Lake Serenity Resort Campground Planned For Molino

August 20, 2013

A Cantonment resident is looking to build an RV campground resort in Molino.

The “Lake Serenity Resort” would be located at 5424 Schaag Road, about a half mile south of Omega Drive. The resort would include an RV campground, tent campground and cabins, along with amenities such as a pool, bathhouse, playground and a pavilion, all near an existing lake on the 40 acre property.

The land is owned by a family trust, with Judi Aliff of Cantonment making a pre-application to the Escambia County Development Review Committee for the project. The plans must pass numerous other hurdles in the application process before the project could begin with final approval from the county.

Pictured top: The hand drawn preliminary plans for the Serenity Lake Resort on Sascha Road in Molino as submitted to the Escambia County Development Review Committee. Pictured below: An aerial view of the lake property. Courtesy images for, click to enlarge.


45 Responses to “Lake Serenity Resort Campground Planned For Molino”

  1. Schaag Resident on September 14th, 2013 8:10 pm

    To proposal an R.V. Campsite in Molino is devastating not to mention on Schaag Road right in my door. Wow, its amazing how we can work so hard to obtain the American dream why someone else who’s is out to make a quick dollar can come in and tear down one of the best areas in the county.

    I didn’t choose Schaag Road to purchase and established my dream home and invested my Life time saving to have an infested crime R.V. Campsite to bring my property down.

    I strongly recommend that this proposal be denied in Stage #1. Wow, I never heard of a Campsite being Zone in a Residential area especially where the Average home cost is $300, 000!! Come on Escambia County we pays our share of county taxes so why would you even entertain such outrage proposal.

    Prayers still work and my prayer is this never come into play and the proposal be trashed where it belongs!! I would rather see a Government Housing Project verse a Campsite.

  2. Samuel on September 12th, 2013 8:52 pm

    Schaag Road Resident:

    I live directly in front of the propose RV Camp Resort. My home and land is value over $500,000 We have an excellent community – peoples have worked hard all their lives to retire and upkeep our community. So why would someone want to bring our community down. So if this the Case we could’ve choose to live in the Projects because the only thing this Resort will do is bring drug dealers, murders, rapist, child molesters just to name a few but all type of Crimes.

    So tell me how will this benefit or help the community. Let’s be real its no way that something good can come out of this with a Camp Resort in our Community. But the people that Selling this land won’t have to see all of this so why are we as man always trying to make a quick dollar and just bring down everyone around them. I ask you Buyer will you want a RV Resort in front or near your $500,000 Home?. County Commissioners I ask you the same question?

    Presently, I can sit down and drink coffee without someone flying down the streets or playing their music so loud that you can’t here yourself talk. Schaag Road will be so full of trash – you can’t tell me that there won’t be crimes with Tents and RVs so why contribute to the Crime Rate in Escambia County. Don’t we have enough problems already? Can a man have somewhere he can call home and live in peace. If this Camp Resort is approved there will be no peace for the hard working man or Retirees.

    My family prayer is this proposal be denied and never be brought up again in Jesus Name.

  3. well on August 23rd, 2013 7:14 pm

    D H G,
    you could say this idea had grim results.

  4. Thank you!! on August 23rd, 2013 3:20 pm

    Thanks to Clarification and even more thanks to the Grims.

  5. CLARIFICATION on August 23rd, 2013 11:12 am

    Just so everyone understands, anyone including someone that does NOT own the property can make a PRE-application to determine if the land could potentially be used for a particular development. People typically do that when they are interested in land and before they make an offer to any owners. The person making application is charged for this service and would eventually have to produce an Affidavit that they own the property or are a legal representative with the ability to make financial decisions for the property or of course a valid deed to the property. I obtained this information directly from ESC County Development Dept. today. However, with that being said..thank you to the members of the Grim family that would fight this development because I do live on Schaag and do not support this and would certainly fight it along with many of my neighbors on Schagg and Rolling Oaks who would certainly be impacted. So thanks again Grim family for making your plans known to all us who are following this development close

  6. David Huie Green on August 23rd, 2013 10:52 am

    question is hereby declared moot

  7. Carrie LaDonna Grim on August 22nd, 2013 8:30 pm

    As my Uncle Tracy stated NO offer or proposal has been submitted to our family! I suggest that Ms. Judi Aliff check her facts before filing a pre application with the Escambia County Development Review Committee. MY FAMILY, THE PROPERTY OWNERS including my DADDY, UNCLE and AUNT have no plans to create anything that would go against my Grandparents wishes to NOT RUIN THE LAKE OR THE LAND. My Daddy will NEVER sell his portion of the land!!! I can’t believe that Escambia County did not check to see whom the actual owners of the property were when she proposed this HORRENDOUS development plan to the committee. That is seriously unprofessional and the committee should have LOOKED ON PUBLIC RECORD to see that Judi Aliff DOES NOT OWN AND WILL NEVER OWN OUR FAMILY PROPERTY!!

