Two Teens Arrested For Stabbing, Robbing Transient Outside Church

July 5, 2013

Two Escambia County teenagers have been arrested for the June 25 stabbing and robbery of a transient at a church just off Nine Mile Road.

Damon Scott Rambo, 16 and Kamron Reid Boshart, 14, allegedly attacked 41-year old Bradley Kocian outside Liberty Church,  just behind a Wendy’s Restaurant at Nine Mile Road and Music Lane.

Responding Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies found Kocian suffering from injuries that were consistent with stab wounds. Deputies discovered he had been attacked by Rambo and Boshart just before stealing his backpack.

Kocian was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital where he was treated and released after a few days.

Rambo and Boshart were charged with aggravated battery, robbery with a deadly weapon and tampering with evidence.


37 Responses to “Two Teens Arrested For Stabbing, Robbing Transient Outside Church”

  1. Just me on July 10th, 2013 2:02 am

    Everyone’s comments seemed focused on the kids…. What about the man you was stabbed? Any update on how he is doing? On the news they said the boys stole his backpack that contained his birth certificate and SS card- Was it ever found? I feel terrible for him. I told my husband I wish we could find him to maybe get him another bag and some clothes.

  2. Ashlyn on July 9th, 2013 2:05 pm

    Free Kamron And Rambo ,
    To All Yall Who Are Talking About Kamron. Kamron is actually a good person it the people he hangs out with and they put him up to this dumb crap and he does it. Kamron you need to start making the right decisions & better people to hang out with & do whats right for you. ive known since the 2nd grade .Free You Tho Baby Boy <3

  3. David Huie Green on July 9th, 2013 1:22 pm

    “He was truly a very close friend of mine.”

    If he were truly close, he would have invited you to join him in robbing and torturing the helpless.

    David for better friends

  4. Eli on July 7th, 2013 10:13 pm

    This is sad to see. I have known Boshart since the first grade. He was truly a very close friend of mine.

  5. JImD on July 7th, 2013 10:19 am

    WOW, starting early now days. Wonder how much the state will pay to try to rehabilitate them at this age. Shouldn’t waste the money. Their parents are just lucky the guy that stabbed didn’t get the knife away from them and cut them up. A GOOD life is over for these two individuals.

    They will be lucky if they can get any type of job in the future, but I guess getting their GED from a correctional school class will be top of their list, once they get to prison.

    Stupid….just stupid.

  6. memyselfandi on July 6th, 2013 10:22 am

    I CANT BELIEVE THIS!!!! Why is it when something happens in Pensacola everybody wants to down it. Its has nothing to do with the city cause I have lived here all my life and I dont have a criminal record. Its all about what you want out of life if you are looking to be a part in the community you can do that in Pensacola but if you pick to be a nobody and be on the front page of the paper you can do that to. But Pensacola is a Great Place to live its all about what you make of it. So what they did wrong that has nothing to do with what Pensacola is about.

  7. Laraine on July 5th, 2013 8:37 pm

    What a shame. Young punks, they need to get sometime and they need to work all summer in a homeless shelter and live with them.

  8. David Huie Green on July 5th, 2013 8:00 pm

    “I know that he’s not the person most people think he is. – - – he’s made many bad decisions. ”

    You say most people have a low opinion of him? Well, what do they know – - – other than that you are what you do”

    “ Pensacola sucks! It does!“

    It’s no Bluff Springs, but please be specific. Exactly what is wrong with it and what would you change to turn it into the Garden of Eden?

    David for desucking

  9. dad on July 5th, 2013 4:25 pm

    Yes, we shouldn’t judge them just let them go back home and then we can all pray for them. That’ll work. Or maybe they can stay with Sherrie. I’m sure they will not hurt her or her family if they just feel loved. (sarcasm)

  10. Ben Thar on July 5th, 2013 3:38 pm

    Yep, just a couple of good boys gone astray.

    I can remember making mistakes like this when I was a kid, too. Yep. I used to beat up on poor people, stab them with a knife, and take all their possessions. No, wait a minute….I didn’t do crap like that.

    It doesn’t matter how bad your upbringing is, you know that kind of behavior is wrong.

  11. Brian Abrams on July 5th, 2013 2:09 pm

    If proven quilty…………….
    They made a choice.
    A bad choice.
    There are no “life circumstances” that justify what they done.
    They WILL be judged and SHOULD be judged by their fellow man.
    That is the way it has been and should be.
    If their fine christian values did not tell them not to do it, they then deserve to be judged.

