Extensive Damage, Expensive Loss After Molino Park Elementary Burglary, Vandalism

August 13, 2013

The damage at Molino Park Elementary School is being described as “extensive” by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office following a weekend burglary and vandalism.

Someone broke into the school on Highway 97 between about 4:30 Friday afternoon and 5:30 p.m. Saturday when the crime was discovered by a teacher. Surveillance video shows two people running down a hallway at 9:17 p.m.

To see the surveillance video, click here.

Thousands of dollars worth of electronics were stolen from throughout the school, including Apple computers, iPads, Wii gaming systems, cameras used by the school’s student-operated closed circuit TV station, along with other items. As teachers returned to work Monday, items were still being discovered missing and inventoried.

“They stole computers that are needed for education; they stole from our kids,” Molino Park Principal Alice Woodward said. “These were items directly used by our students.”

Portions of the school were also  vandalized during the break-in. Ceiling tiles were damaged or destroyed throughout the campus, and holes were punched in walls. A vending machine was also toppled and burglarized.

“The Sheriff’s Office is working to identify those responsible,” Escambia County School District Deputy Superintendent Norm Ross said Monday. “We are cooperating fully with law enforcement, and we hope for a swift resolution.”

A complete tally of items stolen or a dollar figure has not yet been released as the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office continues their investigation.

Anyone with any information about the crime is asked to call Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP or the Escambia Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620. Crime Stoppers callers can remain anonymous and did not have to give their name.

Pictured top: An empty spot marks the locations of a stolen Apple computer from a Molino Park Elementary School classroom. Pictured inset: Numerous ceiling tiles were damaged during the burglary and vandalism. Pictured below:  Three Apple computers were stolen from this desk in a computer lab. Pictured inset: An overturned and burglarized vending machine in the school. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Extensive Damage, Expensive Loss After Molino Park Elementary Burglary, Vandalism”

  1. Kelly on August 13th, 2013 10:24 pm

    @mad….FYI pawn shops are required to turn in the the sheriff department a description of everything that is pawned including serial numbers if available. If they pawn it they will be caught.

  2. Molino Mom on August 13th, 2013 5:54 pm


    Look at these kids closely. Do they look familiar? Someone has to recognize their blurry appearance and clothing. If it was my son-you can believe I could pick him out of this video, and then beat him to a pulp!
    If you are a friend of these 2 hoodlums-TURN THEM IN!

  3. Bd on August 13th, 2013 5:32 pm

    @ curious, really? Tuck their tales and run? The county spend huge sums of money every day on new equipment and maintaning old equipment for use. What was done here is a crime and the county is only guilty of trying to give the kids an education. Obviously the trash that broke in to the school feels that the other kids there need to share in the ignorance of stealing for a living rather than leaving them be to learn on that tuck and run equipment you talk about. Hey since it’s such a big deal to you, why don’t YOU fork over a few grand to replace this stuff and get all the glory?

  4. Curious on August 13th, 2013 2:43 pm

    Just curious, is the county going to replace the computers that were stolen for our children to continue to use or they gonna tuck their tales and do nothing as usual?

  5. Retired Teacher on August 13th, 2013 11:47 am

    I’m willing to bet that some of these theives have been in the school before and knew their way around and knew the best way in and out. And please Mr. Thomas, find enough money or grants to put some decent security cameras in our schools or maybe a few mean guard dogs to pull night guard duty. If added security doesn’t deter criminals, at least, it would make them easier to find and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law…not some petty slap on the wrist. So many of this generation has been raised to be thugs and crinimals with no respect for anyone. Why should they work when they can steal from others. I’m praying for our country and this county. It appears that criminals are outnumbering decent, lawabiding people and law enforcement has no clue how to turn it around.

  6. Just me on August 13th, 2013 10:57 am

    There is no way those two kids took that many items and left on bicycles. They may have done the leg work, but someone older with knowledge of how to enter, exit and transport had to be there.

  7. bewildered on August 13th, 2013 9:55 am

    The cover picture for this story is so sad. It shows how much love and care was put into the set-up of the workstations. Evil people prevail because the good ones do not – or cannot because of political corrrectness – speak out. We need to stop hiding behind all the smoke screens and excuses why crimes are committed and simply go back to RIGHT and WRONG.

  8. Randy on August 13th, 2013 9:53 am

    1. Senseless crime against innocent children. I hope these scumbags get the treatment they deserve, a 5 x 7 at the Escambia County Hilton….

  9. JustWondering on August 13th, 2013 8:25 am

    Does the school have no surveillance cameras installed inside or out side ? you would surely think the way things are now days that would be a must .it,s a small price to pay compared to all the expensive computer equipment they got away with .Prevention,Prevention,Prevention .

  10. DG on August 13th, 2013 7:40 am

    What A Shame

  11. Mad on August 13th, 2013 7:22 am

    I just hope the ECSD has the sense to check every single pawn shop in this county and surrounding counties. They stole these items to sell, not to use. I firmly believe in Karma and it will catch up with them. These thugs will eventually pay for what they did.

  12. P O'ed on August 13th, 2013 6:52 am

    Hope the Sheriff’s Dept catches these dirt bags, then their photos and names are published in the news, then they get out on bail, then the community can deal with these folks. Bet they will want to go back to jail for protection.

  13. dirty on August 13th, 2013 3:56 am

    A damn shame! This is terrible! Stealing from your own community? Where the children of our neighbors gather to learn and grow? I”m ill right now. Tell you what though. I’m in the community, and i can promise this. The first person i come across with I pads, Wii’s, or Dell computers, Is getting the southern hospitality they deserve. my word IS my bond…..