Hero Lost: War Takes Husband From Her Life, Anniversary Photos

August 18, 2013

In a photograph from their November 2011 wedding in Pensacola, Marine Corps Sgt. Bradley Atwell smiles while gingerly wiping away the tears of his new wife, Danielle, as she looks deeply into his eyes.

Almost two years later, Danielle was back in Pensacola, but the resulting photographs are far different.

The 23-year-old is dressed in black, and the youthful innocence and joy have been replaced with loss and pain. Brad is absent, replaced by a picture in a frame, his wedding ring, dog tags and a folded American flag.

Both collections of photographs were taken by Florida-based photographer Melissa Thurber, a former Army combat medic and Iraq veteran, and shared with Stars and Stripes as a tribute to Brad. Atwell was killed in September as he heroically confronted 15 heavily armed Taliban fighters who breached the wire at Camp Bastion in southwestern Afghanistan and destroyed more than $200 million worth of aircraft.

The images are a moving reminder of the price paid by service members and their families during more than a decade of war.

“I think they’re beautiful,” Danielle Atwell said of the new photographs. “I would prefer anniversary photos but I don’t really have that choice, so I’m glad to have had the pictures done to honor Brad there.”

Pictured top: This summer, Danielle Atwell returned to the pavilion in Pensacola where she and her Marine husband were married in 2011. Pictured inset and below:  The 2011 wedding day for Sgt. Bradley Atwell and his wife Danielle in 2011. Pictured bottom:  Danielle Atwell hugs the flag from her husband’s casket at his grave at Barrancas National Cemetery aboard Naval Air Station Pensacola recently. Photos by Melissa J. Thurber for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.
Used with permission from Stars and Stripes.  © 2013 Stars and Stripes.


32 Responses to “Hero Lost: War Takes Husband From Her Life, Anniversary Photos”

  1. Kory Trummer on March 10th, 2014 11:12 pm

    My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family and a world of thanks for the sacrifice your beloved husband gave.

    Thank you!
    I’ll make sure others know.
    Also know your loved by many in this nation.
    Thanks again, Kory

  2. dawn m hearst on January 9th, 2014 12:35 am

    Your story is very sad. As many of them are . I am not a member of a military family. I just wanted to say to you that no one can take away your pain no one has the right words either no matter how hard they try and mean well . Time is the only thing . I don’t know if we just become numb or why it is but time seems like as it goes on the pain eaises .I wished I had more comforting words . My deepest condolences to you and your family.

  3. Stacy on January 8th, 2014 10:05 pm

    I don’t know what you are going through since I haven’t walked in your shoes. The only people I have lost have lived long lives. It takes a strong person to join any military branch these days, and it takes just as strong a person to be at home waiting for that service member. Thank you for his sacrifice and for yours.

  4. Katie Danner on August 23rd, 2013 10:16 pm

    Sweet Danielle,

    I promise you that someday the pain will ease but you will have the memories. Write them down soon. Memories are fine lines of ink.

    You are blessed and loved.

  5. monique thibodeau on August 20th, 2013 9:46 pm

    WoooooW,as i read it to myself,& broke out in tears.i said to my older sis & mom (they were both in the kitchen) & tried to read it as i was crying readng the the letter..it was very emotional & sad..i`m extremly sorry for your loss,i`m sure he`s missing you all Big time..to know such a Great man..whom Fought for the love of his country & family to pray to god he`d be back home in his beautifull wife`s loving arms..is now only memory`s to live by..May he rest in piece.We shall Not forget them.. millions of hugs to all (( <3 )) Be like your husband wishes you to be : Strong..i will forever support our troops..Amen!

  6. Lynn on August 20th, 2013 7:00 pm

    Thank you for sharing your story this is very sad. May God bless you in the years to come. Thank you for your husbands sacrifice, many blessings

  7. Char on August 20th, 2013 4:35 pm

    Dear Danielle and Family.
    May all your memories of Bradley help you through such a loss.
    The photos are very heart touching to me and say so much..
    May God hold you close and help ease the loss for you..
    Hugs to you.

  8. Dennis HE Wiggins on August 20th, 2013 10:51 am

    I have friends who are Marines. They will tell you there is a reason the Corps Motto is “Semper Fidelis” – “Once a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine.” There is never and ex-Marine. Larry, I’m sure you meant no disrespect by it, but I have to agree with Perdido Fisherman – Sgt. Atwell is – and always will be a Sergeant, also.

    Semper Fi, Sgt.

  9. Lifendason on August 20th, 2013 9:57 am

    Thank you Sgt. Bradley Atwell for your supreme sacrifice and may the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ allow the Holy Spirit to continue to comfort you Danielle as each day goes by.

