Five Arrests Made In Molino Park Burglary; Many Stolen Items Burned

August 28, 2013

[Updated] Two adults and three juveniles have been arrested in connection with the burglary and vandalism of Molino Park Elementary school on August 9.  Over $60,000 in property was stolen, and the school sustained another $7,000 in damages.  Most the stolen items  — including computers and iPads– were burned by the suspects.

Tatanya Zahna Blackmon, an 18-year old female from the 2400 block of North Highway 29 in Cantonment, and Rodriques Ricardo Young, a 19-year old male from the 1300 block of Barth Road in Molino were both booked into the Escambia County Jail on Monday afternoon. Both were charged with grand theft, larceny, criminal mischief with property damage, destroying evidence and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Both remained in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $90,000.

Tracy Deshawn Lett, 14, Jacob Lett, 11, and Vashawn Lamond Brown, 13, were charged with grand theft, larceny and criminal mischief. The suspects were identified by Sheriff’s investigators with the assistance and cooperation of the Escambia County School District.

On Wednesday, August 21, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office crime scene investigators responded to the  1200 block of Barth Road in reference to recovered property relating to the burglary.

Many of the stolen items were found burned.  “So much of the stuff is destroyed,” Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan said. “So much of it is just malicious mischief by teenagers.”

To see the surveillance video, click here.

Thousands of dollars worth of electronics were stolen from throughout the school, including Apple computers, iPads, Wii gaming systems, cameras used by the school’s student-operated closed circuit TV station, along with other items. As teachers returned to work Monday, items were still being discovered missing and inventoried.

“They stole computers that are needed for education; they stole from our kids,” Molino Park Principal Alice Woodward said shortly after the crime. “These were items directly used by our students.”

Portions of the school were also  vandalized during the break-in. Ceiling tiles were damaged or destroyed throughout the campus, and holes were punched in walls. A vending machine was also toppled and burglarized.

Pictured inset left: Numerous ceiling tiles were damaged during the burglary and vandalism. Pictured below:  Three Apple computers were stolen from this desk in a computer lab. Pictured below: Surveillance video shows two people running through the school at 9:17 p.m. on August 9. Pictured inset: An overturned and burglarized vending machine in the school. photos, click to enlarge.


56 Responses to “Five Arrests Made In Molino Park Burglary; Many Stolen Items Burned”

  1. bae on August 31st, 2013 7:18 pm

    we were friends jacob…………………….. i guess not now

  2. toot4 on August 30th, 2013 8:37 pm

    vashown you too com on now I hope you stay your buts in jail :(

  3. toot4 on August 30th, 2013 8:36 pm

    Hay you used to bee good you hung out with me Jacob wow I never expeted thiss :(

  4. Steve on August 30th, 2013 6:00 am


    A vicious criminal or ruffian. A tough or violent man. A member of an organization of robbers and assassins in India.

    Don’t think this had anything to do with anybody being a Thug. And it’s certainly not a racist comment. Before long, everything we say can be said to be racist by someone. It’s getting ridiculous.

  5. David Huie Green on August 29th, 2013 8:57 pm

    nor was everyone called a thug
    nor was everyone judged

    so all is well

    David for distinctions
    between everybody
    and somebody

  6. YoungLady on August 29th, 2013 7:24 pm

    Like I Said Everyone Arent Thugs . And Everyone Should Not Be Judged

  7. David Huie Green on August 28th, 2013 8:29 pm

    “The Comment Thug To Me Is Offensive Especially For Us Blacks I’m Not Making A Racial Comment But It Makes Me Feel Very Uncomfortable To Read”

    Actually, that IS a racial comment. You admit you are reacting as a black person when you say you are offended as a black person by folks calling people “thugs” who commit criminal acts. You are seeing it in racial terms and offended that someone said something bad about a criminal because that criminal is black.

