunteers or law enforcement drug dealers are a dime a dozen. Get on your job inform the people who reside here find this young lady. If she was a cops daughter would she be more important? Or if she was a boy. I do believe we are sending a clear cut message girls and young women are less important. And LEOs please don’t try the excuse that she ran away from home she’s 25 and had a job. Please go to work now.

  18. Adding my prayers on August 19th, 2013 11:58 pm

    Lord I add my prayer to all the others that this young lady may be found safe. Lord please keep her safe and be with her love ones and help them to keep their faith until they find her. Amen!

  19. praying on August 19th, 2013 9:57 pm

    LORD please bring this young woman home safely!!! in JESUS name Amen

  20. molino jim on August 19th, 2013 8:28 pm

    This is so very sad—missing for two weeks and no one reported it. We can only hope she elected to take a trip and didn’t tell any one.