Meet The Northview Chiefs Tonight

August 20, 2013

The Northview High School Quarterback Club will sponsor the annual “Meet the Chiefs” at 7:00 tonight at the NHS stadium.

Planned festivities for the night include performances by the Northview Chiefs Tribal Beat Marching Band, the Northview High School cheerleaders, the Northview Dance Team, and the introduction of the 2013 Northview varsity and junior varsity Chiefs. Admission is free.

The Chiefs will host a preseason classic against Bay High School Friday night at 7:00. file photo, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Meet The Northview Chiefs Tonight”

  1. jess on August 20th, 2013 11:16 am

    excited for the year… but please post if it gets cancelled tonight due to the awful weather.

  2. Kay Campbell on August 20th, 2013 8:05 am

    Go Chiefs!!!