3 Arrested After Victim Beaten Beyond Recognition

July 9, 2013

Three people have been arrested in connection with the severe beating  over the weekend in Cantonment. The victim, 19, was reportedly beaten beyond recognition.

Zachary Nathan Clark,  19, Jordan Scott Garrett, 17, and Kaleb Orion Willcutt, 15, were charged with felony aggravated battery causing bodily harm or disability in connection with the beating.

The incident happened just before 1 a.m. Saturday in the 700 block of Jacks Branch Road.  The victim had allegedly been drinking shots of alcohol during a gathering at the property.   Garrett allegedly became angry at the victim over a song  that was playing. Witnesses told deputies a fight involving the victim followed,  with all three suspects hitting, kicking and punching the victim while was he was on the ground, according to an arrest report.

Deputies said they found the  19-year old victim barely conscious, not able to speak and having difficulty breathing with his face “swollen beyond recognition”. The victim  was transported by ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital as a “trauma alert”.  Deputies were  originally unable to speak to the victim because he remained unconscious at a Sacred Heart Hospital.

Clark is being held in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $20,000.


57 Responses to “3 Arrested After Victim Beaten Beyond Recognition”

  1. kevin on July 13th, 2013 9:16 pm

    Anybody that wasent there don’t know what happened Kaleb wasent fighting he tried to stop the fight and got arrested for someone else criminal behavior he is a good kid but he gets influenced easily.

  2. anonymous on July 13th, 2013 9:02 pm

    I have known Kaleb & his family most of his life. He made a horrible decision with the people he chose to hangout with, but is he a bad person? No. The media tells you what they want you to know! As for the people saying blame the parents, no blame people who committed the crime. Kaleb’s mom works her ass off & might not have been able to be around all the time but that’s because she was busy providing for her 3 kids completely alone. Like I said, you only know what the media is telling you!

  3. Christopher on July 10th, 2013 11:01 pm

    @ Annonymous:
    THEY BEAT A PERSON UNRECOGNIZABLE! That is why I can judge them. Don.t preach to me you twit. If you don’t want to be judged, don’t go around beating people up to the point of near death. If there is a hell, I hope they burn there. Until then, they can rot in prison. I hope the judge throws the book at them. You should join them just for being such an idiot.

  4. David Huie Green on July 10th, 2013 10:39 pm

    “They aren’t bad people, they just made a bad choice . Who are you to judge them? WHO ARE YOU to judge anyone? You aren’t God.”

    Who are you to judge us? You aren’t God either.

    Jesus is God and he says you are known by your works. They chose to do bad things. Their works were evil. If you don’t like people expressing disapproval of evil, take it up with Him.

    As to who we are, we’re people who didn’t gang up and beat some kid nearly to death. We chose to not do so because that’s who we AREN’T.

    David for good choices by good people
    not evil choices by evil people
    or justifying evil acts in others

  5. Anonymous on July 10th, 2013 9:13 pm

    I’ve know these boys all my life . They arnt bad people , they just made a bad choice . Who are you to judge them ? WHO ARE YOU to judge anyone ? You arnt God . Judge least you be judge . Pray for them . Instead of criticizing .

  6. mick on July 10th, 2013 7:37 pm

    They need to be taught a hard lesson…that society will have ZERO TOLERANCE for such barbaric behavior…their freedom needs to be taken away for a long time…whether that is in a juvenile facility its up to the courts…a stearn warning and probation is not acceptable…no freedom, video games or anything kids their age take for granted….hard labor and a time away society is in order… SEND THE MESSAGE! CHANGE YOUR WAYS OR SPEND YOUR LIVES IN A CAGE…

  7. David Huie Green on July 10th, 2013 6:07 pm

    “@David Huie Green, regarding: “If they are dangerous to others, no bail is reasonable. I assume they don’t try to beat people to death when sober and they can’t legally drink until 21 anyway.” Sir, what about this article leads you to believe these are law-abiding citizens?”

    Well, let’s see, there was uh, uh, nope not that.

    And then there’s uh, uh, naw, not that either.

    I’ll get back with you just as soon as I can think of a single reason.

    David stumped
    while trying to find some good
    in drunken thugs

  8. dee from the b.p. on July 10th, 2013 2:43 pm

    all i have got to say, as a mother of three amazing kids, is omg! i pray every day that my kids will not be picked on because of their clothes, or my daughter wont flirt too much with boys, but every night, after reading stories like this, my first and foremost prayer, is please, lord, clean up the people like this before my kids grow old enough to hang out in crowds. thats someones son, someones cousin, or brother, or friend. the kids that did this are too, why?!!! why do this? why allow it? why not save your fight for something more meaningful, like your country, your family, your honor? you maliciously beat a kid into the ground!!! and over what? a song? a girl? alcohol is no excuse. justice needs to be served, and lessons learned, or our babies will be the ones swinging the fists, or laying beneath them.

  9. Wareagle007 on July 10th, 2013 12:08 am

    Those thugs got off easy as far as the charges go; in my opinion when you’ve beaten someone beyond recognition and their breathing and most definitely their brain function is now damaged, any normal human knows what they were doing. Those thugs had malice, ill will intent to cause grave bodily harm, all the elements needed to charge attempted murder. There is a lot of politics going on in justice but justice is suppose to be blind.

