Charges Upgraded: Molino Woman Charged With Murder After Husband Dies

August 20, 2013

A man shot three times by his wife Saturday night in Molino died Monday afternoon, and charges against her have been upgraded to murder.

Rebecca A. Rogers, 43, remains in the Escambia County Jail without bond, now charged with second degree murder.

She allegedly shot her husband, 42-year old Jason Lee Rogers,  in the head about 10:45 p.m. Saturday at the couple’s home in the 3400 block of Highway 29 near Mathison Road. He was transported by Escambia County EMS to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola. He was pronounced dead just after 1 p.m. Monday.

The shooting was  domestic violence related, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.  Rebecca Rogers called 911 to say that her husband choked her and she shot him, according to an arrest report. Deputies arrived to find Rebecca Rogers standing outside the home. They found Jason Rogers lying unconscious in the back bedroom of the home on his stomach with what appeared to be a gunshot to his  head. According to the report, he also suffered two other gunshot wounds to the back. file photo, click to enlarge.


60 Responses to “Charges Upgraded: Molino Woman Charged With Murder After Husband Dies”

  1. AK on December 17th, 2013 4:36 pm

    I wish to extend my thoughts and prayers to Jason’s daughters’ and family, I was shocked to learn of Jason’s death, and I only hope that faith and family will be able to comfort this family during this holiday season. Everyone please keep this family in their prayers for this great loss.

  2. Pcola girl on August 29th, 2013 11:53 am

    For those who knew her, this was domestic violence-period. I hope someone who is in that field can help he family and her through this. She is a very good person who was obviously protecting herself and her girls in the moment she faced. She is so mild mannered and extremely nice. She is already dealing with enough knowing her husband is gone and that it was at her hands. It is so easy for people to make judgements on others and that is so sad. If you knew this lady, she would never be rude or cruel in any way. My fingers are crossed that somehow the charges will be dropped. And I am a friend of a friend. I heard about what this lady dealt with every day. She was just put in a very bad situation and had to protect herself,

  3. Seeking Counsel on August 22nd, 2013 6:54 am

    Seek counsel. This also happened in my family. The children live a life without either parent and with reminders of domestic violence. Only the two party’s that were engaged and God know the truth here. It is forever sealed for each individual until judgement day.

    The legal system is not going to right this, Condemning either party is hanging on to the past..Yes it needs to be processed to begin closure. The legal system benefits itself more than setting the path forward for recovery. Very few judges use Gods principles. The State Attorneys office is a building block for attorneys and judges alike. They need convictions to support there economy many times at the expense of others.

    We as Gods people should be caring for the lost in this situation and not focusing our energy on worldly judgement.

    I dont know the family but i am praying for them and hope they are praying to the Lord to guide them through this as well. I pray that those people the family trust minister for the Lord to them.

    May there be Blessings and abounding Grace in the aftermath of this storm.

  4. Kayla people just dont understand.. on August 21st, 2013 8:36 pm

    Kayla, you do not have to defend what your mom did .. she was a great woman and she truly cared about her family, they will never truly understand what went on in your home nor would they take the time to listen so their opinions are irrelevant.. they are calling her selfish however if he was truly going to go get a gun.. then she was probably thinking in her mind how am I going to get my children and I out safely.. no one knows forsure what he was going to do when he got that gun.. and how could she make it out the door with the children without getting shot in the back and putting her kids at risk of being killed in the mix.. she acted out of pure fear, not only for herself but for her children as well..

  5. David Huie Green on August 21st, 2013 11:37 am

    “shame on all of you for even commenting.” – - – - said another commenter.

    David for kettles and pots

  6. shorty on August 21st, 2013 12:32 am

    Just saying I was a victim of domestic violence verbally five years ago my ex husband threaten to because he got caught in his mess after married then nineteen I had him arrested plus a rearranging order glad I did if not I would be dead the reason I found guns and a Machette under the bed on his side I feel sorry for all involved if you can get away please do if not ask God for forgiveness let keep the family in our prayers

  7. confus on August 20th, 2013 10:30 pm

    shaking your head you comment. I knew Jason and I am praying for this family that has been destroyed.. What she did didn’t solve anything. Their heart act has just begun. We need as a community to lift this family in pray everyday

  8. Some Lady on August 20th, 2013 10:18 pm

    If her defense is being the victim of domestic violence and she claimed that he choked her, there should be bruising on his body and her to validate that; however, three times in the head is taking it to far on her part domestic violence or not. On top of that, if she was to the point of shooting him then there should be some kind of record or report of domestic violence. Otherwise get this lady out of the community! Poor children, I hope a family member can take them in.