    Per Encarta:
    Thug: brutal person: somebody, especially a criminal, who is brutal and violent

    Technically, calling them “thugs” may not be accurate since they didn’t commit brutal acts but they WERE violent acts, vandalizing a place of learning and thereby stealing from all the children who would have benefited by use of what we as taxpayers bought for them. If you identified with the children, you would be offended by the actions. Instead, you identified with the offenders simply because of their race.

    That IS racial.

    David for judging by the content of their character
    as the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Junior suggested

  8. YoungLady on August 28th, 2013 5:48 pm

    IHonestly Dont Think The Parents Should Be Held Accountable For Their Actions If Any Of Your Kids Did This You Guys Wouldnt Want To Be Ashamed Akind Blamed No It Was There Actions And Please Dont Say That Your Kids Have Manners Because These Days Kids Would Do Anything . No One Really Nows Their Kids Even If Yu Raised Them And Some Of These Comments Are Very Judgemental
    And I Disapprove No One Knows Wht Anyone Struggle Is Most Of Yall Should Care Because Everyone Is Not Perfect In Fact No One Can Juge But Him Above & The Comment Thug To Me Is Offensive Especially For Us Blacks Im Not Making A Racial Comment But It Makes Me Feeel Very Uncomfortable To Read . But All Im Saying Id Only People That Should Be Held Accountable Are The Kids Not The Parents

  9. what on August 28th, 2013 1:55 pm

    @ kas
    I think someone needs to spend some time in a school.

  10. another molino resident on August 28th, 2013 10:50 am

    I think their parents should help replace all the items stolen from the school, AND they should help pay for all the repairs. The parents should have been aware of where their children were at 9:00 at night. They are responsible for their children until they are of age!! Don’t get me wrong, the children should pay for their crimes. They should be put to work also, even if they are incarcerated. There are plenty of jobs even an 11 year old can do. Make them work so that they’ll know how it is to work and pay for things. I don’t believe in putting someone in jail and letting them sit there. They should have to work for their keep as well as repay for what they destroyed!! Hurray for the sheriff’s department!! AND the two adults should be put to work doing hard labor, digging ditches, clearing land, etc. Not sitting on their behinds in jail, getting 3 meals a day, watching TV or playing games. Make them pay for what they did!! not get a vacation to sit and do nothing, which the tax payers are paying for!!

  11. BOGIAN on August 28th, 2013 10:28 am

    It sounds like another commenter is taking issue with the fact that the parents were not present for questioning. I’m no lawyer, but I sure like the Internet.

    Have a look at the following link and please pay particular attention to the ruling. This part stands out, “The constitution does not require that police notify a juvenile suspect’s parent(s) before questioning the suspect, although if the suspect tells police he wants to talk to his parent(s) before the interview, the questioning must stop.” So, according to the district court of appeals, it looks like the pertinent inquiry is whether the kiddos were told they could talk to their parents and whether they said yes or no. Check it out here:—Juveniles-and-MIranda-.aspx

  12. kas on August 28th, 2013 9:09 am

    @ aa close friend and also relatives, WHAT???????????????????

  13. Melissa on August 28th, 2013 8:41 am

    I can’t believe some of you want to blame the community for this. Or the fact that you want to say they did this because they could not go on vacation. We took one vacation the entire time I was growing up. My parents didn’t have the money for vacations either, and I never stole anything. No I grew up, studied, got a job, don’t spend my money on booze and drugs, and now I can take my kids on vacations. They did this because their parents are to busy worrying about themselves than taking care of their kids, and because they know the liberals in this country will so oh poor baby it is someone else’s fault and they will not get in trouble. We as a country really need to open our eyes and see where we are headed.

