Two Injured In Molino Wreck

July 31, 2013

Two people were injured in a wreck Wednesday afternoon on Highway 29 at Molino Road.

Both of the injured, including a 12-year old, were transported by ambulance to a Pensacola hospital. Their injuries were not considered life threatening.

The accident block a portion of Highway 29 southbound for a brief period.  The 12:47 p.m. accident is under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol. Further information, including names, has not been released.

Escambia County EMS and the Molino and Cantonment stations of Escambia Fire Rescue also responded to the crash.


6 Responses to “Two Injured In Molino Wreck”

  1. Just sayin.. on August 3rd, 2013 3:51 am

    I’ve lived in and around Molino my whole life. Thats always bneen a dangerous intersection. As well a the Hwy 97 and Hwy 29 intersection. The north and south bound drivers come screamin through there goin 65-70 + mph all day every day. And everyone around here knows it. The traffic goin east and west just have to take chances. Its not always easy judgeing how fast cars are appoachng. Ive almost been nailed at these intersections multiple times bc of ppl driving too fast through there and u dont realize it until your already pulled out into the street. They need stop lights badly at both intersections. I guess we gotta wait until enougb ppl die first. smh

  2. kevin enfinger on August 2nd, 2013 9:50 am

    you all are wrong! people run 65 through there and its clearly 55

  3. Lisa on August 1st, 2013 2:52 pm

    Jane, your totally wrong for saying, it’s the north/south bound traffic, when it’s clearly the east/west traffic pulling out in front of others, or going across. Every time I get to that point, molino rd. or barrinau park rd., I slow down because every time, I will see someone pull out /or cross right in front of someone else or me, & I don’t mean pull out & nail it to the floor like they scared somebody gonna catch & beat em, no, like they out for a Sun. drive, like they trying to get someone to hit them. I hope it don’t ever happen, but they may just have messed with the wrong vehicle, over 8000lbs.& they best hope & pray me or my family doesn’t get hurt.

  4. MB on August 1st, 2013 7:24 am

    Both kids are ok. According to the parents, “banged and beat-up, but ok.”

  5. jane on August 1st, 2013 4:44 am

    This intersection and the 97/Hwy 29 intersection have many accidents because the north/south bound lanes are moving too fast for people to react to vehicles making left turns or crossing. We need to slow the traffic to the speed limit posted or put in traffic lights at these intersections. So sorry for both families…hope everyone will be OK.

  6. Carrie on July 31st, 2013 4:26 pm

    I hope both children are ok. WE are thinking of your family as our son was involved in this accident also. He is ok. Please if any knows this family let them know we are concerned for their children and pray everyone is ok.