Molino Woman Claims Self Defense In Shooting Death Of Her Husband

August 21, 2013

A Molino woman accused of shooting her husband Saturday night was in court Tuesday, claiming she shot him in self defense. And her daughter told the court that her father had a history of violence.
“He did shove me . He punched holes in my doors. I’m sure the cops could go now and still see them there,” the daughter testified.

Rebecca A. Rogers, 43, made her first court appearance via video Tuesday afternoon. She is charged with second degree murder for the death of her husband, 42-year old Jason Lee Rogers. She allegedly shot him twice in the back and once in the head the couples home in the 3400 block of Highway 29 in Molino about 10:45 p.m. Saturday. He died from his injuries Monday afternoon.

The couple had four daughters together, one of which testified Tuesday that her father had several guns in the home.

“As far as I know, he was going to get them and he was…my mom believed he was going to kill her. So, she was protecting herself,” she said.

Rogers remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $550,000.

For an earlier story, click here.

Pictured top: Rebecca A. Rogers made a court appearance by video Tuesday afternoon. Pictured inset: Rogers’ daughter testified that her father had a history of violence. Images courtesy WEAR 3 for, click to enlarge.


29 Responses to “Molino Woman Claims Self Defense In Shooting Death Of Her Husband”

  1. Lala on August 28th, 2013 7:32 pm

    My prayers are with Becca and the kids. If my sister would have had a gun 8 years ago, she would be alive today. Unfortunately her husband succeeded in strangling her to death. For those of you with your “Holier than thou” attitudes, shame on you. You do not have the right to judge her.

  2. kae on August 23rd, 2013 2:39 pm

    Re: David for intelligent life
    Pressing charges and testifying against her abuser in court is also part of the equation; he is definitely her “EX BOYFRIEND” :)

    Sadly he was not the first to abuse her and the cycle will continue I’m sure, with another loser. Like I mentioned before, unless you have experience- you can not comprehend the mind set of “why?”. Why do women stay? Why do women go back to their abuser? Why do they choose a new abuser? It does not make sense to inexperienced people. Even though I have experience and understand-I find myself judging my sister for staying in such horrible relationships. We were raised in the same households, we witnessed the same violence. I chose to be different than my mother, I refused to allow anyone to abuse me.
    Unfortunately my sister repeats the cycle. . . Why? Wish I knew.

    If you are a victim of abuse (male or female) and want help please contact:
    Call 850-434-6600 or visit

    FavorHouse shelters and crisis lines are staffed 24 hours a day, year round. Victims, their families and those who are assisting them may call for help at any time.

  3. Bill on August 22nd, 2013 10:11 pm

    Let the courts decide this. It may change some opinions of some you battered wives with first hand experiences. Face it you are trying to convict a dead man

  4. David Huie Green on August 22nd, 2013 7:58 pm

    “Now my sister lives the same life- in fact her boyfriend is in jail now for assault, she finally has had enough!”

    Until she decides he is her EX BOYFRIEND, she is part of the equation.
    He won’t change.

    David for intelligent life

  5. kae on August 22nd, 2013 7:30 am

    This is a sad situation. The circumstances are all too familiar to me. As a child I witnessed horrific violence against my mother-I prayed everyday that she would divorce him-she never did. Believe me-if I was ever able to get a hold of a gun-I would have shot him myself! Now my sister lives the same life- in fact her boyfriend is in jail now for assault, she finally has had enough!
    The fact that this woman shot her husband in the back tells ME that even with a gun in her hands-she was still afraid of this man!! Unless you have lived in this environment you should not speculate. Most of the time the women walk on eggshells- never knowing what will set her husband off. Kind of like living in a war zone. I would not be surprised if she is suffering from PTSD.
    I will let the lord judge this woman, but I am sure that won’t stop the handful of “regulars” from getting up on their handy soapbox to write cute, witty post pointing out misspellings and poor grammar.
    May peace be with the families who are suffering-let this be your signal to get out-you can do it.

    If you are a victim of abuse (male or female) and want help please contact:
    Call 850-434-6600 or visit

    FavorHouse shelters and crisis lines are staffed 24 hours a day, year round. Victims, their families and those who are assisting them may call for help at any time.

