Man Gets Life For Sexually Abusing Girl

August 1, 2013

A man that sexually abused a young girl for over 10 years will spend the rest of his life in prison.

Jeffrey Todd Morris was convicted by an Escambia County Jury of two counts sexual battery by a person in familial or custodial authority and one count of lewd and lascivious molestation on a victim under 12.  Wednesday, Judge Frank Bell sentenced him to life in prison along with two concurrent 30 years sentences.

The charges stemmed from ongoing sexual activity from the time the victim was six years old until she was 18 years old.  The victim gave birth in February and DNA confirmed Morris to be the father.


12 Responses to “Man Gets Life For Sexually Abusing Girl”

  1. daughter of this devil on April 3rd, 2014 10:32 am

    this is my father i hate every day that he lives..when he dies that is when justice will be served. my big sister has done so much for me and for her to have to sit there and go through that he deserves to die.. god has a great place for nasty scumbags like his self. its sad that i am his daughter and have to say things like this about my own father. the day that this sentencing was done it was like a 5000 pound weight got lifted from my chest. I HATE YOUUUU JEFFREY TODD MORRIS. please die soon. haha now who can laugh about you i can i hope you hear me to im laughing really hard you nasty monster………thanks for letting us be free from all that crap……… ANYONE OUT THEIR THAT IS IN THE SAME SITUATION AND NEED HELP JUST TELL THE RIGHT PEOPLE THEY WILL HANDLE IT THEIR ARE PEOPLE OUT THEIR THAT BELIVE IN YOU…. I WANT TO GIVE A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO THE GULF COAST KIDS HOUSE AND THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT FOR LOCKING AWAY MY BIGGEST AND ONLY FEAR IN MY LIFE…

  2. Scooby on August 5th, 2013 9:29 am

    And I just looked on the Clerk of Court website, and his attorney has already filed an appeal…but this is sometimes automatic with life sentences.

    Prayers going out to the family….my family just went through this, as well (it has taken me two years to be able to talk about our situation in public). This changes not only the child but the family as well…so it is going to be a long, hard road, but always remember that there are people out there who have gone through this, and are there for you, if you need someone to talk to.

    And I am wanting to give a big shout out to Gulf Coast Kids House….this is one of the best organizations for a child to represented by in these cases….please, if you ever wanted to donate to any organization, this would be the one! They not only help children with sexual abuse, but child abuse as well…the counselors, staff and prosecutors there are some of the best there is!!!!

  3. DJ Sheffield on August 1st, 2013 10:51 pm

    KUDOS to Judge Bell for a job well done!

    @ Atmore G…unless you are survivor of sexual abuse you wouldn’t understand, no offense, just the truth.

    @ FredS…I can tell you that my father is doing two life terms for the same convictions. He is in general population, but housed with other offenders who have the same classification {H04} as him, not necessarily the same crime. And after time in the system he can be down grounded with good behavior. Either way other inmates do NOT care for this kind. He will still need to watch his back forever.

    I just pray that the young woman obtains counseling from a qualified professional that deals with sexual abuse on a regular basis, as well as the family to help her cope with this trauma. This is something that will NEVER go away in her mind, but through time, and on her own time, she can make herself a survivor instead of a victim. PLEASE know that it could take several counselors before she finds one that “she” is comfortable with. I highly recommend Dr. Karen Willis @ Santa Rosa Counseling Center….I couldn’t ask for a more compassionate counselor. Not to mention Dr. Willis works with the whole family. Her son Brian Willis is awesome as well. I will keep this young lady, her family, and child in my prayers. May God give each of you comfort knowing that he will be locked up for life. Now she can begin the healing process which will not be easy, but much rewarding at the end.

  4. puddin on August 1st, 2013 7:00 pm

    Hurray! So glad this dirtbag is gone away for life plus some. Now if they will just do it again with the rest of them. I have never seen so many pedophiles rinning around free.

  5. Atmore G on August 1st, 2013 4:27 pm

    A grown man that has sex with a six year old girl should never see the light of day again.. I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison! I wonder how he kept it up for 12 years and was not caught..

  6. curious on August 1st, 2013 2:30 pm

    He should of got death after he got tormented immediately not life in prison, he’s not gonna be punished, he’ll be placed with others like him, people don’t do what you’re thinking they do anymore, now they just brag to each other.

  7. Molino resident on August 1st, 2013 2:00 pm

    What a sick whatever. I can’t call him an animal because animals are not that disgusting and despicable. Animals care for their own, not try to destroy them.
    Thank you Judge Bell for rendering the appropriate sentence.

  8. Jack Johnson on August 1st, 2013 11:50 am

    Thank you Judge Bell!!!!!!

  9. Randy on August 1st, 2013 9:46 am

    1. God has a special place for a person like this, the State has a special place for people like these and now the Florida Prison System will have a special place for this dirtbag…..

  10. justice served on August 1st, 2013 9:06 am

    Im so thankful to God for making sure this monster is put away for the rest of his life. LIFE… this word has taken on a whole new meaning. Our lives can finally move on,truly heal. My children can rest now. No more fear,hurt,or danger from this monster! My daughter although wounded is NOT broken…this has not and will not define who she is. Im so proud of my children for being so strong and letting their voices be heard. All of the hate anger and fear dies with this monster. Its now his turn to live in fear forever!

  11. A Momma on August 1st, 2013 6:57 am

    This idiot got everything he deserves. He has made a young woman’s life a living hell, and the rest of the family’s too. I know this family, they’re a very strong family and they will over come this over time. May God hold them close and help them deal with this.

  12. FredS on August 1st, 2013 6:45 am

    Put it in general population. That way hopefully tax payers won’t be on the hook for this thing.