  9. Ben on August 20th, 2013 8:56 pm

    I can’t understand the family members coming on here to read the comments. If you are grieving, this is the last place you should be.

    You know how this works. In a few days, folks will be posting insensitive comments about something else. Control what you can, and don’t waste time trying to shout people down.

  10. shaking my head on August 20th, 2013 8:52 pm

    shame on all of you for even commenting. LORD please help this broken family.

  11. RG on August 20th, 2013 8:35 pm

    Shooting someone in the back is murder in my book!

  12. confused on August 20th, 2013 7:56 pm

    I DONT CARE WHAT PEOPLE SAY NO MAN/WOMEN IS WORTH MURDERING. There was a out. Jason is not here to defend himself. Now the children have no mother nor father. I pray for them. I am not judging just stating facts. Those children where their responably too keep them safe. Jason was good man. He is the one that everybody is making out too be the monster, The sad thing is no one came out the winner. It wasnt worth it

  13. shortstop on August 20th, 2013 6:25 pm

    I must say everyone is entitled to their opinion , but please be as kind as you can. I also can say that Rebecca is a wonderful person that faught hard to keep her family together with the many issues they had. There is definately more to this story , I know because I have lived it. I love Jason and I love Rebecca with all my heart , and we DO NOT know what went on in their marriage, but like someone said it is not always easy to walk away when you believe in your heart that things can change. She is a god loving woman that devoted her life to her family and she wouldn’t hurt anyone unless she felt like she needed to protect herself and I truly believe in my heart that she was scared for she or others that may or may nor been there. So please keep this as clean as possible there are very vulnerable children and family invovled that can read this… thank you

  14. Jan on August 20th, 2013 5:45 pm

    We have the right to free speech in America but the responsibility to think before we speak about how those words will affect another. There are children involved here and they have lost one parent and very possibly another. Please remember this when you make your comments.

  15. leggrizer on August 20th, 2013 5:28 pm

    Too many shots fired , just saying !

  16. Shelly Rose on August 20th, 2013 5:08 pm

    Here is what I will say-unless you understand the incredibly intrinsic and dysfunctional dynamics of domestic violence and it’s affects on the person being abused then please keep your judgements to yourself. I lived it, I was lucky, and also co-facilitated a DV support group at the church I worked at. It’s not just a simple ‘walk away’ folks. Just keeping it real. Focus on sending love and healing for the four children whose lives have been forever changed now.

  17. Bill on August 20th, 2013 4:56 pm

    I don’t think this will become a battered wife case.

  18. K. Rollo on August 20th, 2013 3:27 pm

    Stand your ground. Not many women murder their husband, certanly not without a reason.

  19. in total shock on August 20th, 2013 3:24 pm

    ok…all I can say is WOW! I just want to say…. I am sitting here with such a heavy heart, knowing that a wonderful man who meant the world to more people then he knew, will forever be missed. I look forward to seeing you again soon “SLIM”. May you rest in peace knowing that those who love you will fight for the JUSTICE you deserve. R.I.P : ‘ ) JLR

  20. Mug on August 20th, 2013 2:22 pm

    He was reaching for a gun? Did anyone other than the woman charged with murder see this? Appears that he was views as just a stepdad?

  21. MLB on August 20th, 2013 1:27 pm

    Only thing we can predict with almost accuracy is that she will most likely do less than 3. And it’ll probably be on some weapons charge not even related to the murder. Face it, she’s a woman with kids. Remember the Tennessee preachers wife with kids? Murdered him with shotgun blast to the back. Then fled to gulf shores. She got away with it. Double standard crap. Our justice system will fail this dad, his children… All of us.

  22. Junior on August 20th, 2013 12:18 pm

    How can anyone as earlier say that they believe this was self defense, then in the same writing tell us “not to judge”. She shot him in the back twice & in the head once. She wanted no witness obviously. But hey, I agree with Bobby, she will get away with it…. Because she’s a woman.

