Zimmerman Acquitted Of Trayvon Martin Murder

July 14, 2013

A Florida jury found George Zimmerman not guilty of all charges relating to the murder of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin. The high-profile case sparked a massive national debate on race and guns in the state and U.S.

Twenty-nine-year-old Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watch volunteer, could have been sentenced to life in prison for second-degree murder or up to 30 years for manslaughter if he was found guilty.

Martin, 17, was shot over a year ago by Zimmerman, who claimed he acted in self-defense. The prosecution argued that Zimmerman was guilty of second-degree murder, stating that he racially profiled the unarmed teen and assumed he was a criminal when he saw him walking through a gated community in Sanford. They claimed that Zimmerman tracked Martin down and started the fight that led to the shooting.

The verdict was reached by a panel of six women jurors, 15 months after Martin’s death and six miles away from where the incident took place.

The case has triggered a national debate on the issues of self-defense, gun laws, and race in the United States. When Zimmerman walked free for 44 days after the shooting, nationwide protests erupted calling for his arrest. The 29-year-old has also received death threats.

The shooting also sparked heated discussion surrounding Florida’s controversial “Stand Your Ground” law. The legislation, which was approved in 2005, states that people fearing for their lives can use deadly force without having to retreat from a confrontation – even when it is possible.

The law isn’t just on the books in Florida – it has been enacted in some form in about 30 other states. But many argue that the legislation shouldn’t exist, and that lawmakers and gun advocates went too far in authorizing the use of deadly force in scenarios where it could potentially be avoided.

[VOA] Courtesy/pool photo.


83 Responses to “Zimmerman Acquitted Of Trayvon Martin Murder”

  1. William on July 15th, 2013 10:23 am


    I’ve literally had to delete over 250 comments today that contained racial slurs and/or other vulgarities. I have better things to do than police the comments of immature people.


  2. Duke of Wawbeek on July 15th, 2013 5:44 am

    Attorney General Holder will see that Treyvon gets justice.

    I don’t care how many times we have to try George Zimmerman, eventually we will find a jury that will get it right and find Zimmerman guilty as charged.

  3. Stumpknocker on July 15th, 2013 2:47 am

    @THE TRUTH Well you almost have a point,sounds to me like you don’t like white folk.As you do describe about the cowboy hat&boots,chewing tobacco and pickup trucks oh yeah and that rebel flag.I can promise you that when you start see people that have these things over and over again on the news or in the paper committing crime they too will receive the same attention as those you are here defending,but please don’t hold your breath.You should go look up the crime stats and see who is doing most of the crime and who occupies most of the jails and prisons.I know, it was those dang white folk trying to keep them down and there all innocent. And if your comments on this blog is an attempt to make some believe that reverse racism does not take place well you fell short,and as far as atrocities to other races than anybody else,well i think some have more than made up for those atrocities.

  4. Mr Lee on July 15th, 2013 12:26 am

    R.I.P Trayvon that’s all I can say we can’t bring him back BOTTOM LINE!!

  5. REAL Truth on July 14th, 2013 11:28 pm

    @ The Truth get over it our white race knows racism after all white people see it first hand when we take care of biracial children darker than some full black people. Really you people have taught many young black men the truth. Funny if us white people are so bad then why is it that your black race turns their backs on so many biracial children? Maybe cause the white man takes them when the black man will not and does not teach them hate but the child grows and learns to see what people have true hate. I guess the best part about blacks turning their backs on the children is they will grow up to know how to hunt and not be hunted.

  6. the real truth on July 14th, 2013 11:26 pm

    To “the truth”
    I think you have a few of your facts mixed up. First of all a jury found him not guilty, what suddenly makes you a judge who can decide if Trayvon was murdered or not. Second, you don’t know what its like to be white and tiptoe around all the time, afraid that any act you do might get you called a racist person just because its the easiest way to make people hate you, even if there’s no credibility to it( what happened to George). And last but not least, take a look at Africa, the Rwandan genocide is b

  7. Mikey on July 14th, 2013 11:15 pm

    “Truth”, unfortunately, you have bought into the diversity industry. Lots of people make lots of money off this rave mongering nonsense. This case was complex and only the jury could make a determination of guilt, after studying all of the evidence. It’s not good that an unarmed 17 yo was shot. It is equally not good that a man who was trying to make his neighborhood a safer place was beaten and had his head bashed into a sidewalk. Pick your least favorite wrong.

  8. Taneka on July 14th, 2013 10:54 pm

    I watched the live trial and the state failed to give evidence of a guilty verdict and I believe the jury made the correct decision, yes, I said a correct decision and I’m a African American!!! The live trial and what the media portrayed were like night and day, so maybe before you make a decision, go watch for yourselves and see the truth and not what the media puts out to get ratings!! Also, for those calling the race card, GZ was not a white man, he was Latino(a minority) !! Quit making it so hard on the rest of us, and go gets some facts before throwing that sickening race card out there, it’s 2013, get over it!!!!! My skin color is black but my heart is not!!!

