Disabled Naked Man Collapses, Dies As Deputies Attempt To Subdue Him

August 20, 2013

A disabled naked man collapsed and died after trying to break into several homes in Escambia County.

He was identified as 55-year old Norbert A. Chabannes.

Just after 5 p.m. Monday, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to the 14000 block of Canal Drive after witnesses reported a naked man crawling across a yard and attempting to break into several houses by throwing bricks and other objects at windows. Chabannes, who is disabled and had only one leg, had also attempted to break into an elderly couple’s home and cut his arm in the process.

A deputy arrived to find Chabannes still naked, delirious, and covered in blood and sweat. As the deputy tried to subdue the man, it became clear that he had no pulse, according to a Sheriff’s Office news release. Attempts by deputies and EMS to resuscitate him were unsuccessful.

Further investigation revealed that the incident began when Chabannes arrived home and became confrontational with his housekeeper. The victim stated that during the altercation, Chabannes began gouging her eyes and repeatedly banged her head against a wall. The victim had injuries that were consistent with her statements, deputies said. The victim managed to escape and flee to a neighboring home for help.

The incident is under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.


22 Responses to “Disabled Naked Man Collapses, Dies As Deputies Attempt To Subdue Him”

  1. Rick on August 22nd, 2013 11:31 am

    I agree with you Mark. Not only are these people coming up with things that are not in the report, they completely ignore the fact that the deputies actions were commended by the witnesses at the scene.

  2. Sue B on August 21st, 2013 7:12 pm

    Severe dehydration can cause some of these symptoms also and the blood sugar being off balance is another possibility. I am wondering also if he wasn’t trying to get help. Maybe he came to enough to realize he was in a bad situation. It’s a shame either way. Very few will know ALL the details. I’m sure no one expected the outcome to be what it ended up as.

  3. denise sullivan on August 21st, 2013 4:29 pm

    I knew this man and his lovely family back in the 1980’s. Norbert has been
    battling his addictions for a very long time and I think they finally caught up with him.
    God rest his soul and my thoughts and prayers to his siblings.

  4. Mark on August 21st, 2013 2:15 pm

    What? Are we trying to blame the deputy for this man’s death? If he died during the arrest, it should be investigated. Odds are, the guy had something in his system he shouldn’t have, if you look up his public records.

    I love how people jump on the “don’t make assumptions” bandwagon when most of the “perps” reported on this site have a long history of legal troubles that are VERY easy to look up.

    If I see drug arrest after drug arrest, you can bet I am going to assume drugs are involved again!

    Yet everyone wants to assume the deputy was in the wrong somehow. People talking about use of tasers, when there is no mention of it in the article.

  5. Gigi on August 21st, 2013 12:29 pm

    Dave, thanks for the much needed clarification.

    The article stated “A deputy arrived to find Chabannes still naked, delirious, and covered in blood and sweat. As the deputy tried to subdue the man, it became clear that he had no pulse, according to a Sheriff’s Office news release.”

    Call me crazy, but to me that means he WAS alive when they found him, THEN he died. But then again, I was awake in grade school.

  6. heather on August 21st, 2013 9:44 am

    or you could just look at the title of the article…

    “Dies As Deputies Attempt To Subdue Him”

    Dies….AS deputies…attempt to subdue him. He wasnt already dead. It says that when the deputies arrived, he was “still naked, delirious, and covered in blood and sweat”. He was STILL “delirious”. They tried to subdue him, and during that, he died.

  7. Dave on August 21st, 2013 8:15 am

    Let me blow your minds here people.

    What if the guy died in the process of being subdued?

    Wow, I know right! Let me repeat for the CNN drones, yes, think here for a second.

    I know this is not CNN or FOX so you can’t just believe what I’m saying but “What if he died in the process of being subdued?”

    Okay let that settle in MSNBC. I know. I know. Sit down, get a drink of water.

    Here we go.

    I want to enlighten you all on something. You CAN think on your own. Yes you CAN.

    You can figure things out. Its called critical thinking.

    Please do this before commenting.

