Jail Transfer Meeting Rescheduled

August 2, 2013

The next meeting concerning the transfer of control of the Escambia County Jail from Sheriff David Morgan to Escambia County will be open to the public.

The joint meeting between Escambia County and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that was originally scheduled for Monday, August 5 to continue negations for the transfer of the Jail and Central Booking operations, has been rescheduled to Wednesday, August 7, at 10 a.m.  The workshop will be held at 221 Palafox Place in the fourth floor training room within the Escambia County Administration office. This meeting will have limited space and is open to the public.


4 Responses to “Jail Transfer Meeting Rescheduled”

  1. Lady on August 4th, 2013 3:03 pm

    So far as the County taking the jail over I don’t see how they could do that without more taxes. The trouble in our county is the courts are having more and more cases as most of the states so that should be addressed. A lot of these are repeat offenders because ESCAMBIA COUNTY FLORIDA has NO PLACE TO SEND THESE PEOPLE ON DRUGS,etc. but DOWNTOWN PENSACOLA. These young people that are in trouble DO NOT NEED TO BE JAILED because of drugs and minor offenses but have places all over the county for them to get couseling and help. Escambia County Alabama has put something in place that is working.
    People that live in the NORTH END OF THE COUNTY get the shaft on EVERYTHING. County cut the services out at the Billy Ward judiicial center in Century and moved it halfway to Pensacola and you have to wait in line to get help there and it’s not this center’s fault but not enough help. If you had some of these places in THE NORTH END OF THE COUNTY that could help these offenders, then the jail in Pensacola wouldn’t be so crowded. The court doesn’t help either by moving them out but tries to make it so hard for everyone to get out on the street again. Counseling for North and South end of Escambia is badly needed, then you would cut down on the repeat offenders because these people need HELP not jail time for drug related problems. Let’s get busy in the Court System and put back services in the NORTH END. We all pay the same taxes as those that live on waterfront property in Escambia County. Come on officials lets get busy and give the North end some services and consideration.

  2. Jake on August 4th, 2013 9:39 am

    The jail has very good people working and running it in place. Big Dave just keeps asking for more TAX dollars. It is time the comm. said no and took the jail Thank you GENE. It is time we stood behind the county.Time to stop money spending DAVE . You complain about more taxes but that is what started this and the county has had enough of the bullying . Give me more money are I will go to the governor or I will give you the jail and you can run it. I sure hope you make the meeting JIM sounds like you have it all figured out maybe you can run it just like you ran the city police dept.

  3. molino jim on August 3rd, 2013 9:10 am

    @just me: I’m with you 100%. “Good old George” was to have it all lined out by now– it hasn’t happen. Gene V. is enjoying his power trip and very well may create the biggest cluster mess that the county has seen since “Dirt Road Grady”. Please note there will be less space now than there was before for the public. Come early for the dog and pony show.

  4. Just me on August 2nd, 2013 6:49 pm

    WHAT NEXT? I can’t imagine the county commissioners doing any better or as well as the sheriff’s dept. It’s amazing how folks want to be in charge, when most likely they’re not any more qualified than I am. We can only wait and see. I bet this will mean more taxes for the tax payers – never an end. Hey! Have you been down to see the jail, go through it & just see what takes place? It’s an experience – believe me.