  9. The Truth on July 14th, 2013 10:45 pm

    First, we should all send a prayer to the family of Trayvon Martin. This young man was murdered!
    I have taken the time to read all of the comments concerning this incident. It is absolutely incredible to see all of the hatred being shown. White people are seriously saying that there are double standards, reverse racism, TM got what he deserved and other ridiculous comments. If you are white in this country, you have no clue what it means to face racism. You have no idea what it means to be profiled. Nobody ever stops a white person in their pickup truck just because they are chewing tobacco. Nobody ever stops you because you like to fly your little confederate flags. Nobody ever stalks you because you decide to wear cowboy boots and hat. The fact that you can get online and charge racism to other people is absolutely astounding, considering that your race has committed more atrocities to other races than anybody else on the face of the earth. Why does Al Sharpton(I love how White People always refer to him) comment on incidents concerning blacks? The answer is pretty simple….If there weren’t some people who lifted a voice, white people would be very content with us returning to a time before civil rights laws were inacted and “Jim Crow” laws were what kept everyone seperated. Now this doesn’t apply to all White people, because thank God, there are some who are diverse enough to understand the needs and sacrifices of other races and cultures. If you don’t believe what I’m saying, Just go back and read your comments concerning this young man’s murder. THE TRUTH is right here for you to read.

  10. Lisa on July 14th, 2013 10:22 pm

    No justicenopeace, yeah he could have been my son, but he also didn’t have to beat Zimmerman like he did either, the only thing Zimmerman did wrong was to follow him outside, he should have stayed on phone with police & watched him then if he had follow then stay back & follow in car, if Zimmerman really wanted to shoot him he could have done that @ the first blow Martin throwed. And to the one that was referring to blacks being minority well my friend that isn’t right, because blacks have more rights than all races this day & time & if they don’t get something then they whine & scream racism until they get whatever.

  11. Lou Lou on July 14th, 2013 9:31 pm

    This is a tragedy for all those involved…
    This should have never have been on television; It was made into a reality TV show…
    It is making America more divided than ever………………….
    We have killings everyday, black on black, white on white etc… In Chicago, a small six year old white child on her Grandmothers porch, killed by a drive by shooting, where was the out cries for her??
    What about the lady in AL that ask (4) people to stop so they would not hit her dogs, one guy shot her dead on the street in front of her own kids!!!!!
    We have so much more going on and to focus on in the USA .
    Nobody screams and cries out when our Troops are killed, and heads chopped off & dragged through the streets of a Foreign Country………………………………….

    Zimmerman is Not WHITE……………………. So why are the Blacks blaming the whites for this tragedy….

  12. Fred on July 14th, 2013 8:41 pm

    Treyvon Martin should not have been where he was..He definately had no respect for someone who was an adult. If Zimmerman was out to do harm, then why was his weapon not used until he was on the ground after being attacked by Martin? Most of the civilized people, respect someone of authority..Apparently Martin had no respect. What would have happened if he had gottem Zimmermans’ weapon. Would Martin have been treated as an adult, would he have killed Zimmerman or robbed a store with the weapon..Martin was a criminal in training and eventually the same thing would have happened..But, it happened sooner than later…

  13. 429SCJ on July 14th, 2013 7:48 pm

    Take all of these opinions and throw them to the wind. Let us stop dealing in conjecture and analyze the statistical data and facts concerning this case and the issue of race and crime in America.

    The numbers will speak for themselves and support the facts, such as they are.

  14. erica on July 14th, 2013 6:59 pm

    yes to the other commenters..if he was scared why didn’t he go into his dads home.
    Zimmerman called 911 so if he was out to get someone maliciously he wouldn’t have called the cops and has anyone forgotten the “child’s” photos on his phone with him posing in his fake gold teeth holding a gun bragging that hes a gangsta……
    and yes he is not a child! if he commits a crime I guarantee they would charge him as an adult not a child!

  15. Preda on July 14th, 2013 6:21 pm

    In the picture on Treyvon dead he doesn’t look like a thug he looks like most teenagers with hoodies on when its raining so I don’t understand why people say he looks like a thug?

  16. Tuf the Original on July 14th, 2013 6:06 pm

    NHS Graduate,

    You need to do a bit more fact checking on your point of Martin’s right to be in the gated complex. I’ll let you do the research since you are a graduate.

  17. Ben on July 14th, 2013 5:40 pm

    This is only a story because of the race component.

    If you take race out of it, you have a teen bening followed by somebody with no uniform or outward appearances of authority. There were no flashing lights or markings on the vehicle. I would expect any teen with a cell phone in that situation to feel threatened and either run home or call the police. That did not happen.

    If he chose to attack the apparent threat, then the dynamic changed.

    This should never have happened, but it’s hard to prove it was not self-defense.

