Bennett’s Chief Of Staff Also Leaving Dept. Of Ed

August 6, 2013

The chief of staff for former Education Commissioner Tony Bennett is resigning after Bennett’s decision to step down.

Dale Chu submitted his resignation Friday in a terse, two-sentence letter to interim Commissioner Pam Stewart. He did not give a reason for leaving.

“Based upon our agreement, I will remain on Annual Leave effective immediately through September 3, 2013,” Chu wrote.

Chu’s decision is not a surprise; he followed Bennett from Indiana after the commissioner was hired in Florida late last year. He will officially step down next month.

Bennett resigned shortly after stories emerged that changes to the grading system in Indiana while Bennett was the elected superintendent of public instruction boosted the marks of a school founded by a political contributor.


One Response to “Bennett’s Chief Of Staff Also Leaving Dept. Of Ed”

  1. Robert S. on August 7th, 2013 6:34 pm

    Florida’s Dept. of Education has been in steady decline since 1998 when the big change took place in state government. Shortly after the election many very seasoned, experienced and extremely knowledgeable personnel were released with no prior notices and no reason for their dismissal.
    Since then there has been an obvious lack of communication and assistance to the school districts. One person was quoted as “We have been told that the needs of the districts are not to be our top priority..” That has become more than just word of mouth. Now, asking questions of DOE result in replies of “will have to get back to you” or “we are leaving that up to the districts”. Sort of like asking the pentagon about troop movements in a raging battle and have a reply of “we will need to hold a meeting to answer your questions.”
    Lately, the description from workers there is that things are “twitchy” and nobody is asking questions, giving answers and maintaining a low profile.
    Not good for the state, districts, schools, administrators, teachers, kids. Not good at all.