  8. Tracy Grim on August 22nd, 2013 5:15 pm

    I can only speak for myself and my sister when I say that neither she nor I have ever been approached or made aware of any such proposal to turn our land into a campground, and if anyone would have heard about this, it would have been my sister who was made the sole trustee of this estate. The land has been divided equally between the seven surviving children of Luverne Grim and the individual deeds have been duly recorded with Escambia County. So, to Miss Judith Aliff, I say this; you might want to speak with the now collective owners of this property to find out their individual thoughts on your proposal as you will have to deal with each and everyone of us if you intend on purchasing our properties for your speculative proposal. I assure you that there will be a wide assortment of reactions on our part, and your pockets would have to very deep indeed as far as I’m concerned to make me even remotely consider such an off the wall idea as you are proposing. And to the concerned neighbors many of which I know, I would tell you not to lose any sleep at all over this

  9. SueZQ on August 21st, 2013 8:03 pm

    While I can understand where the ‘locals’ are coming from, I admire anyone who has what it takes to follow through with such an overwhelming project…matter of fact, several years ago we decided to look into the same thing with our property near where Gulf Power was talking about the power plant. But after realizing the cost and having to be tied down to it and all the legalities, we decided to live the rest of our retired life as uncomplicated as possible. If you think our community was gungho on a power plant in our neighborhood to furnish power for city folks…guess again! But, life goes on and we make the best of what we have. Some took advantage of the offers and sold out and made a nice nest egg plus was able to start all over somewhere else while the few who have made our little piece of God’s country home, we held out to keep what was dear to us. So, whether it be a campground or power plant…it’s jobs for someone and who knows if we’ll even still be alive when it happens…none of it happens over night!

  10. Ben Thar on August 21st, 2013 4:57 pm

    I’ve got no problem with a campground in this area…as long as the roads are bright yellow like they show on the drawing.

  11. ABC on August 21st, 2013 11:57 am

    Ladies and Gentlemen of Molino, I am an outlander who chose to come here 30 years ago, for three reasons ,the school a town full of good hard working citizens, and the peace of the country…..versus the city……….We are campers and try to be sure we stay in reputable campgrounds, most of which are always in state parks or national parks, and reputatable parkes OUr experience has been that there most always are folks who have no respect for others, and do a lot of drinking etc. usually causing issues at one time or another, thats life, However, these issues cost taxpayers money due to the need taking care of issues etc. Never have we stayed at a park that is near housing developments. Yes people who own land have the right to do as they wish with it, if the law allows, however, I tend to believe our little town doesnt need the congestion of campers, motor homes etc. nor the added traffic this would bring, nor the bad possibilites that come with it……..and then there is the issue of the value of the residents land??? what affect would that have on the residents?Would you want a campground next door to your home, I certainly wouldnt, So put yourselves in the residents shoes,and if you are honest to goodness Molinoites, Im sure you would agree, that the residents dont need their property values to decline any further, nor be saddled with a lot of heavy traffic, and possiblly many further issues, everyone have a great day…………………..


  12. Schaag Road Resident on August 21st, 2013 9:40 am

    Glad to hear from other Schaag Road Residents.

    Who is going to pay for the support systems of upgraded roads and water?
    The utilities co? The county? Why will they pay for this when there are other ways to spend the county’s money?