  18. Tuf the Original on July 14th, 2013 5:15 pm

    Two observations and lessons relating to the night of the shooting, not the trial itself:

    A. You are what you wear. If I dress in a really good deer costume and run around the woods in December, someone is going to think I am a deer. I elevate my risk of being shot accidentally by imitation. This should be a lesson about imitation. It may sound like just a piece of clothing, but the hoodie stereotyped into suspicion that a thug is walking the neighborhood, just like wearing a deer outfit is going to make someone think you’re a deer. Lesson A: Do not imitate video and TV thugs as a means of being cool. Some people may actually think you are a thug. Being a thug is not cool.

    B. Loosening concealed and open carry gun laws do not supercede law enforcement involvement. One of gun control advocate’s good points is that the ability to more freely carry handguns, even when legal and with permit, is going to empower many people to use deadly force… yet all that is really needed is to call the police. Zimmerman was told by 911 to stay in the vehicle until police arrived. Instead, he felt empowered by the gun’s presence. Lesson B: Do not allow loosening gun regulations to artificially empower you, when all that is really needed is for an officer to check things out.

  19. NHS Graduate on July 14th, 2013 5:02 pm

    At age 17, you are no longer considered a “child”. You are considered a young adult, a teenager, a child is under the age of 10. Concealed carry for firearms is legal in the state of Florida, and if you feel threatened, you can shoot someone if it is deemed self defense. TM was s teen in a gated community where he had no business to be there unless he’s just prowling around looking for mischief. He decided to go back and beat GZ and so GZ felt threatened and shot him. It’s not a crime to shoot someone in self defense, it’s perfectly LEGAL.

  20. Randy on July 14th, 2013 4:50 pm

    1. Based on the evidence, the verdict was appropriate. I hope America can heal and move forward.

  21. ???? on July 14th, 2013 4:25 pm

    And as usual the race card…..He is LATINO NOT WHITE. Latino is a minority just like BLACK. This should be a LATINO VS BLACK issue……but blame the white people. Now don’t go around jumping Latino people and rioting Latino communities just the white one’s…

  22. FactCheck on July 14th, 2013 4:18 pm

    According to his friend Jeantel who was on the phone TM
    -used racial slurs twice … one for both races
    -ran and stated he lost the creepy cracker
    -stated he was right behind his dad’s
    and then the phone died. 4 minutes later they are back on the phone where TM confronts GZ.
    Why didnt he go inside his safe home if he was scared? Who confronts people they are scared of? Why is GZ the racist and the comments TM being ignored?

    Also, all evidence points to TM being on top of GZ (witness accts, gun shot entry and range, etc).

    A dispactcher suggested that he returns to his vehicle to which he was doing when TM confronted him. It is not criminal for him to be out of his vehicle and a dispatcher is not law enforcement. Why didnt TM call the police?

    The “if” game could be spun every way. What if TM wasnt high and didnt have the muchies for tea and skilttles? exactly.

    The local police and FBI found no evidence to bring a trial. But the greedy media and race baiters turned this into something it wasnt for their own gain and cost us all progress.

  23. Bob Hudsun on July 14th, 2013 4:11 pm

    he was a wanna be thug, justice has been served, and the court system has up held the law.

  24. Pierre on July 14th, 2013 4:10 pm

    @mom and whomever..

    In Florida its the burden of the defendant to prove self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt… Lets not forget that Mr. George clearly showed aggression on the 911 tape by 1st, his racial comment and second the mere fact that he followed Travon after he was told not to.. Now thats fact! Whatever happened after that is pretty much up in the air other than Travon being dead. You cant justify this young mans death because of his lifestyle or his racial comments to his girlfriend on the phone about Zimmerman… And please lets not forget, THERE WAS NO OTHER CRIME IN THE AREA REPORTED. So he hadn’t done anything wrong.. He was stalked, he was confronted by an armed coward.. And was murdered.. Can someone please explain this to me… Where is the self defense case?

  25. erica on July 14th, 2013 3:45 pm

    If this had been a black on black crime u would have never heard anything about it! Idiots out there like Sharpton are making this racial! Im so sick of hearing that!! There are countless black on black and white on white crimes and u will never hear about it because nobody cares but people are making this racial and its disgusting!
    Im glad the jury made the right decision.

  26. Pierre on July 14th, 2013 3:45 pm

    @Darius.. I appreciate your comment and being somewhat intelligent with it. As far as OJ is concerned, how do we know he committed the murder? Regardless of what I thought personally of Nicole’s lifestyle, a dog doesn’t even deserve to be butchered as she was. And if in fact OJ did it, he should have died the same.. The problem came in to play when a White Detective detoured of his duties as a ‘fact finding body’ and planted evidence. His personal opinion engulfed him and he lied on stand.. That’s perjury, and it wasn’t proven… It’s bad when a citizen does it but when a person in an authoritative position does it, it magnifies because he swore to uphold the law and plus someones life is at stake! On top of that Mr Furhman invoked his fifth amendment when asked did he lie about anything concerning the OJ investigation. There was no justice for Nicole or Ronald because Law enforcement agents botched the entire investigation and there damn sure wasn’t any justice for young Travon becasue of the same… We must put race aside….

