Child Molester Gets 25 Years

August 16, 2013

An Escambia County man  has been sentenced to state prison for molesting a seven-year old girl in 2011.

Thursday, Judge Jan Shackelford sentenced  27-year old Jason Edgar Casey to 25 years to be followed by probation for the rest of his life as a sexual predator. On Monday, Casey entered a plea to a charge of lewd/lascivious molestation on a victim less than 12 by a defendant over 18.


17 Responses to “Child Molester Gets 25 Years”

  1. Anonymous on June 9th, 2014 7:29 pm

    I was a victim of this man at ages 7-12, I told every adult that I thought would help me & was only called a LIAR & was BEAT. He sat at the table & cried, while denying everything I said. He should have got a life sentence & everything that is done to him is DESERVED. I am so sorry & ashamed I could not have helped this young girl go through what I had to endure.

  2. David Huie Green on August 17th, 2013 5:24 pm

    molino jim.

    I stayed confused by that comment because he or she mentioned “this guy gets to walk free” when it surely reads like this guy goes to prison for 25 years and then is limited for the rest of his life as a sexual predator. Doesn’t look much like freedom to me, justice maybe but not freedom.

    Further, “Skyliar” Davis’s DUI manslaughter wasn’t mentioned in the article, what he had done wasn’t mentioned by Sunshine and the crime seems to be different from choosing to prey on small children.
    Both wrong, but different.

    But you’ve deconfused me, at least temporarily.

    Merci beaucoup

  3. molino jim on August 17th, 2013 2:19 pm

    @David. It got started from the comment from “Sunshine” (16th at 3:46 a/m) about Davis being locked up for just one mistake and my comment about his having a record. 3:46 a/m posting

  4. David Huie Green on August 17th, 2013 11:57 am

    It occurs to me I have no idea how the discussion switched to “Skylar Clint Davis”

    from “Jason Edgar Casey”

    so please ignore anything I had to say previously on this strange thread.

  5. molino jim on August 17th, 2013 10:43 am

    Thanks David. I owe you a cup of coffee at Fran’s some time.

  6. molino jim on August 16th, 2013 8:43 pm

    @FYI- I can only guess that the Skylar Clint Davis is the same person who had been arrested before several times. I guess the Clerk of the Court records are incorrect. But Skylar Clint Davis was charged with DUI and causing a wreck that killed another driver and had other alcohol related arrest . @ Pensacola Mommy- Some people try and are able to go forward if they receive good therapy and understand what happen was not the victims fault. There are many levels of molestation. I am not excusing what this person did in any shape or form. His life should be his worse nightmare and very well may be after the lights go down on the cell blocks.

  7. David Huie Green on August 16th, 2013 8:08 pm

    “@molino jim. Mr. Davis did NOT have a record!!!”

    Not as a sexual offender, no, but yes, he already had a record for DUI and traffic offenses. Further, judgment was withheld based on him taking random drug tests, not having controlled substances without a prescription, not failing a breathalyzer test, taking drug and substance abuse counseling as needed. Per

    And for the entire record:

    Showing once again Molino Jim know what he talk about.

    David for clean records through clean living

  8. FYI on August 16th, 2013 4:58 pm

    @molino jim. Mr. Davis did NOT have a record!!! He made a mistake that was a fatel one…he has been sentenced and will serve his time and a day will not go by in his lifetime that he will not regret the decision he made to drink and drive!!! He is the most remorseful man I know. His heart aches for the Shepard family and their lose as well as the heartache he has cause his family! The man mentioned In the article has a sick mind!!! He molested a child!!! He made the choice to molest this child. Please do not compare apples to oranges. These two men do not compare in the least!!

  9. Pensacola Mommy on August 16th, 2013 3:22 pm

    Molino Jim, I agreed with you up until the last part cause it’s crap. Doesn’t matter if that child receives help or not this is something they’ll never forget and neither will their family. They’ll live it for the rest of their lives. You can’t compare the two things, they’re apples and oranges.

  10. Patricia L Mclellan on August 16th, 2013 2:54 pm

    Im sorry when you molest a child you should be taken out and hung just like the old days, its not fair to make the victims as taxpayers pay to house and feed these sickos!

  11. pensacolamom on August 16th, 2013 1:00 pm

    I was sitting in the court room yesterday and he and his family were in front of me, I did not know it until he went up to plead guilty, AND the only time he shed a tear is when his mother started crying after the sentence was given to him. He had a cocky attitude as in one statement that Bubba will correct. I feel so sorry for the child’s life he ruined and his family that he has brought shame to.

  12. yaya on August 16th, 2013 9:16 am

    this man should be put to death for his crimes against children how awful a person has to be to do this to children ,being a mother myself these kind of pple just make me sick 2 my stomach ,they need to be hog tied and wipped to no ends ,i also have family in that area with small children,and this man should never be let out 2 hurt someone elses child

  13. Molino Mom on August 16th, 2013 7:55 am

    Good riddance, we have enough of your kind ruining our children and families!
    Say hello to “Bubba” for us!
    Well at least we can depend on inmates for one thing-making sure this one doesn’t get out and ruin another little girl’s life.

  14. molino jim on August 16th, 2013 7:02 am

    @Sunshine- This fellow hurt a child and the years in prison are going to be a real eye opener for him. Davis is not the pure sweet person you try to paint him to be. Please look at his arrest records up until the time he killed another driver and caused a great amount of injury to another person in the car. The other drivers fault was driving on the highway with a young drunk. Davis had a history of alcohol abuse and driving violations, the court system should have have acted stronger toward him before he killed another driver. The dead drivers family can and will miss him every day– the child at least receive help.

  15. brim buster on August 16th, 2013 5:06 am

    This is justice…this pervert will never make it 25 yrs in prison, gangs in prison take care of child molesters. case closed..

  16. Sunshine on August 16th, 2013 3:46 am

    I find it crazy that this guy gets to walk free with his evil heart, and black soul after molesting a child….and more then likely going to do it again, while people like Skyliar Davis made one bad decision…but has the purest of hearts and would never heart a soul willingly is going to prison for most of his life. Not saying that drinking and driving is ok, but where is the justice?

  17. MATCHBOX on August 16th, 2013 1:31 am