    WE are going to end paying for the upgrades – not the RV camp. Don’t want to hear any crying when the water bill goes up for the cost of improvements.
    Many things to consider here. Many things…

  13. schaag rd. resident on August 20th, 2013 10:08 pm


  14. Molino Resident on August 20th, 2013 10:08 pm

    The idea to put a campground in Molino is great; however, the residents of the road should have the right to their peace and quite. People are crazy and while most RV campers are nice there will be bad apples. An RV park could be dangerous to local children. People from all over stop in at RV parks. They would need some kind of way to keep pedophiles out of the park. The area is too residential for this to be a great idea unless they put regulation on who can use it (like to keep out registered criminals, especially sex offenders). Maybe if it was located in an area with more seclusion and less housing. I am glad I do not live in that part of Molino!

  15. David Huie Green on August 20th, 2013 9:36 pm

    “The last thing we need is ANOTHER campground!”

    There are many things we don’t need. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have a chance to have what we want. Molino is a beautiful place. It is only through ignorance that the billionaires haven’t bought it all up already.

    Those who say they want country living and should have a say in what their neighbors do with their property don’t really have a “country” frame of mind. If they did, they would wish their neighbors well and let them follow their dreams wherever they lead — riches or bankruptcy or in between.

    By the way, Barth, McDavid, Mystic Springs and Bluff Springs are also beautiful areas and could be filled with campgrounds (or mansions). They might or might not make a profit, depending on many factors.

    David for wishing neighbors well

  16. Molino Folk on August 20th, 2013 9:16 pm

    Molino Girl – You are correct…not much to do around here. It’s the country!!! We like it that way. It will be a tough fight to get this approved with so many people against it. The petition is coming!!

  17. BPD on August 20th, 2013 8:28 pm

    I grew up camping and still do. If done right, you won’t even know they are there.

  18. good luck on August 20th, 2013 8:04 pm

    good luck as an omega dr resident good luck with that omega is a private drive and gps tells you to use omega to get to schaag when the traffic gets heavy on omega I will dig up the east end of omega to stop the thru traffic.

  19. Molino Resident on August 20th, 2013 8:04 pm

    To yea that’s right sure: I agree! The “country living” is why I chose to live out here. I totally agree. If I wanted to live near an RV Park, Walmart or Convenience store I would have stayed in town. Funny how moving out to less neighbors causes you to be the bad guy who doesn’t like change when you fight for your rights to keep your country living environment. I don’t hear any consideration from those who want to build or change it for us country folks. They should at least consider our opinions.

  20. Molino girl on August 20th, 2013 7:34 pm

    This is Molino. NO “RV Resort” is going to make it here. We have a Dollar Store, Tom Thumb, Thrift shop, and 2 little bitty restaurants. NOBODY is going to enjoy that unless you’re from around here, and if you’re from around here why in the world would you want to go camping not even far enough for it to be worth the trip. Besides nobody is going to enjoy the lovely scenery of the houses around them. :)

  21. yea that's right sure on August 20th, 2013 5:47 pm

    Well so much for country living. Too bad I didn’t win the powerball to purchase as much property as possible to keep it country, but then again someone would dislike that as well.

  22. Just Me on August 20th, 2013 4:37 pm

    Schaag Road Resident, you say there are other areas in Molino better suited for this campground. Do you know of a 40 acre, privately owned parcel, convenient to a waterway, with owners who want to turn it into a campground? Sure, there is lots of undeveloped land in Molino, but your argument makes no sense. Can you just snap your fingers and produce the perfect spot? You can’t just pull land out of a hat and do whatever you want with it. I don’t personally know of any unowned land anywhere just sitting waiting for someone to come take it and do something with it.

  23. patti on August 20th, 2013 4:15 pm

    Great IDEA!! All the complaints, there is always someone who knows better, always someone who can tell you how to do it, what to do, where to do it, etc. It’s really sad that one wants to tell you how to use your land, but DON’T tell them how to use their property. It’s bad enough that the government/county/city is always telling us when,what,how, anyone can use their property. I say more power to you Ms. Aliff. I wish you the best! and GOD BLESS!!

  24. Ted Brown on August 20th, 2013 3:08 pm

    The Escambia River area from Molino down to the old Monsanto docks is a fresh water wonderland that can support a lot of “eco-tourism” from both our own residents that need something to do and family friendly places to go to boat, hike, & swim. We have very few nice lakes, bayous, or creeks that are accessible by the public and this sounds like it will be a nice place. For the number of campers and RVs that come through our area and also live here we really don’t have enough camping areas, especially ones that have fun things to do. Family campgrounds are “hot” in this country now. Even families that don’t have a RV. Many campgrounds have “cabins” that are really RVs for those that don’t have one. A family with kids can have a better experience at less money at modern campgrounds than staying at regular motels. If you go look at the campgrounds here they’re usually pretty full most of the time. Our County is a great place for eco-tourism and this should be a good addition to that goal.