  12. Bronwynn Hollywood on July 5th, 2013 1:55 pm

    sorry, *ever, not never

  13. Bronwynn Hollywood on July 5th, 2013 1:54 pm

    @Molino Jim: I looked at the facebook pages of these two, and saw where someone said something to Damon about him going “back to jail”. Which reminds me of something else I meant to mention. Parents need to be monitoring their kids’ facebook, twitter, instagram, vine, tumblr, etc. I doubt these boys’ parents have never seen their facebook pages before, and if they have and did nothing about it, they have to be the sorriest parents around. I honestly felt like I needed to take a bath after reading this stuff. I remember there were some bad kids when I was growing up, but wow, the worst kids I knew didn’t even come close to this level of nastiness.

  14. Mark on July 5th, 2013 1:51 pm

    Our laws are stupid!! Why are they not charged with attempted murder? Hope these idiots try it again on someone with a CCL.

  15. MQ on July 5th, 2013 1:24 pm

    I agree prayer works, but unfortunately that is suggested AFTER the fact. And at the ages these two are, they should know right from wrong. They can’t be that stupid to not realize that stabbing and robbery of a transient or ANYONE for that matter is wrong. I am tired of the wrongdoers getting sympathy and the victims are treated as if they did something wrong. Our society is backwards in this day and age. And if they are bored, that is still NO excuse for what they did. Grow Up America.

  16. Mic Hall on July 5th, 2013 1:23 pm

    They did not do this crime on the spur of the moment. They had something to stab with, found someone they PLANNED to rob, beat him some,… Nothing says these guys are going to change.

    If they move from petty crimes to assault with a deadly weapon and robbery then they should be treated as adults. The best example to other kids is YOU WILL GO TO ADULT JAIL if you commit this level of crime.

    Our society needs to stop coddling youth criminals and make punishments HARD. Being young is no excuse for stabbing someone.

  17. molino jim on July 5th, 2013 1:09 pm

    @Sherrie– I did not have an easy life growing up–but I never felt the need to stab someone and rob them of the few things they had. For all of those nice folks who are feeling so sorry for these two little bad boys–how about taking them into your home and showing them the error of their ways. Remember the two kids who were taken into the home of a minister. He returned them to the state because he and his family could not control them and they ended up killing their father while he was trying to sleep. He was working two jobs to try to support them and was rewarded with being beat to death with a baseball bat. Also does anyone know if these two been into trouble before?

  18. Zero Tolerance on July 5th, 2013 12:59 pm

    @sherrie flowers – I hope you don’t work in the judicial system. What a load of feel good non sense you just posted. You can not honestly believe the words you just typed. They STABBED a man. And you say coat them with rainbows and unicorns and everything will be just fine?
    Another thing…had I done this when I was 14 or 16, the least of my worries would be jail. My Dad would take care of me, himself.

  19. Rick on July 5th, 2013 12:55 pm

    Sherrie, there ARE no “life circumstances” that would in ANY way mitigate attacking, beating, and stabbing a defenseless, sleeping human being.

  20. Who he really is on July 5th, 2013 12:32 pm

    Okay so why don’t you worry about where you are, I grew up in Pensacola & some people don’t have a life like you apparently. Pensacola does suck! & I live out in Okloosa county & i hear stories from pensacola all the time. im not saying that what they did is right. it shouldn’t matter to you, what I do with my time. So THANK YOU.

  21. Atmore G on July 5th, 2013 12:00 pm

    This is really a shame for kids this young to get into this kind of trouble.. I know that a lot of kids come up really hard these days and are exposed to a lot of garbage.. I just hope that we can somehow come up with some kind of plan to reduce the juvenile crime rate in this area, because our children are our future..

  22. sherrie flowers on July 5th, 2013 11:32 am

    WOW! PPL. are so quick to pass judgement. While “NO excuse” is acceptable for what these two boys did, we do not know their life circumstances. Judge not…..a sin, is a sin, is a sin. Prayers for the man they injured & prayers for these two boys & all their families. I know a lot of ppl. that come from good homes & still stray from their upbringing. Hopefully they will learn from this & go forward in the right direction. But with ppl. judging them horribly would only make their situation worse. We ALL have done things we shouldn’t do & yes some worse than others. But prayer instead of judgment goes a lot further.