  23. RD on August 20th, 2013 12:14 pm

    The article states “They found Jason Rogers lying unconscious in the back bedroom of the home”. Suppose that he had her cornered in the bedroom. Then consider that she was a responsible firearm owner and kept it stored in the bedroom. And, possibly, when he reached into the closet to retrieve a firearm she felt that she had no other alternative. If, in fact, this woman suffered abuse at the hands of her husband she could be suffering from PTSD. None of us were there at that very moment, or any other moment when the alleged domestic violence took place. All any of us can do is speculate. Let the experts do their job. Hopefully the system will work and justice will prevail.

  24. Bobby on August 20th, 2013 12:04 pm

    Unfortunately the man did not survive to at least defend himself. As history has shown, the woman who claims domestic abuse will most likely get away with murder. When a man often gets the death penalty. I’m sure womens groups will defend her with the “poor pitiful” defense. She may have shot him once to stop alleged aggression. But obviously shot him 2 more times to make sure he died. Who knows, the shot to his head may have 3rd, while he was laying there.

  25. jim W on August 20th, 2013 11:27 am

    Be careful making judgment’s based on one article. Remember Domestic Violence can go both ways. It’s not a pretty thing and at some point sometime people snap and can not take it anymore. It’s a sad thing this has happened. I do not know either party but I do know DV is ugly. We need more safe havens for the people who are going thru it. It’s such a private thing that people do not wish to talk about as a general rule which is why it comes to something like this at some point for some. I’m with Anastasia it’s a tuff one there is never enough space for the abused to go… So, sorry to hear this came to this point where someone took a life.

  26. Nicole on August 20th, 2013 11:17 am

    I personally know her and her family! Her sister and I are best friends for years. I believe this is a case of self defense. I know her and she is an awesome kind hearted good human being. Please pray for everyone involved. I’m shocked and deeply saddened. Like always in a case do not judge until we learn the absolute truth. Thank you

  27. facts on August 20th, 2013 11:07 am

    Had she ever filed a report of abuse? Were there ever any domestic violence calls before this? Was there even a gun in the closet? These are things that can easily be investigated to form a better hypothesis.

  28. guiltyB4trial on August 20th, 2013 11:07 am

    funny how there are so many lawyers out there advising on what charges that should be filed. it never fails to that when one of these stories surfaces they all come out of the woodwork. let the investigators do their job please and quit jumping to conlusions. ignorance is bliss i suppose. keep the family in your prayers. DV is a closet issue until someone dies. your family could be the next featured in a news post. so tread lightly.

  29. Anastasia on August 20th, 2013 9:57 am

    Wow this is a tough article for me to read , because I was an abused wife for many years; physically, emotionally, and verbally. I cannot imagine going back to that horrible time in my life again and I will NEVER forget those horrible years.

    I ask myself over and over again WHY I endured those years. You know the drill. I had children and where would I go? Try calling battered women’s shelters and hear what they say. They are all full!!

    My prayers go out to all who are affected by this.

  30. John on August 20th, 2013 9:53 am

    Shot in back and head. When he turned around to get his weapon he no longer became a threat to her at that time.She should have left the house with the children or kept the gun trained on him and when he turned around with his weapon then soot him. That is self defence only my opinion. Death is so final.

  31. Arnie on August 20th, 2013 9:32 am

    Let us all pray for this family. We cannot judge as God is our judge. She is innocent until proven guilty by a jury. We do not live with these people and do not know what happened. Please pray!

  32. Marie on August 20th, 2013 9:03 am

    @Kayla please do yourself a favor and stop reading the posts about your family. There is nothing you can do about what other people may say about your mom. Your feelings are going to keep being hurt by the comments. It is not good for you to put yourself through this. You are going through enough. I’ll say a prayer for you and God bless you sweetheart.

  33. molino jim on August 20th, 2013 8:04 am

    @ Kayla–Try to hang in there young lady. You are being put through more that any one should have to face. For all of the EXPERTS who were not there or even knew the people involved — how about taking a deep breath and stop playing judge and jury. It’s very easy to say she should have left and the other comments but it’s not always that easy. Hope for the family to be able to find some small amount of peace.