  25. Schaag Road Resident on August 20th, 2013 2:56 pm

    To Molino Resident: I never said this was a bad idea. I never said I didn’t want to bring jobs to Molino… I did say it was a bad idea “in this location”. I am sure there are other areas of Molino better suited areas for a campground. I guess we are all intitled to our opinions.

  26. molino resident on August 20th, 2013 1:52 pm

    Schaag resident,

    Your logic is garbage…”go camp at another established site”
    The LONG list of concerns you have expressed are the reasons it must pass through the review committee. I do a lot of camping. For the most part the people that frequent camp sites are very friendly, family oriented, respectful people. Just like anywhere else you’re going to have your occasional rift raft, whom the camp site staff deal with very efficiently. Here is an idea. Why don’t you sell your property to the proposed owners. This way they could use your property for the septic system and you could move to some isolated corner of the earth where we don’t have to watch you cry a river all over North Escambia. This is an excellent idea that could bring a few more jobs to our area!!

  27. YELLARHAMMER on August 20th, 2013 1:27 pm

    This road can”t stand any more excess traffic on it and the infrastruture is in bad shape. The utility water company has the main water line under the road and is continuously in repair. This road was paved in 1984 and hasn”t been resurfaced sense. I live on this road and will be glad to sign a petition to stop this waste of tax payers money.

  28. YELLARHAMMER on August 20th, 2013 1:09 pm

    Mr & Mrs Grimm would roll over in there graves if they knew this is what was planned for there property. We as surounding neighbors don”t need this on this badly maintained County road. This road was asphalted in 1984 and hasn”t been resurfaced. The water utility company has their main water under the road and constantly tears the road up for repairs. The infrastucture on this road can”t stand any more excess traffic and noise for this quiet neighborhood. I will be glad to sign a petition to stop this nonsense.

  29. Schaag Road Resident on August 20th, 2013 12:39 pm

    To Camper: I still feel there are better areas of Molino to build an RV Campsite – not in a somewhat residential area that has a direct link to a spring lake and Jack’s Branch.

    To DAGB: You must not live on Schaag Road. The road is not in good repair. We seem to only get pot holes filled from time to time. Do you really think this road is able to handle more traffic from larger vehicles/more often (people coming and going). And, what about the turn and the bridges (weight concerns) near the north end of Schaag. I cannot see how an RV would maneuver the curve well.

    We are going to fight this.

  30. Another Schaag Rd Resident on August 20th, 2013 12:29 pm

    When are they going to pave it instead of just patch it. The water line runs with the road under the pavement. It is always leaking and causing holes in the pavement. Bad design.

  31. dlene on August 20th, 2013 12:29 pm

    I think this is an awesome idea. I hope that it works out. Maybe even offer a few jobs back to the community.

  32. jeeperman on August 20th, 2013 12:25 pm

    Lets see now………………
    The only portion of Schaag Road that is likely to be impacted is the stretch from Omega Drive to Barrineau Park Road.
    Is the ESCO sub-station still there at Omega and Hwy 29?
    Another campground?
    OMG why would someone spend a couple of hundred thousand to develop a campground to todays required standards if there were too many other campgrounds?
    Sorry, but if already properly zoned, nothing mentioned so far will or can be used by the posters to prevent this campground.

  33. DAGB on August 20th, 2013 12:00 pm

    Schaag Rd. Resident

    Funny you state the County will not maintain it. They are down there at this moment working.

  34. CAMPER on August 20th, 2013 11:32 am

    1. Lakeside at Barth is a small campground with unlevel sites. Cannot put a large camper on the camp sites.

    2. Mystic Springs Cove Inc, at McDavid, is for Airstream members only.

    3. Adventures Unlimited not sure where the Adventures unlimited is located for camping.

    4. Leisure Lakes RV Park is where a lot of people live there as a permantent resident. They do have a one or two fishing ponds.