    What Are Shelters and Safe Houses?
    Domestic violence shelters and safe houses provide protection and support for victims of family violence by offering shelter, food and protection. Some shelters also provide social workers, legal services, childcare and even job training. All shelters and safe houses keep their location strictly confidential in order to avoid detection of your whereabouts by the abuser.

    Locating a local shelter for most victims begins with a call to a domestic violence help hotline. These hotlines (such as 1-800-799-SAFE) have been responsible for saving lives and preventing further harm from occurring.

    Most shelters provide immediate access to specially trained abuse therapists who are educated in matters of domestic violence and can provide you with a referral to doctors and other types of therapists depending on your situation and needs. Most shelters are clean, safe, wheelchair accessible and free.

    Taking Your Children With You.
    Children are often the hidden victims in matters of domestic violence. According to the American Bar Association, every year an estimated 3 million children go through the trauma of witnessing their parent being physically assaulted by a partner.

  6. pam on August 22nd, 2013 5:40 am

    come on people she has been abused and had anough and yes that is both there kids all of them they were scared he was going to kill them come on she needs to be set free she was scared didnt no what to do untill he was going to kill her and there children the women that wait and dont act in up dead and the kids and then the husband kills his self so she did right women fall in love they think there is no way out they think he want hit again he said he wouildnt he loves me well they think there is no way out she needs help not jail stupied people

  7. been there done that except didnt kill anyone on August 21st, 2013 10:45 pm

    I am telling anyone that gives the ” she should have got out before it came to this ” sating really have NO clue what it’s like until you are put in that predicament . What was he going to do to her ??? Or her children ??? Sometimes even if the animal is in a cage they get out and they hurt again, guess he can’t hurt if he is not here to hurt them . I don’t know either parties here but I have been in a relationship where a fun was pulled on me and been beat the crap out of my the father of of my child / my husband ! It’s not as easy as getting out or calling the cops as you think ! Thankfully this woman had a gun to defend herself not everyone is that lucky ! It could be her or her children under the ground instead of this guy we just don’t know . I’m praying for everyone here .

  8. Justthefacts on August 21st, 2013 10:02 pm

    I refuse to read all the bickering from everyone with their biased opinions. However, let’s look at the facts. The story reads that she shot her husband in the back twice and once in the head. Stand Your Ground would be her only option of self defense and if any actually reads the law, it does not apply if someone is walking away. Whether or not he was going to get guns as the daughter reported is a mute point. Obviously a weapon was obtainable by the wife and clearly she was not defending herself by shooting the man in the back. If he were leaving to another room to get a gun himself, then she had time to leave, run, drive away. I don’t think she has any real basis to claim self defense. Also, there has been no mention and definitely has not been seen in photos/mug shots that she sustained any physical harm during the pre-shooting events. Lock her up.

  9. David Huie Green on August 21st, 2013 9:20 pm

    “How dare you guys further abuse this women with your ignorant remarks about what she should or could have done.
    “If you men were really smart, and acted like you ought to, you would remember that your wife is only a reflection of yourself. “

    Women are only reflections of their husbands?
    Okay, I admit, I was not aware of that.
    I thought they were thinking people capable of deciding for themselves.
    My bad.

    David for better reflections
    better decisions
    better outcomes

  10. mymymy on August 21st, 2013 5:50 pm

    Some of you men just erk the crap out of me. How dare you guys further abuse this women with your ignorant remarks about what she should or could have done. You have no idea what was going on in the heat of the moment and if his back was turned, it may have been her only chance to get away. How far do you think she would have gotten if she had just simply turned to run or walk out? He would have been on her fast and then punished her for trying to go. And, Dave, you are the most ignorant of the bunch, with all of your hindsight is 20/20 comments. None of us can judge this poor woman. You guys need to think about if it had been your mother or sister…then what? And, if you think nothing, you are as bad a monster as this man must have become before he got shot. It totally makes my skin crawl to see at this day and age, with the education and all that is out there, that men still put their wives/girlfriends in that position. What ever happened to respect? If you men were really smart, and acted like you ought to, you would remember that your wife is only a reflection of yourself. So be careful the path you lead them down.

  11. Just Sayin' on August 21st, 2013 4:56 pm

    Someone said something to me today concerning this case. I thought it was worth sharing. She said, ” Maybe she shot him in the back so she didn’t have to look at his face when she killed him.”

