Man That Claimed To Be Beaten By Deputies Is Arrested

August 8, 2013

A man that claimed he was beaten by Escambia County deputies is now behind bars following a July 27 fight.

Devon Walker, 27, was charged with two counts of aggravated assault and two counts of battery in connection with the fight at a trailer in the 3800 block of Creighton Road. He was booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $11,000.

According to witnesses, several individuals became involved in a dispute over a cell phone and at some point during the altercation Walker pulled a firearm on the homeowner. When deputies arrived,they discovered three individuals lying on the floor inside of the trailer. All three individuals were intoxicated and had blood on them, the Sheriff’s Office said.

“Walker has falsely claimed that his injuries were caused by members of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office; however, these allegations have been determined false as evidenced by multiple written witness statements,” the Sheriff’s Office said in a written press release Wednesday afternoon.

“I definitely got beat up,” Devon Walker told the Pensacola Independent News. “The police beat me up.”

“The officer grabbed one of my arms and threw me to the ground,” Walker told the IN. “And then another one stepped on my face.”


24 Responses to “Man That Claimed To Be Beaten By Deputies Is Arrested”

  1. Amari on August 24th, 2013 10:51 am

    Well it could go either way without proof. Devon could be rightfully put in jail. And job done. Idk about beating him unless there was resist. But this isn’t the first time police abuse power or get away with it. Police get benefits on everything. I don’t know why having a uniform makes a difference from the next guy carrying a gun. How many licks does it take? lol the world may never know

  2. lala on August 23rd, 2013 8:30 pm

    U know wat I am a 14 year old and I think this man could be lying or telling the truth.. But sadly no one know that yet.. I mean.. Idk.. Ever one needs to.relax.. Things like this happen almost all the time.. But it still isn’t and excuse to behave this way people do stupid things.. People have to understand that.. Not everyone is gonna act nor think like u..

  3. the truth on August 12th, 2013 9:56 am

    Continued.. so the phone went missing… which by the way the accusers brother roomate ended up having the phone it was never stolen just misplaced. I’m sure there was some aggression because of this misunderstanding. However, the truth is that the cops were called and they detained devon which did not steal a phone or have a gun then put him in hand cuffs making him defenseless as they beat him almost to death while his wife watched in fear of being done the same way. Some people dont have to deal with this ever in life so its understood how ignorance in this case can be bliss because you’ve never experienced such discrimination… its real it happens and cops have to be held responsible. They cant just get paid time off. I promise devon will win the case and unfortunately our tax dollars will pay for it because the police did not follow protocol need advanced training and did not have there dash cams on.. / would have been much cheaper than the lawsuit he’ll get. Devon is innocent and all will soon see the truth.

  4. the truth on August 12th, 2013 9:38 am

    Truth is that the only person that claimed to see the gun is the same person that was kicked out of o Riley’s night club right before inviting everyone else to their house to continue the party. Devon walker did not know anyone of these individuals and simply went with a someone he was with. The person he was with (believed to be his brother) was an associate to the accusers from previous outings. My understanding is that the homeowners as a couple were throwing around iphone 5s literally on the.ground to prove the otter box worked so well

  5. mel on August 9th, 2013 4:43 pm

    Please people.. This is not a Hollywood movie… this is escambia county. Police corruption ..please!!! If you want to wait til the truth comes out then WAIT! Don’t start bashing the police department until the truth comes out.

  6. mel on August 9th, 2013 4:31 pm

    Dash cam may not work because the sheriffs office keeps getting denied raises so in order to keep police on the road protecting citizens of escambia county they make cuts in other keeping the older patrol cars supplied with working cameras…the cuts have to be made somewhere…people aren’t randomly chosen to go to jail..they break the law and witnesses provide statements to police to help decide who committed a crime so blame them if you are upset that an upstanding citizen went to jail and god forbid he gets thrown to the ground when there is an accusation a gun is involved….

  7. Mandy on August 9th, 2013 3:37 pm

    It’s sad how ignorant people are acting! I’m praying for this family and I pray that the truth comes out. I don’t for a second believe that this family is lying. I fully believe that any person who witnessed the police brutally beat an unarmed man would lie and and give false statements if told to do so by the very same police department that beat the man to start with. People need to rise up. I don’t care what color you are ! I don’t care what color I am ! However I do care if my head gets stepped on to the point that it cause the injuries this young man received! This was a clear case of excessive force. And for everyone buying the he had a gun crap… Take brain cell A and brain cell B and rub them together. This cause’s friction and may help with you thought process! If the man had a gun things would have been different point blank starting with Mr Walker being arrested the night of the incident not two weeks later also. When the truth comes out there will be people on this who should apologize to the walker family but I’m sure they won’t and that is truly sad. This could have been anyone of us. Color should have no bearing on this. A dirty cop is a dirty cop. And any police officer who has takin the oath to serve and protect should do what right and tell the truth because this reeks of corruption and cover up

  8. mmm on August 9th, 2013 11:17 am

    The original police report says that only one person (the upset person) claims to have seen a gun. If this case was so cut and dry why didn’t they arrest him the night of the incident. The police report does state that the dash cam didn’t work and the other officer doesn’t have one.

