Florida Virtual School Cuts Staff

August 9, 2013

Pointing to a change in the state’s education-financing formula, Florida Virtual School eliminated 177 full-time positions.

Florida Virtual School is the state’s online public school, and the legislative change led to traditional school systems receiving fewer dollars than last year for students who enroll in online courses.

House education appropriations Chairman Erik Fresen, R-Miami, said the change was needed because Florida Virtual School was receiving a disproportionately large share of money.


5 Responses to “Florida Virtual School Cuts Staff”

  1. David Huie Green on August 10th, 2013 9:56 am

    “…lets thank the tea party favorite…the governor for this travesty”

    The way the article reads, Governor Scott didn’t do it, House education appropriations Chairman Erik Fresen, R-Miami did.

    Further, if he is shifting money from this part of education to some other part of education, it doesn’t tell us they have cut funding for education. It does look like they are cutting it from one of the best “bang for your buck” parts of education, though.

    David for more info

  2. hu on August 10th, 2013 5:37 am

    …lets thank the tea party favorite…the governor for this travesty…somehow he just dont get the idea that a government functions is not like a for profit business…if this was possible, not upset the voters, and private businesses can make a profit educating the kids without governmental money…then private businesses would be running the educational system…

  3. David Huie Green on August 9th, 2013 8:03 pm

    “Just what we need in Florida: LESS EDUCATION.”

    It DOES read that way, doesn’t it?

    It is possible they needed fewer teachers for the work load, but it doesn’t say that.
    It is possible there were fewer students attending, but it doesn’t say that.

    Somewhat disheartening, isn’t it?

    Virtual school is a good method of getting instruction to students everywhere in even the smallest schools or when they can’t attend regular schools. It may not be for everyone, but is good for many and cost effective. (Although it is hard to drive a bus to a virtual school.)

    David for better education
    for the people who will be taking care of us
    when we are old and feeble

  4. Joe Bagofdoughnuts on August 9th, 2013 9:13 am

    Just what we need in Florida: LESS EDUCATION.

    Is there nothing less important in the budget that could be cut?


  5. JTM on August 9th, 2013 7:46 am

    After FLVS pushed and bullied the Florida DOE and Legislature to make an on-line class as a graduation requirement thinking they (FLVS) would have a monopoly they are now getting hit with a more fair funding calculation. Now FLVS can’t line their pockets as much so once again teachers are getting hurt. It just goes to so that in Florida it’s all about the money with regard to education.