  27. ANN ROBERTS on July 14th, 2013 3:01 pm

    So it all right to follow a teenager in Sanford Florida with a loaded gun it easy to goat a child into a physical altercation when you know you can all way killed them Americans should be able to walk where they when they want IT was martin fought he look like some one you zimmerman was hunting trayvon had the right to be outrage and defending himself

  28. Pace Mom on July 14th, 2013 2:52 pm

    How could any of you possibly think that it is okay to follow a child and then murder that child? What kind of parents are you? I bet you thought Casey Anthony was innocent too, didn’t you? Trayvon Martin was a child and his only crime was being black.

  29. mom on July 14th, 2013 2:16 pm

    Why I feel justice was done:

    By the coldness of TM’s mother when she heard the 911 call and her response,
    TM’s brother not knowing if that was really TM’s voice on 911 call, (he seemed to be a good kid)
    the racial foul language that was said on the phone from TM to TM’s girlfriend about Zermerman,

    there was no creditable evidence to prove murder

    he was up to no good!

    The witnesses on the stand that silently wept when they heard the 911 call saying they know that was Zermerman’s voice.

    It is over. Move on. I still would have said Zermerman was not guilty if he had been black. and TM white.
    It is not about race.

  30. Bob Hudsun on July 14th, 2013 2:07 pm

    One more thing, if you wish to protest, be civil about it, but if you wish to break things, burn thing and be a savage dog, and just destroy things, you should be shot also.

  31. Toni White on July 14th, 2013 2:06 pm

    @AAgai, to say a CHILD who is barely 17 deserve what he got is sickening. You what to throw up Trayvon’s past and character, have you look up GZ’s? GZ wasn’t a saint either. You have the right to want a murder to go free but to mock someone’s child death is disgusting and I pray you never have to feel that pain as a parent. So let just put everyone in a line who has been in a fight, smoked weed, got suspended from school and just have a bad attitude and let GZ fire away…Oh no you would probably be in that line to or someone you love. Another thing it doesn’t matter what side of this world GZ moves to, he can never get away from God”s judgment.

    My prayers go out for American because we need it….

  32. mr. greenjeans on July 14th, 2013 12:56 pm

    what about the little WHITE baby shot in cold blood murder by two black boys, trying to rob the white girl, what cant hear you ,what about the 30 murders in Montgomery, the place where civil rights started?

  33. shocked on July 14th, 2013 12:49 pm

    If you have never been profiled you have no idea what people are talking about..racism does exists I have been profiled in lil ol century…its a disgrace people consider Trayvon a thug and he got what he deserved that was someone’s child…its a shame that I have to tell my teenage son this is how the world sees him…”suspicious” and he doesn’t belong in a certain place bottom line Trayvon was walking home from the store and was killed because he looked suspicious and out of place..we all have our opinions we all come from different walks of life but GOD is the only one who has the final say….

  34. Josie on July 14th, 2013 12:16 pm

    GZ may have been acting in self defense after provoking an altercation, but I feel he acted in an irresponsible manner with a gun. Also, TM’s character (according to his FB page) may not have portrayed him as a model adolescent but GZ had quite a reputation of harassing people on his job, as an adult. So much to the point that it got him fired. So let the judgement be passed with the evidence of charges and not the character of either of them. RIP TM and may God be with you GZ because you and your conscience will need it. My heart goes out to both of the families of these two. They are the ones who are going to suffer the most.

  35. Darius on July 14th, 2013 11:48 am

    @ Pierre
    I think you may have missed something. The outcome of a fair trial doesn’t grant rights to do anything. Anyone with all their faculties intact knows that O.J. was guilty as sin. Otherwise the outcome of that trial would give us the right to kill our ex-wives.

  36. EMD on July 14th, 2013 11:31 am

    None of us knows for sure what went down that night or what was in the hearts of those two men. Vengeance belongs to God. Prayer for salvation and mercy belongs to those who desire to be like Jesus.

    I do know what our enemy wants to happen. Do not let the enemy win.

  37. Pierre on July 14th, 2013 11:18 am

    Move On? Do you understand what this says? That I have the right to be confrontational with you, Murder You.. Then claim self defense…. You move on as long it’s not your imminent family being affected…. Forget race, the entire incident was bias.. I’m not sure if race was an influence, but surely bias.. The police did not handle the incident appropriately, On the 911 tape Zimmerman clearly pursued Travon after he was instructed not to.. Its called Vigilante justice.. As far as the OJ trial.. Since you mentioned it.. We clearly allowed Mark Furhman, not OJ, get away with murder.. A detective committed perjury, most likely planted evidence and yet he still walked free.. There is no justice and it’s troubling to me that collectively we cant stand up and ensure that our law-makers and law-enforcers don’t do the job that there being payed to do.. And that’s protect us (Black, White, Hispanic, whomever)

  38. Von on July 14th, 2013 11:18 am

    Trayvon Martin might have matured & gone on to do great things with his life but he won’t get that chance because of a over zealous man packing a gun.
    What do we tell our sons to do when they’re confused & fearful because they’re being followed by someone who chooses not to identify themselves as neighborhood patrol?
    There is such a disconnect in America. What positive lesson is there to learn from this?