    5. Tall Oaks Campground / RV also more of a permantent or tempory due to short time jobs.

  35. Schaag Road Resident on August 20th, 2013 10:54 am

    I DO NOT like the idea one bit. For all of you that say “Build it and we will come…” I say h-o-g-w-a-s-h!!! Do you currently use what you already have available in the community? What a waste of resources!!! There are currently FIVE (5) RV / campgrounds in the area. The last thing we need is ANOTHER campground! Go online if you are in such a hurry to stay overnight and search the following established places:
    1. Lakeside at Barth
    2. Mystic Springs Cove Inc, at McDavid
    3. Adventures Unlimited
    4. Leisure Lakes RV Park * This one looks the best online and located close by on 9 Mile Road.
    5. Tall Oaks Campground / RV

    The article says: The plans must pass numerous other hurdles in the application process before the project could begin with final approval from the county.
    Let’s hope this is true to be fair to the residence of Schaag Road – we were here first!!! This is the opportunity for the county to NOT let the current residents of Schaag Road down, as they have done before on other occasions (loop holes, etc.) There are far too many considerations for something this big in our neighborhood! I am certain most of you saying YEA would not want it in your backyard – and if you do, might I suggest you call these people and provide your backyard for the new RV campground package deal!

    I seriously don’t think the owners of this idea are concerned about the community, trying to do a good thing – especially since this is the location they want to use. There are plenty of other areas to consider in Molino for an RV park if they must have one. I have my suspisions that this is a method (of the property owners) to use their land for profit…trying to get around zoning & renting requirements for a trailer park (which is NOT permitted here) and calling it an RV park instead. Just because you think you can do something doesn’t mean you should!!! This is just my opinion.

    You will have a fight on your hands…the residents of Schaag Road will not be happy about this and their voices will ne heard. Chances are their property values will decrease. There will be concerns reagrding security, lighting, road traffic and maint (even now the county will not maintain Schaag Road!!!). How will the sewage be handled for a project like this (we are on septic), what about the trash and dumping issues? Are there any unusual environmental requirements such as wet lands for which you cannot develop? Is there a drainage problem? Because it is 40 acres of seclusion it may breed the opportunity for meth labs.(of which our northern county already has issues). Who will be responsible? The list goes on and on…

    Take this RV Park idea somewhere else!!!

  36. Dennis on August 20th, 2013 9:47 am

    Good to see the half full glasses out number the half empty ones—–if you understand what I mean??

  37. Molino Mom on August 20th, 2013 9:23 am

    That would be great. Bringing something toward the northend. I look forward to watching the progress. If county permits and inspectors don’t mess it up.

  38. MolinoMomma on August 20th, 2013 9:04 am

    We do a lot of camping and this would be awesome. So close to home that I wouldn’t have to get anyone to feed my animals :) @cottonfarmer–I totally agree with you!!

  39. Just Me on August 20th, 2013 8:47 am

    I have been to several RV campgrounds and to describe any of them as “hustle and bustle” is funny. Most folks who stay at campgrounds are the total opposite of hustle and bustle. They are laid back, easy going types who are just looking for somewhere to relax. I would welcome the idea of a campground close by.

  40. Cindy on August 20th, 2013 8:25 am

    If you build it, we will come :) I wonder how many acres the lake is. Are they planning full hook-ups? I’d love to see this come to fruition. We need more choices for camping!

  41. Southerner on August 20th, 2013 8:10 am

    We need more good private business in the county. If the government would get out of the way more private local businesses may blossom and flourish.

  42. Narissa Greer on August 20th, 2013 8:01 am

    Not a good idea. For those that have built homes out there to get away from the hustle and bustle, it is not fair. There are a lot of other properties off Hwy 29 that could be utilized.

  43. Positive Growth on August 20th, 2013 7:31 am

    Hope this gets approved and developed. We need this in our area. It will help local stores, restaurants, etc.

  44. cottonfarmer on August 20th, 2013 7:03 am

    Sounds awesome! @Jane…have you ever been to a campground? The going and coming of large vehicles such as RV’s is not a loud and unattractive sight. To me, it’s cool to see tourist type vehicles driving along old country roads. It gives me a good feeling. And I’ve never been to a campground that was noisy! Campgrounds, if maintained and watched over, are a tranquil place. I love the idea.

  45. Jane on August 20th, 2013 5:58 am

    I am sure that will be a big hit with the people who live on Schaag Rd. Lots of traffic and noise, not to mention large vehicles at all hours and increased traffic on 95A.