Mass Killer To Be Executed Monday

August 4, 2013

An execution is scheduled for Monday evening in Florida.

John Errol Ferguson, who was convicted of murdering eight people in the 1970s in Miami-Dade County, is scheduled to be executed at 6 p.m. Ferguson, now 65, was sentenced to death for the 1977 murders of six Carol City residents who were killed execution style following a drug-related robbery.

Six months later, Ferguson abducted and killed a pair of high school students on their way to meet friends at an ice cream shop in Hialeah.

A stay of execution was imposed last October for Ferguson by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals; that stay expires Monday. The court has ruled that while he suffers from mental illness, he still holds a rational understanding of the crimes he committed and why he will be executed. The Florida Supreme Court had previously reached the same conclusion.


14 Responses to “Mass Killer To Be Executed Monday”

  1. melodies4us on August 5th, 2013 8:25 pm

    I am annoyed that it took so long.

  2. lakenanne on August 5th, 2013 2:02 pm

    Matt, imagine it was you he killed and how much your family would be hurting over your death. Do you think they would be feeling sorry for him????

    It is better to be thought a fool than to speak up (in this case write your comment) and it be known for sure!

  3. David Huie Green on August 5th, 2013 10:51 am

    “I bet he did it in a split second”

    Nobody shoots that fast. Consider: “for the 1977 murders of six Carol City residents who were killed execution style following a drug-related robbery.”

    Think on the words “robbery” and “execution style” and “six” when you think of “split second” decisions. This tells us he planned a robbery, so he targeted his victims. He killed them execution style, so he had them bound some way so they couldn’t resist and then he killed them one
    after another
    after another
    after another
    after another
    after another.
    This is not split second.
    This is not “heat of the moment.”

    But it doesn’t stop there. Six months later (that we know of, no telling what else he may have done in between) he decides to have some more fun so he “abducted and killed a pair of high school students on their way to meet friends at an ice cream shop“.

    If we’re imagining things, let’s imagining him thinking, “Hey, there’s some helpless kids. I think I’ll abduct them and murder them too.”

    Maybe he has repented. Maybe he has just hoped for some forgiving person to release him so he can go abduct some other kids and slaughter them for the fun of it.

    I don’t know but I suspect his worst day here on Earth is still better than the best day of what he faces afterward. It’s cold comfort.

    David for fewer nightmares

  4. Mike on August 5th, 2013 9:08 am

    Hey Matt, you are judging him too, and judging him too softly. You say that people like him wish they could take back the bad deeds. I doubt it very much. This guy killed EIGHT PEOPLE! He knew he was doing wrong. So yea, it’s easy for me to “stare” at my computer screen and say that this killer should have been executed a LONG time ago! If you think Death Row inmates are so innocent and their feelings are important, then have them live in your house, so that they won’t be “down the hall” from the execution chamber. That will make them feel better, won’t it Matt?

    In my 1st Amendment opinion, I think the time waiting for execution should be 5-10 years and the method of execution should match the crime. I’ll let you use your imagination.

  5. matt on August 5th, 2013 4:53 am

    Imagine for a moment that it was u on death row. Every day, day in and day out u were haunted with reality that u will die just down the hall from the cell you’ve occupied for years and years. Countless times you wished you could take back everything, every moment that went wrong that lead to the cell u now live in. Do you realize how many innocent people have died for crimes they never committed? It’s easy to sit back and stair at a computer screen and judge a man that you have never meet. My guess is that after all the years he’s spent living down the hall where he will meet his maker one day must be a mild relief to know that the he’ll you have lived in will finally be over. Maybe if people judged you quite as harshly as you have just judged this man for the mistakes you have made you would consider taking a less judgmental view of what others have gone through. A little mercy can go along way.

  6. new york 37 on August 4th, 2013 10:52 pm

    I guess I am confused.. Why does it take so long to carry out a death sentence? I’m sure the families of the victims would have loved 36more years with them.

    I bet he did it in a split second… This is why so many people are on death row. Look at all the money,time and man hours behind this killer. Return the favor florida but speed it up will you???

  7. don on August 4th, 2013 8:35 pm

    I think it is wrong to execute any one after such a long time has passed. I am not a cry baby liberal. I support the death penalty, but after all these years it is ridiculous. just give him life without parole.

  8. Aubrey T. Jerkins on August 4th, 2013 4:31 pm

    so let it be written….so let be done!!!!!

  9. Walnut Hill Roy on August 4th, 2013 7:11 am

    Make that 36 years, over half an average lifetime!

  10. cpgone1 on August 4th, 2013 6:51 am

    Gnarlywerewolf , better re-check your math. Closer to 35 years.
    Imagine all the lawyers YOU/I paid for.
    I’m pro death penalty , but many states are finding its cheaper , life w/out parole on just 1 conviction.
    Texas just passed some laws speeding up the endless appeals.
    Florida is too weak on murderers and illegals.

  11. Jimbo on August 4th, 2013 6:25 am

    It wasn’t 26 years, it was 36 years, Gnarly!

  12. CNCP on August 4th, 2013 6:24 am

    Nice to see an article in the media calling Ferguson exactly what he is, a mass killer, instead of the “mentally ill” inmate

  13. medfly on August 4th, 2013 6:02 am

    36 years…

  14. Gnarlywerewolf on August 4th, 2013 1:17 am

    The death penalty is not a deterent if it takes 26 years for the sentence to be carried out. This piece of garbage was sane enough to kill these people then he’s sane enough to be fried. He’ll enjoy a much more peaceful death than his victims did. Good Riddance.