  23. Dabombdigadie on July 5th, 2013 11:22 am

    I went to school with both Kamron and Rambo there stupid for doing it I hope you guys make it through there alive…. Love you guys

  24. Bill on July 5th, 2013 11:21 am

    So I guess because Pensacola sucks these two punks felt they needed to rob this poor fellow who is down on his luck, if our GREAT town doesn’t appeal to you please do not grace us with your visit!

  25. Who he really is on July 5th, 2013 10:51 am

    I went to school with Kamron & I know he’s had a bad life, I do everything I possibly can to keep him on the right track. Before I moved I hung out with him often & I know that he’s not the person most people think he is. I know him better than he knows himself. & he knows that. I love him to death & I’d do anything in this world to make him realize that he needs to cut the crap & grow up. He’s not a “wanna be” nor does he think he has the “thug life” he has a bad life & he’s made many bad decisions. He’s learning slowly. Hopefully being locked up will help him. Me & him have so many memories & he’s called me multiple times, texted me & told me that he doesn’t like this life but its hard to get out of where he’s at now. Pensacola sucks! It does! I just wish I was closer to him, he knows that ill always be here for him, he can talk to me about ANYTHING. What he’s done is ridiculous & when I have the chance I’m going to Pensacola to talk to him face to face.

  26. Thug Life on July 5th, 2013 8:45 am

    After looking at their facebook pages, It’s just another case of two, want-to-be thugs. it’s funny though, they don’t look near as tough in their mugshots as they do in their FB photos….hmmm wonder why.

  27. Robert S. on July 5th, 2013 8:32 am

    Would be interesting to sit in on their individual trials and hear what they give as a reason for their actions.
    Hope they are held in lockup until their trial times.
    Being so young they have much ahead of them in jail / prison which would be a true learning experience. Surely they can find a nice mentor on the inside who can show them the ropes of survival.
    Kids, how in the world could your actions have been worth this?
    Prayers for Mr. Cocian..

  28. Marc H. on July 5th, 2013 8:30 am

    This story should be very disturbing because its not what many people would expect. Young,clean cut, presumably middle to upper class. Right or wrong its easy to dissect the problem when the perpetrator fits the usual mold but what does it say about our society as a whole when you start hearing about things like this. If this comment comes off judgmental it isn’t meant to be. Just an honest observation. On a positive note I know of countless young people of every color and social class who are doing positive things everyday. The common denominator is they all have a positive adult force in their life.

  29. panhandleobserver on July 5th, 2013 8:19 am

    Dumb & Dumber,,, I’m sure you made your parents proud of you for this

  30. justme on July 5th, 2013 6:55 am

    Young and Dumb ,16 and 14 Wow, if that man would have died these two clowns would be facing murder charges and for what a backpack that probably had nothing of any real value in it what a shame.

  31. Lin on July 5th, 2013 6:40 am

    They look so smug. Totally agree with Cantonment Nonna, could not of said it better.

  32. William on July 5th, 2013 6:19 am

    >>>>>I assume that since they have been identified and pictures posted — that they are being charged as adults in this case?

    The name and mugshot of a juvenile charged with a felony in Florida is public record regardless of age. That’s why these were released by the Sheriff’s office.

  33. Jane on July 5th, 2013 6:16 am

    Great start to a young life of crime. So sad that these young men are off to this type of life. Give them a taste of justice for the poor person they robbed and hurt. Don’t just slap their wrists and let them go! They will only get worse if they get away with this.

  34. Ken on July 5th, 2013 5:19 am

    If they do the crime, let them do the time, and I don’t mean juvenile lockup.

  35. wm on July 5th, 2013 4:48 am

    I assume that since they have been identified and pictures posted — that they are being charged as adults in this case?

  36. 429SCJ on July 5th, 2013 4:04 am

    Maybe the next homeless person they rob will have a machete or a hatchet.

  37. Cantonment Nonna on July 5th, 2013 3:58 am

    Wow, what nice mug shots. I bet their families aren’t too proud of them right now. Were these punks not raised to respect others? I am also willing to bet that those two won’t be the bullies when they are locked up. Even the kids in Juvie won’t respect punks who beat up a helpless, homeless man. I hope they have to serve some time locked up instead of getting a slap on the wrist with a warning. Please judges, make the punishment fit the crime so it will mean something and possible be a warning to others thinking of committing the same type crime. Maybe sentence them to clean up after and wait on homeless men at shelters or make them sleep in woods and doorwways like the homeless do. No soft beds, no hot meals, no clean clothes, no cellphones and video games. What a sad, selfish generation of kids. I pray for our country everyday…hope its helping.