  10. Sarah Person on August 19th, 2013 7:58 pm

    God Bless you and your husband’s sacrifice.

  11. Aragones Family on August 19th, 2013 1:18 pm

    there are no words. may he know peace and may you know strength. God bless you and your family. My family will remember you both in our prayers.

  12. Tonya on August 19th, 2013 11:24 am

    Thank you for sharing your story. May he rest in peace and continue to watch over you. He was a hero and I know you are proud of him! God Bless.

  13. Cecília on August 19th, 2013 11:16 am

    So sad…

  14. molino jim on August 19th, 2013 9:55 am

    @Larry-I feel I understand what you were trying to convey. As we talked about over coffee: no good deed goes unpunished. @ Perdido Fisherman–Most people who were not Marines, plus even some who were will sometimes use the term “Former Marine”. I know the old saying –once a Marine/always a Marine and do feel there is a large amount of truth to that. I recall those fun times at Paris Island very well (joking) and carry part of the feelings of our training even today. Sergeant Atwell gave the full measure of Semper Fi. To his wife and family try to recall the good times. SEMPER FI young Marine–may you rest in peace.

  15. Rich mercado on August 19th, 2013 4:44 am

    I served in with Bradley, and he is a awesome Marine and a better Person, Semper Fi Brother

  16. perdido fisherman on August 18th, 2013 11:02 pm

    @Larry, why do you say ” Ex-sgt “? He is and always will be a Sargent in the U.S. Marine corps. That was disrespectful to a man who gave his life fighting to presrve your way of life, he was not demoted, therefore he is still Sgt Atwell.

    Semper FI Sgt. Atwell, now your guarding the streets of heaven and St. Peters pearly gates, God speed.8

  17. jeff s on August 18th, 2013 7:45 pm

    i thank you for you sacrifice as a military wife and your husbands ultimate sacrifice as a miltary hero………may God bless you and remember….when things get tough for you He will be there to carry you through to the end……

  18. Richard P. on August 18th, 2013 2:43 pm

    Danielle, may God carry you through your hour of grief. Brad was a real American hero, lost to soon. Thank you and Brad for all you gave for us all. Those are great photos, and I thank you for sharing your story. I pray that God grace and mercy see you through, and I am so sorry for your loss.

  19. Andrea H. on August 18th, 2013 11:47 am

    Thank you Danielle for sharing your story with us. The pictures are a testimony for what our military and their families face on a daily basis. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

  20. Larry Walker on August 18th, 2013 11:16 am

    May God bless Mrs. Atwell. I salute ex-Sgt. Atwell.

  21. bigR on August 18th, 2013 10:10 am

    very very sad, touching, and unfortunatly familiar story. Mrs. Atwell please accept myself and my family’s gratitude for you and your husbands ultimate sacrifice in helping keep these terrorists in check and helping make the world a safe place for everyone.. so very sorry for your loss may god bless you and him

  22. mel on August 18th, 2013 9:43 am

    Remember the memories and he will always never forgotten..thank you for fighting for our country

  23. Christine S on August 18th, 2013 9:29 am

    You are very strong. He shall be protecting the gates of heaven waiting for you. God Bless and Semper Fi.

  24. Tammy on August 18th, 2013 9:18 am

    Very Touching!!! Such a
    Great honor to your husband! What a great way to let others see his dedication! You are a very inspiring young lady! God Bless you, Danielle!

  25. Robert S. on August 18th, 2013 9:18 am

    The Very Best of the United States of America.

    With Gratitude to All who have Served in this nation’s armed forces and to their families and loved ones.

    Semper fi, Danielle.

    Let us Never Forget……

  26. Beth on August 18th, 2013 7:53 am

    Praying through tears! May God wrap you in His perfect peace and strength! My deepest condolences for your loss!

  27. Willene on August 18th, 2013 6:33 am

    May you feel the comfort of our dear Lord’s arm around you.

  28. mishpaka on August 18th, 2013 6:17 am

    May your good memories sustain you at this time. My heart understands the terrible loss you endure. We thank your husband for his service to our beloved country. May his memory be for a blessing.

  29. Brooke on August 18th, 2013 3:46 am

    Powerful and moving. And so very sad.

  30. tomtom44 on August 18th, 2013 3:18 am

    You are truly a Very strong Woman. May GOD bless you and keep you

  31. Deborah K on August 18th, 2013 1:22 am

    Grateful for your husband’s service. So very sorry for your loss. :(

  32. Carmen on August 18th, 2013 1:19 am

    Such powerful heartbreaking photographs. Sorry for your loss Danielle, thank you Sgt. Bradley Atwell for your service and your sacrifice.