  14. aa close friend and also relatives on August 28th, 2013 7:36 am

    Along with everthing that has happened. , We know its not right,but at da sametime , it is againsda law also forda officers to talk to da minors without a parents there ama well ,they had da. nerve yoeven search oneof daminor grandma house with outggg,what think about whay aparent present, i thought our juvinilles wew. supposedly to be protected sssssooooo who else has done wrong ?:) You better think think about what cha tring da do to them think think thinl

  15. Molino Park Parent on August 28th, 2013 6:52 am

    @ molono parent……

    People want parents to be parents , take responsibility for the human beings that you choose to bring into this world. It is the parents responsibility , not the responsibility of the community. It has nothing to do with parents with good jobs or that takes vacations, is why these children are allowed to roam the streets in the middle of the night and break into schools……be real!! The problem comes from people having children so they can receive government aid , and then turning these kids out to raise themselves. They have no learning , no responsibility….I bet neither of these two adults have EVER had a job and the three juveniles are headed down the same road. Don’t blame the community because these kids got into trouble…..blame the PARENTS , they are the ones whose children are out in the middle of the night roaming the streets…….had they been REAL parents they would have known where there children were!!! And that is the problem!!!

  16. Jane on August 28th, 2013 4:22 am

    It is not up to law enforcement or teachers to train children how to behave themselves, to respect other people’s property and other people. It is up to the parents and they should have to pay to replace these items. maybe if parents were held responsible for the child’s actions then the children would be taught to behave themselves in society. As for the school not insuring these items, that was not too smart on the part of whoever was in charge of that.

  17. Sue on August 27th, 2013 11:57 pm

    To YoungLady:

    I don’t know about their struggle, nor do I care. There is no “struggle” that makes it okay to steal. There is especially no struggle that makes it acceptable to steal from children.

    I totally agree with those who believe that the parents should be held liable for the cost of replacing all that equipment. There is never a good reason for juveniles to leave their home in the middle of the night.

  18. Molino Park parent on August 27th, 2013 11:15 pm

    You played now I hope you pay……Young (Big Rock) went to school @ Molino Park when it opened. My daughter was in the first grade and he was in the fifth grade. It is sad that this is how his life has turned out. No home training…..this is the result of that. I hope they hold all five of you accountable and either you or your parents have to pick up the tab. It’s the right thing to do!!

  19. M. Wright on August 27th, 2013 11:08 pm

    Crazy i went to Molino Park with both T. Blackmon & R. Young!! Crazy to know they would do that to a school they both attended…

  20. molono resident on August 27th, 2013 10:17 pm

    It’s sad that these kid’s vandalized the school but everyone on here is wanting to see 12&13 year old kids do hard time yes they have to take responsibility for there action but at the same time where did the community go wrong &school systems that has fail so many of our youth.really if you live in the area what is it for them to do (not saying its right) everyone is not blessed with money and parents with good jobs to take vacations so yes its up to the county and community to come together so our kids don’t become thugs as y’all most of the time can be helped if the help is there.pray they become civilized adults instead of repeats..

  21. Mic Hall on August 27th, 2013 9:36 pm

    I hope that the school board FINALLY realizes that even a simple security system would have helped. It would be money well spent.

    These guys should be required to work until they repay every cent of what was damaged and not recovered.

  22. BOGIAN on August 27th, 2013 7:55 pm


    I love that one comment suggests that these folks did this for the money.

    I’m no expert, but it seems like computers lose value after they’ve been burned. Maybe they know something I don’t.

  23. Bob's Brother on August 27th, 2013 7:15 pm

    @ YoungLady… I guess you think these animals are something “other” than thugs. Where I’m from, if it quacks, it’s a duck. If it moos, it’s a cow. Normal people don’t break into schools and burn equipment that doesn’t belong to them.
    Maybe you’d like these folks coming into your home stealing and destroying your property. Don’t talk about judgement… they’ve been caught on camera. All that’s needed now is a Judge with integrity that will put these useless specimens into the cages that they’ve earned. I’m sure they ALL have someone to blame for their actions. In this case, it’s themselves and the thugs with which they run.

