Former Pensacola FDLE Special Agent In Charge Arrested

August 17, 2013

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s former top agent in Pensacola was arrested Friday on petit theft charges.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement Office of Executive Investigations received a complaint in June of 2013 regarding former FDLE Pensacola Regional Operations Center Special Agent in Charge Steve Desposito, 48, of Pensacola The complainant alleged that Desposito had appropriated FDLE property for personal use, and the FDLE Office of Executive Investigations, subsequently initiated an investigation.

The investigation revealed that Desposito took fence posts that were the property of the State of Florida and appropriated them for his personal use. Inspectors presented their findings to the Office of the State Attorney, 1st Judicial Circuit, and Desposito was charged with one count of petit theft.

“This is a sad day for FDLE,” said FDLE Commissioner Gerald Bailey.  “We hold our members to the highest standard of integrity and unfortunately, Mr. Desposito breached that trust.”

Desposito surrendered himself at the Escambia County Jail at approximately 1 p.m. Friday. He was released from jail on a $1,000 bond.

Desposito was promoted to Special Agent in Charge in September 2010.  He was placed on leave in June pending the outcome of this investigation and resigned in July.   He had been a member of FDLE since 1993.

The case will be prosecuted by the Office of the State Attorney, 1st Judicial Circuit.


8 Responses to “Former Pensacola FDLE Special Agent In Charge Arrested”

  1. Preda on August 18th, 2013 6:25 pm

    Ha so I think others should think about how many times they have took something from work if stealing is stealing.

  2. bk on August 18th, 2013 12:46 pm

    I find some of these comments ridiculous. A thief is a thief, regardless of who he is or what he does for a living. Law enforcement officers are not above the law. They must obey it as well or face the consequences like anyone else. Why any would defend a thief cop is beyond me.

  3. melodies4us on August 18th, 2013 9:21 am

    Remember when??? You were dreaming ?

  4. Remember when??? on August 18th, 2013 6:56 am

    Police officers were people you could trust…

  5. TMS on August 17th, 2013 10:56 pm

    Steve is a great person. A Christian man that takes care of his family and has given 30 years of his life to protect others. Really, over a couple of old fence post you are gonna charge him and crucify him! Seriously, so he made a mistake, you are not his judge and jury! Almost all of us have done similar things, look in the mirror before you cast your stone…

  6. Really?? on August 17th, 2013 4:01 pm

    Really? Sounds like some political shenanigans. An honest man with almost 30 years in law enforcement leaving over less than $300 of fence posts? Sounds like more to the story!

  7. mick on August 17th, 2013 2:02 pm

    It doesn’t matter the outcome of this…this “sworn” law enforcement officer has broken the publics’ trust, he cannot and should not have that position again…what ever could have been his rationale to justify something so petty to jeopardize his position and reputation…

  8. paul on August 17th, 2013 10:33 am

    The BIG surprise here is that the FDLE filed charges against an LEO.. :O