    Think about it.

    Ever been abused? Even mostly mentally? Your child ever been abused by her OWN father? That causes RAMPANT RAGE, then or later.

    No one should judge this woman if they were not in her shoes. And, no, I do not know her.

  12. cpgone1 on August 21st, 2013 3:34 pm


    You don’t understand the stand your ground law.
    ALL gun owners should study up on it and the recent court decisions surrounding it.
    It could make the difference between prison and no prison for YOU !!
    From the facts presented ,stand your ground has zero relevance here.

  13. grandmaof7 on August 21st, 2013 1:39 pm

    Florida has a stand your ground law, and she stood on it. She chose to not be a victim. If her own daughter defended her, then the courts should take that in consideration.

  14. Seriously on August 21st, 2013 12:00 pm

    Marshall…. I am by NO MEANS telling them to do nothing. I’m just saying in some situations, doing something (fighting back or call the police to “make a report”) only makes the situation worse. It would only take one time for this to happen to me and I would be gone with my kids; but that is probably due to the way I was brought up. I will not be a victim ever again. I’m just saying after years of hidden abuse, it is possible that she “freaked out” and shot him in the back in self defense. Just because his back is turned for a second, doesn’t mean she was safe to run. What if her kids were in the house? No mother is gonna leave her babies to escape an abuser… he would have turned on the kids to punish her. We don’t know what kind of gun was used or what position he was in when he was shot. I’m just saying let the jury decide and leave her and her kids alone. They have been through enough.

  15. RoseMary Simpson on August 21st, 2013 11:36 am

    I know just how she fills i was Abused for about 10 years and it has been 15 years now and i am not with him but I still think about it all the time you never forget it will stay with you for ever

  16. battered wife on August 21st, 2013 11:18 am

    If you have never been there, then you cant tell someone how easy it is to walk away. Its NOT easy to walk away. Most women that have been abused by their husbands have never been able to work must least fin for themselves. Once you take it so long whether it be beats or mental abuse you either die yourself or you get out of it the best way you can. This is bad for all family members. Getting out of an abusive relationship is easier said than done. If your partner has hit you the whole time then you are affaid he will beat you to death when he finds you and if its mental abuse then he/she has put you down for so long that you now believe everything he/she has ever called you or said about you. Good luck to her four daughter in their future, maybe they can stay away from men like this.

  17. Chelsea on August 21st, 2013 11:06 am

    No one knows what goes on behind closed doors as in this situation so save all the stupid questions y’all are asking on here. At this time the girls are needing to be lifted up in prayers and not be torn down by all your ignorant comments. Save yourself the imbarrisment and keep the “questions” to yourself. These girls have lost both their parents one forever and the other for who knows how long, that’s for a judge and jury to decide not the people on northescambia. Girls we are praying for you and if you need anything all you have to do is ask. Sorry for the rant but I have read these comments since the story came out and most of these people don’t know any of them and think they need to comment just to comment.

  18. curious on August 21st, 2013 10:58 am

    As I said before & continue to say, people don’t leave for various reasons 1) they really don’t want to be the one to break up their family& to the ones who say I’d kill him or there’s no way in •••• that I would let someone do that well my friend you truly have not been abused maybe mistreated but not abused, yeah some women do fight back, but they still get abused, sometimes it makes the situation worse but sometimes when the person know s the other person will fight back it might stop the bullying, because until you are in a situation, you don’t know what you will do but it looks to me like the first shot would have shocked her & made her think no, what have I done, not shot him 3 times unless she was mad not hurt, hurt would be to shoot once to get away especially where she shot him but it also depends on what she was shooting with, could have been shotgun or automatic.

  19. Ann Foster on August 21st, 2013 10:02 am

    Look Dave. You have no idea what an abusive man is capable of. My ex-husband broke screen doors, windows, walls and floors. Threatened to kill the kids while I watched and late at night while the kids slept watched porn movies for his own satisfaction. No one knew. Everyone in molino thought he was a pillar of the community. My children and myself lived in terror everyday when he came home from work after smoking pot and drinking beer. I was not allowed to have family over nor did his friends ever come in the house. If I had been in the possesion of a gun I would be in Rebecca Rogers shoes right now. However, I always told myself that he was not worth going to jail for and taking me away from the children. You can criticize all you want but anyone that has walked in these shoes knows the real truth and how well men hide it from their friends and co-workers.