  39. Little Lou on July 14th, 2013 11:08 am

    @ Moniquem,,,,What a idiot ,,to say “How much the jury was paid” Thats the most stupied comment ever ,,,,,You don’t know who the Jury is and NO ONE EVER HAD ANY CONTACT………So how so you think they were paid ?????

  40. Been There on July 14th, 2013 10:56 am

    Well Ms. moniquem,
    I had afirst cousin who was gunned down for not giving up his money fast enough to a black man. What about that? That’s right, you never heard about it. The outcome of that crime is: nobody cares. I guess he did’nt have any bussiness in a black nieghborhood using their ATM. We don’t have racist groups to pressure the politicians, It didn’t make the local news. If he would have been black and shot by a white man, would it have been different???? YOU TELL ME

  41. Darius on July 14th, 2013 10:40 am

    This whole thing was a polical ploy to apease racial tension cause by racial antagonist like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, NAACP ( a racist organisation)and The New Black Panthers (a hate group). Along with the HLN team of racism hounds fueling the fire in the hearts of those that look for a reason to hate. The spaces between the races will never be bridged as long as we pull the race card.

  42. At on July 14th, 2013 10:39 am

    Move on people!!!! Crap like this has happened for 100’s of years. Innocent people go to prison and guilty people are found not guilty…who is making this a race thing?remember when the O J trial ended no one acted like one race was miss treated. Move on and get over it!

  43. Fairlane63 on July 14th, 2013 10:35 am

    This case never should have gone to trial. Rick Scott and Angela Corey pursued it for political reasons– why did they not allow a grand jury to decide whether charges were warranted? I guess it would have been difficult for these politicians to fan the flames of race politics when the grand jury refused to issue an indictment due to there being no evidence that Zimmerman committed a crime…

  44. Pierre on July 14th, 2013 10:35 am

    I pray for the Martin family as well as the mentality of white America. Reality is, your deformed thinking is the product from the sum of your elders. Had there been an internet in 1955, I’m sure your grand parents would be leaving the same exact comments in support for the ‘Bryant’ family. You remember the justified slaying of a little black boy (Emmet Till) on a trip to the store. Face it, black children’s lives in your eyes have no worth. But for clarification, let’s change the story around and see if it makes sense. If Mr. Tom ‘White-Guy’ Smith decided to walk through your local neighborhood housing project for his morning newspaper. And because he didn’t fit the profile as being a resident someone confronted him with a gun (forget that he was told not to by authorities). He ends up dead.. Would self-defense even be a topic? It makes no sense… You have no compassion for what this family has gone through.. But let it have been your little Suzie or Robert… My heart goes out to all affected by this incident. God Bless…I pray for the Martin family as well as the mentality of white America. Reality is, its not your fault your thinking is a bit construded

  45. p.casey on July 14th, 2013 10:20 am

    I feel so bad for the martin family. To have to go through such a traumatic ordeal and have the person that they know is responsible for taking their son’s life not have to held accountable at all! Is very hurtful. If only Mr. Zimmerman had done the right thing that night and called in “his suspension” and left it in the hands of “the professionals”, the entire outcome would have been completely different. But because he chose to take matters into his own hands he should be held accountable! Although I strongly disagree with the verdict, I respectfully accept it. My prayers are still with The Martin family.

  46. moniquem on July 14th, 2013 10:18 am

    I wonder how much the jurors got paid for that Verdict..Money does talk

  47. Anne on July 14th, 2013 10:12 am

    At least this case has caused the busy-bodies in my neighborhood to knock-off this neighborhood watch idea. All of us know who belongs in the neighborhood (only 2 streets) but most of us are baby-boomers who were taught to MYOB. We already watch for each other and our homes. But we also had 1984 as required reading in high school and plan to keep him out of our area.
    As long as we can be split into managable groups be it by color, religion, culture, etc. there will never be the peace we all seek. The only reason, as we all saw it, it took six weeks for the powers to decide there should be an arrest and trial. Let’s see if prejudice can be kept alive and well!

  48. HMW on July 14th, 2013 10:09 am

    @Mz Florida please calm your obvious racism for just a moment and re read the comment from AAgaj it states “I hate how the media always uses the baby pictures of him too. Never the ones that show him doing all the bad stuff from his FB page and cell phone” in essence AAgaj was merely condemning the medias choice of picture they used when referring to TM.

    Also, if this is the United States of America……you are not being forced to live here, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LEAVE NORTHWEST FLORIDA!!!! “That’s real”

  49. no justice no peace on July 14th, 2013 10:06 am


  50. Floridasunwater on July 14th, 2013 10:05 am

    I’m glad a true verdict has been reached. The predjudice came from the black community as seems to be the case most of the time in Florida. Zimmerman was defending the community and did the right thing. If someone is beating your head in the ground I guess you should smile and say it’s alright I’m white! That’s bull! I’m sorry for Zimmerman being put in that situation. I would leave Florida and move to a healthier community.

