Century Water Rates Increase; Audits To Look At System

August 6, 2013

Water rates inched upwards at the first of the month for Century residents, and Monday night, the town council voted for a few studies to make sure the system is in good financial shape.

In January, the council voted to raise water rates by 10 percent, split into a 5 percent increase on February 1 and an additional 5 percent increase on August 1.

As of August 1, the current water rate in Century  is $9.90 including the first 1,500 gallons and $2.50 for each additional 1,000 gallons. Sewer rates remained the same at $13 for the first 6,000 gallons of water used plus $3.95 per additional 1,000 gallons with no limit.

The previous rate was covering the operation of the system plus an additional $68,464. Income for wastewater currently exceeds the cost of the service by $228,087 annually.

The town council voted unanimously for free audits from the Florida Rural Water Association that make sure the system is financially strong and able to fund capital costs, repairs, replacements and contingencies from a reserve fund. The audits will also look the amount of groundwater and stormwater entering the sewage system and look at the water loss rate. The loss rate currently stands at 12 percent or about $81,000 a year, down from a previous rate of 19 percent.

Pictured: The Century Town Council met Monday night. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Century Water Rates Increase; Audits To Look At System”

  1. Barbara on August 7th, 2013 9:55 pm

    The water leak on front st was reoaired after 2 months calling the hole on the curb is still there and my tires in coming in and going out and needs to be realiened so who pays that?????????????

  2. Century Resident on August 6th, 2013 2:32 pm

    I have to agree with Barbara on this one. There has been leaks all over town and they run out there and half put it back together and in a few days it pouring again. We get descent roads and they started digging them up less than a month later. I am so sick of things being duct taped back together, just to be tore up again in a few days. If the Town would fix their own leaks they would see a great improvement in the water usage.

  3. Barbara F on August 6th, 2013 6:17 am

    It took me and 3 other neighbors 2 months to get a water pipe in the road fixed I called many times and nothing happened. I kept asking to speak to the Mayor and he was never in. I got to talk to a supervisor and she got them to come look at it. The leak is fixed at this time but look at the water the city wasted in 2 months, and now they want to increase the rates. They hole and road are not properly fixed just asphalt throwed in the hole and when trucks and cars go over it how long will it take that it will be leaking again. the road looks horrible. My car its the hole in the curb and now I have to have it alienged.