    Officers were in the process of controlling this man then he suddenly died. Heart stops and he drops dead. Officer continue to place the man under arrest.

    Is he faking?
    Did he die?
    Check pulse.
    No pulse.
    It is apparent he is not faking.

    He died.


    Thoughts to the family of this man and another thank you to all deputies in ECSO and jail working a thankless job. You guys and gals need raises!

  8. Hmm on August 21st, 2013 7:52 am

    Sounds like excited delirium to me… just sayin..

  9. Rob on August 21st, 2013 7:21 am

    No Pulse? Subdue usually implies resistance, but with no pulse, wouldn’t he be dead?

  10. curious on August 21st, 2013 6:51 am

    @ sunsidedown, it’s good nothing happened to you, but you probably had a checkup beforehand to let them know you could be tasked, some people don’t know there’s anything wrong with them then do something to get tased & bam your electrocuted & dead, you can’t tase a wet person, person with known medical issues & other reasons, but the cops aren’t gonna know this, but if my husband was to let them tase him @ his work voluntarily, he has to get a medical checkup.Now back to the man doing all this to the victim, he was prolly trying to break in homes trying to find victim & finish what he was trying to do in the first place & that sounds like he wanted to harm her. A man can’t be delirious & have no pulse.

  11. Concerned on August 21st, 2013 6:17 am

    Google searched his name and found mug shots of his arrests for drugs.

  12. Sunsidedown on August 20th, 2013 11:57 pm

    Trying to break in my house, No matter what. Taser the perp first ask questions later. Feel free to use the same method on me. People kill me with the taser issue. Been tased voluntarily three times….Im alive. Best hope the cops use a taser before I pull the trigger to protect my family.

  13. Barbara on August 20th, 2013 11:50 pm

    Sounds a little like he was doing bath salts!

  14. CD on August 20th, 2013 10:11 pm

    LeeAnna may have a point, tho I’ve never heard of such behavior from either very low or very high glucose levels. I’m diabetic and have experienced both. More info is needed.

  15. EMS on August 20th, 2013 9:23 pm

    Ref EMD: I at first thought he may have gotten WAY too hot. Now, it just sounds bizarre if he had his own house. Way too much heat? Hi blood sugar? Low blood sugar? Rabies? Drugs? How did he end up naked? Seems a lot of unknowns here. (Try bath salts or spice) I bet either one will end up in his system.

  16. Sue on August 20th, 2013 9:23 pm

    What a bizarre story! If he had no pulse, he should have been VERY subdued. Between the bizarre behavior and his record, I’m guessing this will prove to be drug and/or alcohol related.

    I wonder if he misplaced his prosthesis when he lost his clothing. He must have looked pathetic. Frightening, but still pathetic.

  17. Really on August 20th, 2013 8:41 pm

    Yes that is what I normally do (try to gouge out their eyes and bang their head against a wall) when I want someone to know I am in need of help. People need to read the story before they comment.

  18. Avis on August 20th, 2013 7:34 pm

    “As the deputy tried to subdue the man, it became clear that he had no pulse…” I’m wondering if a tazer was used in this apprehension. Just curious.

  19. curious on August 20th, 2013 6:43 pm

    It seems someone called police, it wasn’t their fault he died before they got there, I have children @ home during the day, there’s no way I would’ve opened the door to him, I’m not trying to judge but his sugar would have to be extreme ly high or low for this behavior, I’m thinking drugs

  20. Curious on August 20th, 2013 6:28 pm

    How does one subdue a dead man?

    It’s sad that he died that way. I know I would have hesitated to open the door for someone who looked so completely out of place. However, it would be such a crisis of conscience to see him suffering, but knowing he’s a possible threat, as well.

  21. LeeAnna on August 20th, 2013 5:59 pm

    Perhaps He Was Seeking Help As Opposed To TryingTo Break In..

  22. EMD on August 20th, 2013 5:48 pm

    I at first thought he may have gotten WAY too hot. Now, it just sounds bizarre if he had his own house. Way too much heat? Hi blood sugar? Low blood sugar? Rabies? Drugs? How did he end up naked? Seems a lot of unknowns here.