  51. moniquem on July 14th, 2013 9:56 am

    We all know that a black man has no right being in a white neighborhood huh?? We all know if u start a fight and lose u suppose to shoot that person because the stalker always suppose to win.We all know that racist does exist yea rite!! We all know that if Trayvon would have killed George he would have been innocent Get real!! I wonder what the outcome would have been if Trayvon would have been white.

  52. LB on July 14th, 2013 9:54 am

    Wow it saddens me to see some of these comments about this young man!! For Christ sake a child died!!! I am so sick of everyone calling him a thug, punk, etc! What exactly is a thug? Is it a person, who may smoke, talk about fighting, wear his/her hat to the back or wears a hoodie!! Also did you guys know, that a punk was a young inexperienced person!!! How many of you guys smoked cigarettes, wore the latest clothes, cut school, or had a fight!!! Would you consider yourself a punk, or a thug!!! Race is always a issue, because that is society today!! When a young white male gets murdered they never bring up the fact of : was he in a gang!! However soon as a Black Male is killed, that is the first question they ask! Stop thinking about all if this foolishness and consider the fact, that this could have been a member of your family! Would you want someone speaking ill of them after they passed on?! TNobody deserves to die, and its disgusting that some of you feel that way!! I hope in the future, you never have to bury someone like these parents did, and if you do I hope they don’t judge their whole entire life based on a couple of pictures!

  53. Love conquers all on July 14th, 2013 9:38 am

    We all stand our ground for a while, then we are gone. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who suffered in this case, especially the family that lost a son. In the long term, mean spirited words mostly harm those choosing to use them.

  54. rod on July 14th, 2013 9:37 am

    So suprise so many agree with this man getting off. I understand the court evidence crap and all that, but the police tapes and his display of anger show his intent. This is crazy. He prob been better off in jail

  55. mom on July 14th, 2013 9:35 am

    . It was obvious to me he was not guilty. I watched most of the trial. Justice was done. Hope he can move on with his life.

  56. sandy on July 14th, 2013 9:34 am

    so sad for both families – this could have been easily avoided – but Orlando is known for notorious cases and not guilty verdicts – look at the Casey Anthony verdict – has everyone forgotten about her daughter? soon people will forget about Travon – and how all this happened.
    SO SAD – race has no effect on this look at the Casey Anthony verdict – another lost child just like TM – no one pays for the loss of either

  57. Lucy on July 14th, 2013 9:17 am

    Some of you say this was a child. Since when is a 17 yr old a child? He was a teenager and almost a adult!! I think this whole thing is racist and that is WRONG! Look at their main witness and her statement….She gave them 3 different NAMES and no one seemed to think there was anything wrong with that. Let me give LEO different names and all hell brakes lose. Then TM dad said that wasn’t him yelling!! Then changed his story. I feel for the family and their loss. The prosecution didn’t have a case to begin with and then other people stuck their Nose’s in. I even read where Obama wanted the Chief of Police or someone in high rank to Resign because of this! Why should he be putting his Nose into it! Why should anyone have to Resign? Get Real World! The evidence was presented and There just wasn’t enough to convict him of anything. They just did this to satisfy Others! And it didn’t work still. Good job defense!!!

  58. Sam2586 on July 14th, 2013 9:17 am

    So, was all of you guys there the night of the shooting?? You all know that Martin was gunned down for no reason or that Zimmerman was acting in self defense?? If you know that the verdict was right/wrong, why did u not come forth with the details of that night before now?? Point is….UNLESS YOU WERE THERE….you have no idea what actually happened. I’m not saying that the verdict was right/wrong or that it was not a race issue. I’m saying that only 2 people know EXACTLY what happened that night and one of those people are dead and the other is telling “his” side. If Zimmerman did violently gun Martin down that night, he will meet his maker when the time comes(I predict that with this verdict, it will be sooner than later) and the ONE & ONLY JUDGE will lay his verdict down at that time. We here on this pathetic excuse of an earth have no say in what is to come for him.

  59. Sam on July 14th, 2013 9:08 am

    Blacks see themselves victims in all cases. The mentality of its everyone else fault has been indoctrinated into the day to day lives of people. Well the jury just proved it was not Zimmerman fault. So WHO’S at fault? T.M. That is who. Had he called the cops and said someone was following him, or just ran, or not attacked he would be alive.

  60. ProudAmerican on July 14th, 2013 8:56 am

    So happy for George and his family!!!! Race never a factor, but if you have nothing else, you interject race!!! Liberal media and hate brought this case. So sad to see people on here making threats of retribution, but expected.

  61. jt on July 14th, 2013 8:55 am

    George Zimmerman would have been better off if he had been found guilty, because he probably would have a better quality of life. I would not want to be in his shoes!