  9. Moose on August 9th, 2013 9:26 am

    I bet half of you are only saying all this cause he’s black it’s shouldn’t matter his color what if he really is speaking the truth his wife is said to have video of the entire thing why would she lie if he was being drunk n stupid n it was a fight the men in the trailer there’s no reason I see for him to lie about something like this

  10. Matt on August 9th, 2013 5:50 am

    @ Rob H… Nice!

  11. JDB on August 9th, 2013 2:28 am

    If I had an incident with someone I didn’t know, and the police came, my neighbors would lie for me to. I’m sure many of you who have a friendly relationship with your neighbors, your neighbors would side with you! Especially if you the other guy was another race and you both casually use racial slurs!

  12. RobH on August 8th, 2013 6:44 pm

    You know how I make sure the police dont “grab my arm and throw me to the ground” or “step on my face” ? I obey the law. Maybe next time he wont pick a fight and pull a gun.

  13. angie on August 8th, 2013 5:51 pm

    What i don’t understand is why is it that i have heard more about two dogs being shout this this incident regardless as to who is telling the truth. At the end of the day, we have criminals that breaks laws and we have dirty cops as well as good cops. I have much respect for the cops that go out everyday and and give their life to protect and serve but the escambia county sheriff department is one of the justice system that could use some internal investigation into there policies and procedures. If the young man did the things he is accused of then he should pay for his crime.

  14. Rick on August 8th, 2013 12:46 pm

    Julia, maybe because he was arrested for pulling a gun on the home owner? I’m sure it was a legally maintained and carried firearm, but you still can’t threaten people with it. The report does not say the cars dashcam was not working. As stated earlier, the squad car might not have been parked inside the the residence.

  15. paul on August 8th, 2013 12:42 pm

    It’s a hard call on who you want to believe.. Drunks in a trailer park or one of morgans boys.. Neither has much credibility in my eyes..

  16. Mark on August 8th, 2013 11:45 am

    Humorous. You don’t believe the written statements of witnesses, yet you believe the guy saying the cops beat him up?


    Because YOU want it to be TRUE. YOU can’t stand the fact that someone is LYING and throwing the blame on the police. I’ll believe the witness statements over the “perp” anytime, and NO, I don’t need dash cam video.

  17. jcellops on August 8th, 2013 11:30 am

    interesting- i actually had gotten word of this brawl on FB several days ago…explored the attatched link to the police report of the incident as well….saw some of his posted photos after the event- which were gruesome, to say the least- what i kept reading in the report was that the people involved were so intoxicated that it was hard to get a straight answer as to what had even transpired….frankly, my support is for the officers, as the victim was to drunk to know what had even happened

  18. Julia on August 8th, 2013 11:09 am

    People will say and do anything and when I say people I mean humans including officers who take an oath it’s been many of time the police have abused their job and the fact that some parts of the story is not adding up make it even worse. My first question is why is he the only one in jail if it was a fight with two other people then Mr.Walker shouldn’t be the only one siting in jail. second how was it the officer was allowed to drive around with his dash cam not working. Those camera are there for a reason. And lastly where are these witnesses and how are they just now appearing? Just doesn’t make sense but then again nothing dealing with the justice system makes any sense

  19. Scooter on August 8th, 2013 11:03 am

    There’s no dash cam video because the patrol car was parked in the street not the living room genius.

  20. Anna on August 8th, 2013 8:04 am

    Yes because I often take the word of a man who pulls a gun on others, and fights of phones over the men and women who swore to protect me and put their lives on the line to do so.

  21. connect the dots on August 8th, 2013 7:10 am

    Funny how the original press conference made by ecso stated that the video from the patrol car was not available, not working. To me, that would be better evidence than written statements from the mobile home owners neighbors….but again, its florida we are talking about. its fishy to me, i believe ecso is trying to hide something.

  22. jeeperman on August 8th, 2013 7:04 am

    Poor fellar
    Got beat up by his buds and so now wants to say he got beat down by the cops.
    Cry baby.

  23. me on August 8th, 2013 6:56 am

    I just read this yesterday on fb a totally different version of course but the sad part is we will never know the truth!!

  24. billy on August 8th, 2013 1:04 am

    Thank you Escambia County Sheriff’s Office