  24. hu on August 27th, 2013 7:15 pm

    …i think that the parents should have to own up to what their kids did…they should pay up for the damage their “precious little ones” did. far too often, ive heard parents yell at teachers because their kids cannot behave nor respect their fellow students or teachers…its about time for the parents to take responsibility for their kids actions…if not, place a lien on them and make the parents pay for their kids to go to school…

  25. YoungLady on August 27th, 2013 5:23 pm

    Yeaa , We Are All Glad That They Are Caught But All These Comments About Thugs Jist Because They Have Stolen They Are Not Considered Thugs Ill Tell You IKnow A Young Man Up There I Would Of Have Never Thought He Would Do Such A Horrible Thing I Never Would Have Excpeted To See Him Up There Or in Something He Is A Wonderful Student People Judge On What They Did But Did Any Of Yu Guys Knew There Struggle ? How Didnt Yall Knw If He Really Needed The Money So Bad That He Was Willing To Risk His Life For It But The Police Did A Wonderful Job Catching The People . But Im Not The One To Judge None Of Yu Guys Up There Just Sorry You actually Wanted To Rot Your Life Away & Not Playing It Smart

  26. Bill Slayton on August 27th, 2013 5:04 pm

    Many thanks to the men and women of the ECSO for your hard work and quick job of arresting these individuals. The district will work as quickly as possible to replace the destroyed equipment. Thanks to everyone for their support of education in the Molino, Barrineau Park, and Walnut Hill area.

  27. Spmommy on August 27th, 2013 4:43 pm

    The whole situation is just sad.

  28. Robert S. on August 27th, 2013 4:19 pm

    Maybe they were “bored” like the little killers in Duncan, Oklahoma, last week that shot and murdered an Australian man attending college on a baseball scholarship. One of the teens offered up that they were “Bored”.
    Reports were they played video games until they tired of that and decided to go shoot an innocent person.
    Heard on news that one of them was dancing around while being booked in what seemed like celebration.
    Is this a case for year-round school?

  29. kgraham on August 27th, 2013 3:53 pm

    Great job ECSD!! It’s obvious that we can’t expect an 11, 13, & 14 yr old to pay the school back for the damage that occurred. Those children have parents and it’s time everyone gets hauled into court and are held responsible for their actions. The heck with time behind bars, time to start putting people to work to pay back for the damage they do. That might just slow them down a little, no time to get into trouble.

  30. jeeperman on August 27th, 2013 3:40 pm

    Make them do hard labor and pay for the stuff…………..Dream on people, dream on.
    At the most they will get some sort of probation and pre-trial diversion.
    The jails are too full of criminals that done worse than smash and grab.

  31. JSCS on August 27th, 2013 3:37 pm

    These people should have to replace all the equipment they stole.
    Of course we know this will not happen.
    Molino Park is a wonderful school and surely does not need to start the school year like this.
    Thoughts and prayers to all teachers, staff and children.

  32. Atmore G on August 27th, 2013 3:12 pm

    So many people nowadays think that the best and easiest way to make money is not work, but stealing and getting over on others.. I agree with the posts that say they should be made to work while they are in prison and pay back the school..

  33. Alli on August 27th, 2013 2:33 pm

    How low could you be to hurt kids chances of learning. They all deserve to be locked up for life.

  34. Molino Lady on August 27th, 2013 2:31 pm

    I am so glad that they caught the people who did this. I hope they get what they deserve. Stealing from school kids, is like one of the worst things that they could do. Who ray for the police. Its hard enough to keep these kids in school as it is.

  35. kmiller on August 27th, 2013 11:25 am

    I am glad they were caught. Whomever gave the tip to who they were, please come forward. Everyone owes you alot not just ESCO. Where were the parents? Everyone knows we will never see one dime paid back. I think they should face the entire school, students and staff. I think instead for paying custodians to clean up there at night and weekends these kids (yes all of them are nothing but kids) should be made to clean up after elementary kids. We already have to pay for their time in jail. If they dont get out. Juveniles should be right there with them. We cant make parents help pay back. Half of them already live off the state. No offense to anyone on here that knows them or is their family.