  62. Mz Florida on July 14th, 2013 8:54 am

    @AAgaj So how did TM get what he deserved??? What does his FB Page and his cell phone have to do with anything at all??? and how do you know he was a little punk troublemaker???? im curious to know how you knew TM exact/y???
    I dont believe that this was racist. I believe TM family did the right thing by trying to seek Justice for thier child i mean what Parent wouldnt. When is it wrong to walk through a neighborhood that your parent lives in to walk to the store. When is it ok for an Adult to approach a CHILD and the Child to defend their self from an ADULT and DIE……GZ did the right thing by calling the law “IF” he felt as though TM was doing something WRONG. But he should have stay in his vehicle until the law came not take the law into your own hands. I dont believe i heard GZ say he got out of his car because TM pulled him out and he he grabbed his gun while being pulled out …..i dont believe he said that. He got out of his vehicle willing with his gun. The morale of the story is had GZ never stepped out of the car TM would have been here to tell his side on what happened. A DEAD man cant talk so we really dont know what went on but God TM and GZ . By the Way the most racist people i know live in Northwest Florida and thats real.

  63. AC on July 14th, 2013 8:51 am

    This was a tragedy, not doubt. But not all tragedies are crimes. Not all incidents between people of differing races are because of race. This case was properly being investigated by the Sanford police; but it was yanked from them by politicians who wanted to make it a self-serving political case. It was not handled properly from that moment forward. Florida residents should demand Angela Corey’s job! She by-passed the Grand Jury and forced this case to result in criminal charges when it was clear that it was a textbook self-defense case. And then had the audacity to get on national TV shortly after the verdict and say the only reason she did that was to “get the truth”. Due process demands that you get the truth first, and then (and ONLY then) do you pursue charges. She should be removed from her office and held civilly liable for not only wasting untold amounts of taxpayer money, but for wrongly charging an innocent man just so she could sacrifice him to serve her own political interests.

  64. c.w. on July 14th, 2013 8:22 am

    The cops got it right when they didn’t arrest Zimmerman.
    The jury got it right when they said not guilty.
    Holder and obama got it wrong and now owe Zimmerman a public apology.

  65. memyselfandi on July 14th, 2013 8:11 am

    The Jurors did the right thing….but what gets me in this case and all other race related cases…you know its always when the black man is killed. They kill each other everyday!!! But what about the black man that killed the white man at the beach not to long ago….You Don’t Hear That Was Race Related!!! I’m just sick of this race card just get over it or make it apply to ever RACE!!!

  66. ABrown on July 14th, 2013 8:10 am

    AAgaj, you are right on the money. So sick of reverse racism! White people should be able to stand up for our rights without being afraid that we will insult someone. And we had better start. Billy, you are correct.

  67. Bob on July 14th, 2013 8:09 am

    Justice has been served. If not for the liberal left wing news media it would have never been a case. All are so eager to make a name for themselves they will stop at nothing..I propose to all who feel justice has been served to turn off the channels that continually pound this crap into your brain..

  68. Chief says..... on July 14th, 2013 8:03 am

    He may have been found “Not Guilty” by a jury of his peers, but he will still have to live with the guilt of his actions for the rest of his life. Which I don’t anticipate will be very long, or very enjoyable…..

  69. Just Me on July 14th, 2013 7:44 am

    So GLAD to hear the NOT GUILTY verdict! If the bozo admin would not have gotten involved and put pressure on Law Enforcement/Courts to convict Zimmerman, this NEVER would have gone to trial. Lets not forget that this kid was a pure thug and it caught up to him. There is still HOPE for America.

  70. wm on July 14th, 2013 7:16 am

    This case should have never been brought. The Sanford PD had it right all along – no arrest/no charges because it was a case of self defense.

    The 17 year old “child” had four long minutes to go home (something he could have done in less than one minute) if he was scared. However, he chose not to go home — but to double back and lay in wait to confrot and attack Mr. Zimmermen. That four minute time lapse was proven from when the phone call with Trayvon’s girlfriend ended — to when the 911 call took place.

    If there is a lesson to be learned here — it is for ambitious youth who decide to play a street thug attitude… it can result in the loss of your life. Such street thug attitudes result in death every single day in this country. Usually, it is black on black (just look at Chicago) — but on this particular night, it was black on hispanic. The race baiters and the media wanted to make it a black/white issue with regards to race (seizing on the name Zimmerman I suppose) — but George Zimmerman is just as much Hispanic as Barak Obama is black.

    The person most wronged in this circus was the Sanford Police Chief…he was wrongfully terminated — for just standing on principles of law and doing his job.

  71. Bd on July 14th, 2013 6:59 am

    It was refreshing to see the outcome after watching a fair amount of the trial. The jury dud what was right based on the evidence even though the judge tried to out the defense out in left feild on more than one occasion. She was more out of line than anyone in the courtroom. Decision was correct, prayers to both families to get past this.

