Update: Lonely Highway Dog Has A Home

July 2, 2013

Last week, we brought you the story of a lonely dog that spent days seemingly sitting and waiting for someone to return alongside an Alabama country road. Today, we can report that the dog — now named Charlie — is safe at a home in Flomaton.

“I was so happy and relieved just knowing he’s finally safe,” Hughes said Monday afternoon. “I want to thank everyone that has taken the time to feed & water him and tried to catch him.”

“I wish I could keep him and if I knew he would stay in my yard I would keep him,” she said. “But I don’t have a fenced in yard and he would end up in the same spot he’s been sitting in all week.”

Here is our earlier story about the lonely highway dog, first published on June 28:

The saga of a lonely dog is playing out on Facebook, capturing the hearts of hundreds of people, as he sits and waits alone by a country road.

On Sunday, Molly Hughes of Flomaton posted a couple of photos of dog on a roadside off Highway 113 near Flomaton.

“He has been sitting in the same spot for 2 days like he’s waiting on his owner to show up to get him,” Hughes wrote in her post, believing someone dumped the dog on the roadside. “It’s so sad.”  She stopped and put out food and water for the dog, but she was unable to get very close to him.

But no matter what, the dog has continued to sit by the road, seemingly waiting for someone he loves to come back.

“It’s day 5 of this poor dog sitting in the same spot waiting on his owner to show back up to get him,” Hughes posted on Facebook on Wednesday. “We have put food and water out for him every day and tried to get him to come with us but he’s scared and won’t leave this spot.”

By Thursday, other Facebook members had begin to help Hughes take care of the roadside dog. Several people visited with the dog and provided food and water. They have been able to pet the dog, but so far he’s too frightened to allow anyone to take him to a new home.

“I want to thank everyone in the community that has helped out with this poor fella,” Hughes said. “It’s so heartwarming to know that many people actually care and will take the time out of their day to help an animal.” On Thursday, Hughes was able to spend about 45 minutes with the dog, providing him not only with more food and water, but a bone and some much appreciated treats.

“Please keep him in your prayers and pray that he will decide to trust someone enough to go home with them soon,” she said.

If anyone has any information about the roadside dog, email us your contact information at news@northescambia.com and we will put you in touch with Hughes.

Pictured: A dog waits by the roadside near Flomaton. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


21 Responses to “Update: Lonely Highway Dog Has A Home”

  1. BammaGirl on July 3rd, 2013 4:52 am

    Molly you are a super lady and pet lover. I know he will be loved.!!

  2. bex on July 2nd, 2013 11:46 pm

    So happy for this baby. I have been praying for her and just warmed my heart when I logged on and saw this update. Ty William for the follow up story. And Molly u r a great lady for helping Charlie. Nice to see a good article in our county.

  3. debbie on July 2nd, 2013 7:46 pm

    So very proud of all of these comments! It makes me smile!!! Thankyou Molly for giving this beautiful fur baby a home. :)

  4. Connie Turner on July 2nd, 2013 7:16 pm

    Ms. Barbara I have a dog her name is Alley. She is 2 years Old and she is spayed she loves other Dogs Cats and Children. She weights about 25 to 30 pounds. Needs lots of attention! My daughter had to move away into apartment out of Florida. I will Send You a Picture if you are interested.

  5. trouble on July 2nd, 2013 5:27 pm

    Molly, I am pretty good at stringing fence. Just give a yell if you need help. Way to go lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. No Excuses on July 2nd, 2013 2:35 pm

    Molly, you are a gem! I’m glad Charlie has a good home with you. I have four rescue dogs already, or I would have contacted you! I know you’ll be a great owner for Charlie and the kids will give him someone to “protect” and play with!

  7. Jennifer on July 2nd, 2013 1:22 pm

    Yay Molly!!!!!! Charlie is a very lucky boy!!!

  8. Queenbee on July 2nd, 2013 12:45 pm

    What a wonderful ending to a heartfelt story. Now Charlie and his new family will have a new beginning. As a rescuer, this touched me and brought happy tears to my eyes. Thanks William for doing this story and also following up to make sure this special dog was saved. Molly, what an inspiration you are to all of us. And what a great community we have to show such support!

  9. Tammy on July 2nd, 2013 12:32 pm

    I think this is great,,, My nephew lives right there where is was and he feed him thanks too you Molly

  10. hmmm on July 2nd, 2013 12:17 pm

    What a wonderful happy ending!~~ Molly, I had a feeling, that you would end up, keeping him..lol.

  11. barbara on July 2nd, 2013 12:05 pm

    That is awesome Molly! I am happy for all of you!

  12. barbara on July 2nd, 2013 11:44 am

    I have a good pet home for him if Molly is unable to keep him.

  13. Molly Hughes on July 2nd, 2013 11:28 am

    I am so touched by everyone willing to donate toward building Charlie a fence, but It just wouldn’t feel right taking your money, I greatly appreciate the offers though! You guys are AWESOME!!!. We live on 11 acres which has an fence along the tree line, there’s some repairs that need to be made to secure it and we plan on getting that done. We picked Charlie up yesterday and brought him to our house and let him run around the yard, sniffing and marking his territory on everything LOL. We made him a spot under the carport to sleep, hoping that he would decide to stay. I woke up this morning, walked outside and there he was waiting on me :) He tried to jump in my car and go to work with me LOL. I think we are going to trying to keep him because the kids have gotten attached and so have I. Thank you everyone for your support! Charlie would not be here with me if it wasn’t for you guys helping me build his trust and showing him so much love :)

  14. barbara on July 2nd, 2013 11:23 am

    I have a good pet home if Molly is unable to keep him.

  15. Charlie on July 2nd, 2013 7:59 am

    Glad to see the chap has a place to stay. Bless you Molly. I will donate $100 toward the fence. Just let me know where to send the funds. I challenge the community to do the same. Thanks North Escambia – William !! Great story, now lets ALL make sure it has a happy ending!

  16. Shannon Kidney on July 2nd, 2013 7:28 am

    Howdy’s Pub will donate $50 towards Molly’s fence. I will be happy to mail a check.

  17. Debbie Boyett on July 2nd, 2013 6:17 am

    Boyett’s Portable Restrooms and Septic Tank Service will donate the use of a portable restroom and hand sink for use during installation of fencing for Molly, we will also donate $100.00 towards the cost of fencing if it can be arranged for this endeavor.

  18. Jane on July 2nd, 2013 5:14 am

    I hope he finds a good forever home with someone who will love him and take good care of him. He is such a nice looking dog, and probably has a great disposition, since he let people pet him.

  19. Robert on July 2nd, 2013 3:23 am

    I hope you find a great home Roady!

  20. Linda on July 2nd, 2013 2:43 am

    So glad to hear that this poor fellow made contact with Molly to bond with her. I am challening All area bussiness and area Churches to pitch in and see if the money can be raised to build Molly a back yard fence so this sweet Dog that has been through so much can stay with his new home. Instead of being made to feel like he is being abanded again…with a few churches & bussiness and some free hands I know we can make this happen………… GOD BLESS YOU MOLLY and the rest who gave of there time. I sure GOD is looking down on this situation and has the BIGGEST smile. God’s bless!

  21. Julia H. on July 2nd, 2013 2:36 am

    I hope whoever get’s him that they name him “Roady” I wish I could take him but I can’t. Roady needs a big open yard somewhere where he could run and play all day and not be scared anymore.