  36. paul on August 27th, 2013 11:22 am

    It’s all fun and games till you get caught.. I doubt they’ll be able to bail out of this one..

  37. Mikey on August 27th, 2013 9:45 am

    We need more work crews. Some good hot labor in the Florida sun might help these lost souls sort out their troubles and encourage them not to come back to jail. Publicly waddling around in shackles might also help demystify the fantasy of baggy pants hipster prison living.

  38. John on August 27th, 2013 8:38 am

    @Resident: Looks like someone called ECSO and reported they knew these wana be thugs. We can have the best detectives in the world, but if they don’t get any citizen help it becomes difficult. All crimes can be solved if the citizens that know individuals doing the crimes will step up and report them.

  39. Rick on August 27th, 2013 8:04 am

    As far as recovering the stolen items, the report says many were destroyed.

  40. Matt on August 27th, 2013 7:53 am

    These idiots look like they are venting anger because they never graduated from elementary school. Time for all these bozos to get a job working in the fields for the state of Florida. I think 20 cents a day until full restitution is paid will do.

  41. sniper on August 27th, 2013 7:47 am

    Its a crying shame but these criminals have been supported by hard working taxpayers for a loooong time. At least now they can’t buy alcohol and luxuries with our money. Throw the book at them.

  42. REsident on August 27th, 2013 7:47 am

    Has anybody noticed the number of stories where crimes are being solved in the North Escambia? Is there a different detective or different deputies, or are they just working harder? The ECSO deserves a pat on the back, but it seems like something’s changed and there is someone else we need to thank specifically. Either way, good job!

  43. Jane on August 27th, 2013 6:09 am

    Excellent job LEOS!!!! Now they all need to pay for these items taken or the parents need to pay for them! Put these guys to work on the road gang!

  44. Skip on August 27th, 2013 2:52 am

    Looks like a couple of real losers, This is probably as close as they’ve been to a classroom in a long time.

  45. Margaret Geddings on August 26th, 2013 10:07 pm

    Great job ECSO!!! Thank you!!!

  46. Angel Taylor on August 26th, 2013 9:39 pm


  47. David on August 26th, 2013 9:33 pm

    Good…now wheres all the stolen items?

  48. Molino Lady on August 26th, 2013 9:29 pm

    We all should go after the parents and demand restitution from them also. Shame on any system that allows their children to roam at night.

  49. darlene lodge on August 26th, 2013 9:08 pm

    Also agree with Molino Resident but suggest the parents or guardians be made to help these thugs pay for damage or do community service at the school.

  50. Freda Whaley on August 26th, 2013 9:00 pm

    If they are found guilty they should be publicly flogged. And then made to work a 20 hour day doing hard labor until everything they took or damaged is paid for.

  51. molino jim on August 26th, 2013 9:00 pm

    @ Molino resident– I’m with you all the way. Sad part is all of the hard work that staff put into trying to make the school a happy place was destroyed by these jerks. Good job LEO’s.

  52. sarah on August 26th, 2013 8:59 pm

    Glad they were caugh!! Wonder if there the same bunch that stole my sons bike. It was found right near his address.

  53. MolinoMomma on August 26th, 2013 8:55 pm

    I agree with Molino Resident!!

  54. Flo on August 26th, 2013 8:47 pm

    Tax payers dollars were spent to built the school, purchase the laptops, computers and anything that damaged or stolen!!!
    Throw the book at ALL of the thugs.

  55. molino resident on August 26th, 2013 8:38 pm

    I am so thankful that these thugs got caught! I hope the judge throws the book at all five of them, then maybe they will think twice before doing something like this again. Put them all to work at hard labor to replace the things they took and to pay for the damages…..only way they will ever learn!

  56. Karen on August 26th, 2013 8:35 pm

    Woo-Hoo! Way to go ECSO! Now let’s hope that a lot of the items are recovered.