  72. Henry Coe on July 14th, 2013 6:42 am

    Clearly Travon had no right to walk to the store for Skittles. After all he was young black and outside at night. (Sarcasm)

    The Jury didn’t find Zimmerman guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, but clearly Travon Martin died for reasons that have nothing to do with justice being served. Zimmerman, for what ever reasons, was stalking an innocent person who was minding their own business. Travon Martin died because Zimmerman decided he was threat and pursued him while carrying a gun.

    With the verdict as it was, it makes me wish Martin had been carrying a gun and had shot Zimmerman while standing his ground from someone that was stalking him, but if that had been the outcome, I doubt Travon Martin would have been found “Not Guilty”.

    I suppose the prosecution is at fault for not presenting the case in such a way that Zimmerman would at least be convicted on the Manslaughter charges, but that’s our court system also. Some times people manage to avoid getting prosecuted because of the technicalities in our laws.

  73. 429SCJ on July 14th, 2013 6:18 am

    The jury has spoken.

  74. M on July 14th, 2013 6:06 am

    If anybody remembers. The local authorities didn’t even think this case worthy of a trial to begin with. This trial was not about Travon Martin, or George Zimmerman; It was about the Gun Control President, and Eric Holder not liking Florida’s concealed carry and stand your ground laws. Travon’s death is a terrible tragedy, but given similar circumstances, before I am beat to death at my home, I will respond in a similar fashion. Now, let us move on with our lives, and hope that Eric and his band of thugs don’t pursue some trumped up civil rights violation in Federal Court. The Constitution that they would like to ignore does attempt to prevent “Double Jeopardy”.

  75. AAgaj on July 14th, 2013 5:51 am

    I think TM got what he deserved. I wish his parents cared as much for him when he was alive as they did during trial. The two items he had purchased from the 7-11 were irrelevant. I don’t care what he bought. I hate how the media always uses the baby pictures of him too. Never the ones that show him doing all the bad stuff from his FB page and cell phone. He was a little punk trouble maker. He was that, irregardless of his race. I’m so sick and tired of the race card. I’m sick of Al Sharpton. Why isn’t he in Chicago trying to save all the black kids there from getting shot? That’s right, there’s not enough media cameras there. I’m sick of all the double standards. The most racist people I know are other black people. Its OK to make fun of each other and to see who is the darkest. (I’m not saying that white people can’t be racist, they can be but I encounter it more with minorities) It’s WRONG period. But when a black person is racist against whites, it’s no big deal. Ms. Janteal is a good example. She was the most racist one in that whole courtroom. Where’s the Sharpton stink about that? I hope GZ has enough donations to move to a country where nobody has ever heard his name and live in peace. And hopefully he will get a lot more money from the lawsuits against the media outlets that slandered him.

  76. Molino mom on July 14th, 2013 5:46 am

    My prayers go to to both familes. I do agree that the man was not guilty and was trashed horribly in the news media. I feel that its not over for this man. How often in history has a president made comments about an event that has not even had the chance for all the facts to be heard or for it to see a court room. Our president has seen fit to make the comment that Martin could have been his son. God help Mr Zimmerman!

  77. Willis II on July 14th, 2013 4:45 am

    I watched the complete trial, the state failed to provide evidence to support the charges. The evidence provided by both sides was quite a bit different than reported by the media over the past year and half. Based on the live courtroom coverage the jury made the correct decision.

  78. billy on July 14th, 2013 2:27 am

    My prayers go out to the Zimmerman family. I believe Zimmerman saved lives.

  79. somebody on July 14th, 2013 1:48 am

    It is not a question or race or anything like that it is a question of the evidence that supported Zimmerman if there was not enough evidence to put the man in jail then he should not be in jail what some people don’t understand is congress don’t just pass laws without our consideration we are asked to vote if not enough people support your side of the law you can putition to get the law changed if you don’t.vote then don’t be mad when something happens conserning that law when you could have voted on it

  80. D on July 14th, 2013 1:38 am

    I’m proud that we didn’t convict a man with the lack if evidence the state had and I’m proud that we didn’t convict someone cause we were scared that if we didn’t convict him riots would break out…so many times I’ve seen were bad people walked and good people were prosecuted I’m just glad we got this right.

  81. SW on July 14th, 2013 1:14 am

    It is interesting how those who were not witnesses to the incident, called as experts in the trial, or on the jury hearing and deciding on the evidence, are able to render their decision based on media reporting alone. Why bother to have rules of law and evidence? The court of public opinion would be much swifter and would be much more accurate; who knows, they might prevent civil unrest, too.

    Don’t worry, though. The federal government can still charge him criminally under civil rights laws. Don’t forget, there can be both state and federal civil suits, too.

    It won’t be over. The pound of flesh will be had.

    Whether or not we agree with the verdict is totally irrelevant.

  82. anne on July 14th, 2013 12:32 am

    Zimmerman should of been found guilty. Prayers go to Martin family

  83. Citizen on July 14th, 2013 12:23 am