  34. Roddog on August 20th, 2013 7:32 am

    RIP Slim from the crew at iron horse

  35. Saddened on August 20th, 2013 7:06 am

    The shot in the back will be the deciding factor when the court hears the case. I don’t judge any woman who has been in this type marriage. If it had been me with children and a family support system; I would have gotten out long before this could have happened. I’m sorry for all victims in this crime. He had demons (if it’s proven in court) and she had fears. At this time, it’s alleged murder and alleged domestic violence. Who is to say who’s guilty of what?

  36. mnon on August 20th, 2013 6:26 am

    Fact is none of us know what happens behind closed doors in the privacy others homes. John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy were extremely charming and/or upstanding members of their community and look what they did in private. With that said if there’s no proof/history of abuse in the system that can be documented with the court she better get a good lawyer. I’ve said it many times to friends I know in abusive relationships “if there are no documented occurrences then it may as well never happened.” She would have been better off letting him retrieve the gun first.

  37. Dennis on August 20th, 2013 5:38 am

    Thanks Kayla. May the Lord help y’all get thru this.!!!

  38. Century Mom of 3 on August 20th, 2013 3:04 am

    This is a very sad situation and even more sad for the children involved. @ Kayla I know it’s hard to not get on here and read everyone’s judgmental comments but trust me when I say it’s best to not visit the feeds where people don’t know what happened and have no clue what’s going on except what they read . Keep your head high and know there are people praying for your family And God makes no mistakes. I am so sorry for your family and the tragedy I can’t imagine . Just pray ….. The Lords hands are upon your mom and you and the rest of your family and he will protect you and he understands the truth :)

  39. Somebody on August 20th, 2013 2:49 am

    Please don’t judge nothing sounds good in a news story. I have known this family since I was a child and no one knows what happened behind closes doors. Rebecca has always been one of the nicest caring people I’ve ever met and cared for her family like a true mother should.. She would never do something like this without good reason. All of you remember that judgment is one of the greatest sins and please shut the heck up with it! Your only hurting the family of these people with your rude comments

  40. Kayla on August 19th, 2013 11:55 pm

    I would like everyone to know that my mother is not a monster which is what you are making her out to be. She’s the most honest and caring person I know and she does nothing but put everyone else’s happiness in front of her own. Also there was a lot that took place in the home that no one knows about and that wasn’t reported and because of that my mother is paying the price. I have seen him put his hands on her before and she was scared of him. She would have NEVER done this unless her children or her life was in danger which in this situation it was. My dad was reaching in the closet for his gun when my mom shot him. There’s a lot more to the story than any of you know. So please if you have anything rude to say, keep it to yourself. None of our family can take much more..

  41. curious on August 19th, 2013 11:30 pm

    People do not leave for various reasons, so no one has a right to judge, sometimes children do not witness it, but more do than don’t.

  42. David Huie Green on August 19th, 2013 11:25 pm

    “I worked with Jason up until recently and have always known him to be a pretty good guy.”
    “I have known her for over 25 years. She is a kind giving and loving woman.”

    So if they were both good people, there’s little hope for the rest of us.

    David for fewer sad situations

  43. sadden on August 19th, 2013 10:57 pm

    I worked with Jason he was a nice man and always spoke highly of his family I totally agree if u have time to get a gun you have time to get out. In the head and the back. Give me a break, The children and all the family members have too suffer now, I call that selfish, If there was abuse she should have left long before it came to this

  44. Janice Parker on August 19th, 2013 9:53 pm

    All of you need to take a good look at her mug shot. Her neck is still red people.

  45. Molinite on August 19th, 2013 9:26 pm

    My husband and I are friends of both of them. They are both great people, just maybe not great together. Becca has always been a devoted mother that put her girls before anything else. This is heartbreaking! Jason lost his life, and the girls lives will never be the same. May the truth come out, and justice be served accordingly. Im praying for everyone affected by this awful, needless tragedy!

  46. Please do not judge on August 19th, 2013 8:59 pm

    To agree with ‘just so everyone knows’ please do not pass judgement on this woman. I have known her for over 25 years. She is a kind giving and loving woman. There are circumstances that none of us are aware of. I pray for all involved and especially for the beautiful girls who are suffering the most at this time. You should all do the same.