  20. Marshall on August 21st, 2013 9:58 am

    Seriously….I see your comment as telling women to just Give Up and Do Nothing! Nothing is easy with it comes to Domestic Violence, but to say nothing can be done is ridiculous! Law Enforcement will do all they can, legally to help people. Favor House is operated to assist those in these type situations. It is tough, but to say there is nothing that can be done is just wrong! When someone gives up, is when the other person wins! But…at the same time…the shots to the BACK may be wonder. Was the shot to the head, also in the back? If she knew this man was violent, and it had happened prior…there should be Police Reports from previous calls. Nobody, Woman, Man or Child deserves to be in a Violent situation. But you have to help yourself before others can help also. I don’t know the full extent of this situation…but I do wonder due to the shots being in the back.

  21. there by the grace of God go I on August 21st, 2013 8:32 am

    It is a common know fact that victims of spousal abuse are so beaten down mentally that running is not always an option. Years of threats (if you leave I will hunt you down, I will kill you, kill your kids, kill your family) can literally break a victim into a zombie who does whatever the abuser requests.
    If you have not walked in those shoes, please shut up! Leaving wasnt easy 40 years ago and it is not easy today!!!

  22. Seriously on August 21st, 2013 8:29 am

    Obviously all these comments are made by men… any woman that has been in that situation or witnessed it would know this can happen. You don’t call the cops because there is nothing they can do. Yes, maybe they would arrest them, but we all know he would be back out in a few days/months and madder than ever! If you run, he WILL find you. He knows your family, friends, etc. These aren’t stable individuals. I witnessed this for years and my mother never fought back either. But you do get to the point that you just want it to stop. If she thought he was reaching for a gun, it doesn’t matter if his back was turned or not, shooting him would protect her. Maybe her aim isn’t good, she could have gotten him in the head and when he turned to fall hit his back in her panicked shooting. Let the judge and jury do there job and quit judging this woman.

  23. Kathy on August 21st, 2013 8:20 am

    My Heart goes out to Both familes, Know one really know’s what goes on behind close doors, I’ve been in her shoe’s before My first Husband did things to me that I could write a Book on , you get to a point in your Marrige you know something bad’s going to must have been bad for her to have to shoot her childerns father. She know’s it’s wrong but when your being choked and God only know’s what else happened that night you loose your mind, and need to do something. it sounds like she got tired of the abuse.I was going to take my own life. God had another plan for me and my 7 month old. and I ‘am greatful to be alive today .God Bless there Childern.

  24. Ben Thar on August 21st, 2013 8:18 am

    I’m hoping she doesn’t get a dumded down jury.

  25. Bob's Brother on August 21st, 2013 8:13 am

    I believe she’ll be freed after a jury aquits her. If he put her in fear for her life, she was justified in using lethal force. If she executed him though, all bets are off and she should face murder 1 charges.

  26. facts on August 21st, 2013 8:11 am

    Is the daughter his real daughter, or step daughter?

  27. Dave Tanner on August 21st, 2013 8:01 am

    Will a shove and holes in the wall convice a court room that death or great bodily harm was imminent?

    Why three gunshots? Why not one?
    Why two in the back?
    Why one in the head?

    Was she intoxicated and if so to what extent?

    Two gunshots to the back and one to the head sounds more like an execution than anything. Was he running to grab a weapon? In what proximity was this weapon?

    What were the extent of her injuries, if any?

    Did she call 911 to before or after the three gunshots?

    Has he ever hit her before and been arrested? To what extent did he beat her?

    Does she have a violent past that anyone can testify to?
    Has she ever spoken about killing someone before that someone can testify to?

  28. Potential juror on August 21st, 2013 6:42 am

    Self defense? One shot maybe to get away then call 911. But multiple and one to the head? Hummm ok. Ray Charles wouldn’t believe that. If he was so violent why wasn’t he locked up, how many times she called to have him arrested? Did she have a restraining order on him? Is there a documented patter of abuse? ie police reports. This sounds like an episode of ” SNAPPED”.

  29. cpgone1 on August 21st, 2013 6:19 am

    She should of walked/ran away.
    Never right to kill when you can get away.
    But a dumded down jury could let her walk with a wrist slap.