  47. people-r-crazy on August 19th, 2013 8:24 pm

    I worked with Jason up until recently and have always known him to be a pretty good guy. This is tragic from every angle and I pray for their children during this difficult time. R.I.P Jason

  48. Erica.. on August 19th, 2013 7:48 pm

    why is this not attempted murder?????????????? I see this so often with things like this no matter the circumstances they charge aggravated battery but shooting someone in the head I would think is attempted murder. if it was a cop she shot it would be attempted murder.
    if her case was domestic violence related or self defense then she shouldn’t be charged at all.

    the reason it is not attempted murder is because It is a domestic violence case, there were disputes between both parties, she didn’t just shoot because she wanted him dead , they generally charge them with aggravated battery person uses a deadly weapon because they have to investigate the case to properly charge the defendant, how ever the charges have been upgraded because the victim has now passed away so it is a murder charge, even if it was self defense she still has to be charged in order to prove that it in fact was self defense and not just a hate crime..

  49. ... just so everyone know on August 19th, 2013 7:32 pm

    I know Rebecca and I have never known her for like 11 years I have always known her to be very loving and compassionate she has always taken care of her family, I never really knew Jason as well as her but she was a kind hearted woman she obviously was really scared for her life.. people don’t need to prejudge her before they know the entire truth..

  50. Tammy on August 19th, 2013 7:06 pm

    All I can say is that nobody truly does not know what happens behind close doors but what I can say for sure I was married a long time ago and no one knew that I was abused from my husband. So no one needs to pass judgment without knowing all the facts. I feel sorry for their children and if there’s abuse in that household the children are very much witnesses. Even though you never want your children to hear or see this. May God keep a hedge of protection over this entire family.

  51. Maceroni on August 19th, 2013 6:00 pm

    All I am going to say is that NOBODY really knows what happens in someone’s home and when the front door closes. Stop judging you weren’t there, you don’t know what the family has gone through and is now going through.

  52. chrstefl on August 19th, 2013 5:41 pm

    One is quick to judge especially unknowing. All we know is what the report says unless you know personally. Still judgement should not be held. Domestic Violence is prevalent. Women and also Men are standing up. Either should never lay a hand on the other no matter the circumstances yet I understand protecting yourself but not with violence. This is so sad.

  53. not today on August 19th, 2013 5:13 pm

    After reading the story; okay so there was domestic violence. However, if she has time to go and get the gun; she had time to leave. Besides, one shot to the head might be self defense, but the shot in the back is anger.

  54. fred on August 19th, 2013 3:31 pm

    we certainly don’t know what precipitated her actions. This could be self-defense, for all we know. I’m sure we’ll see soon.

  55. Don Dixon Jr. on August 19th, 2013 2:29 pm

    This shooting fires a little close to home…I mean literally like 1/2 a mile. I don’t know this lady.

  56. Esc county Leo on August 19th, 2013 2:17 pm

    Charging attempted murder requires you to prove that the person intended to kill the victim, which can be hard to do because it is tough to prove what somebody was thinking. Charging aggravated battery with a firearm is just as serious and isn’t as difficult to prove.

  57. Patriot on August 19th, 2013 12:49 pm

    Domestic violence related does not mean self defense. Apparently (based on her arrest) she was the aggressor. My comments are based solely on the news report, I have no knowledge of what happened that night.
    As for the aggravated Battery charge v Attempted Murder, I don’t know how (or who) makes that decision, but the SAO can certainly upgrade it if they deem it is the appropriate charge.

  58. Baby15 on August 19th, 2013 11:51 am

    All I can say is I am praying for the children and family members left behind! No mother in her right mind would do this, now the children have lost both parents… So very sad!

  59. Kimberly on August 19th, 2013 10:38 am

    heavy hearts on this right now.

  60. erica on August 19th, 2013 9:58 am

    why is this not attempted murder?????????????? I see this so often with things like this no matter the circumstances they charge aggravated battery but shooting someone in the head I would think is attempted murder. if it was a cop she shot it would be attempted murder.
    if her case was domestic violence related or self defense then she shouldn’t be charged at all.