  10. know something on July 10th, 2013 12:05 am

    It wasn’t mentioned here, but the victim was held down while getting beat. How tough are you really when you outnumber someone, and make it impossible to defend themselves. Like it has been mentioned, this was over a song. What if it had been something actually worth getting upset about……..

  11. jcellops on July 9th, 2013 9:49 pm

    something to consider: IF the 15 year old is found guilty, even though he may not incur the heavier penalty consequences as the older 2 suspects, his parents could still be found liable for the victims hospital bill, facial reconstruction, bodily injury (permanent or temporary), mental anquish, loss of work, pain and suffering, etc..for NOT monitoring/supervising their sons activities/friends more responsibly…it sucks having unruly children sometimes.

  12. What on July 9th, 2013 9:10 pm

    Where was these kids parents!!!! They were all under 21????? The 3 need to be in jail with their parents!!!!!! Just saying… Take accountability for your CHILD… I have a belt!!!!!!

  13. Linda on July 9th, 2013 8:09 pm

    IT STARTS AT HOME! My kids at 15 didn’t leave the house. Now they could have friends over so I had the chance to meet who they where hanging with. My kids crew at 16 was 11-12pm. No later and I wasent concern about my kids feelings when I would show up checking to see they where at where they said they be. Ps. Never called the cops. I just whiped there butts when they needed it and told them give me a reason. Also I told them if they got arrested, they would sit there dont call me and last I was a Single parent. Don’t get me wrong I sure they tired to play me and got by sometimes but you have to stay on top of it and keep them busy. LAST I M

  14. annon on July 9th, 2013 6:54 pm

    ive had these same group of kids jump me and put 3500$ worth of damage in my car.. filled a police report and the officer told me i should have fought back… i hope these kids especially clark gets a beating like no other, and a lengthy stay in prison. felony aggrevated battery resulting in bodily harm… yea theyre never landing a decent job. theyre done. hope they feel the pain they dish out

  15. Tess Westwood on July 9th, 2013 6:50 pm

    Judge Shackleford has been assigned to the older boy so he will undoubtedly get what he has coming to him. Prayers for all effected.

  16. MommyToBe1130 on July 9th, 2013 5:34 pm

    Scary thing is, I used to hang out with Kaleb and his group of friends. This is crazy.. Some kids need their butts beat. Its sad what the kids now a days do!!

  17. bewildered on July 9th, 2013 5:11 pm

    I believe all suspects should be in custody without bail. Teens with this much anger and rage (drunk or sober) are a threat to society. I can’t imagine dealing with any of them in a traffic situation or any other harmless activity. People should be praying for their next victim not for these scumbags. Their parents could not control them up to now – why does anybody think they are able to do so after they are released back into their custody?

  18. Stephanie Small on July 9th, 2013 4:50 pm

    When I see three kids from Cantonment arrested and another beaten, I cringe. One big ol bad boy fight can mess up your lives forever. Get it together!!

  19. Disgusted on July 9th, 2013 4:03 pm

    He needs a good ole ,,, whipping

  20. Disgusted on July 9th, 2013 4:02 pm

    I wonder if he was ever disciplined as a child. He needs a good ole ??? Beatin now

  21. neighbor on July 9th, 2013 3:42 pm

    I know the boys and have had numerous dealings with them over the past few years. They have been a cancer growing in our neighborhood for along while. As the boys continue to add to their list of thoughtless, dangerous and lawless acts the system will hopefully eventually lock them in prison where they belong and before they finally kill someone or get bullet themselves.

  22. Bronwynn Hollywood on July 9th, 2013 3:16 pm

    @Henry Coe, regarding: “People commenting are asking ‘how could this happen?’ Alcohol!” No, I would say more like alcohol abuse and underaged drinking. That’s like blaming cars for accidents or knives for stabbing or food for, well, you get the picture.

    @David Huie Green, regarding: “If they are dangerous to others, no bail is reasonable. I assume they don’t try to beat people to death when sober and they can’t legally drink until 21 anyway.” Sir, what about this article leads you to believe these are law-abiding citizens? They actually were drinking under the age of 21, and they almost killed someone! Sounds pretty dangerous to me.

    Bronwynn for common sense
    and not assuming

  23. melodies4us on July 9th, 2013 2:41 pm

    Too much violence in movies and video games. Don’t tell me young people are not influenced by these things. If you believe we are not influenced by violent movies and games. . . Then you are only fooling yourself.

  24. Patricia Adkinson on July 9th, 2013 2:11 pm

    This breaks my heart. All I can think is no matter the circumstance, imagine how the victim must of felt during the beating, knowing he may die. As a survivor of domestic violence I know the feeling all too well of being too weak to fight back against your attacker(s). Makes me sick to my stomach that people have learned to have such low respect for the human life.

  25. Gwenn on July 9th, 2013 1:57 pm

    Such a sad situation. Such a senseless act that has very real consequences attached. Unlike Dawn, I will pray for all involved. God doesn’t tell us to pray for a select few, but in fact, pray for everyone in all situations. I do understand the anger, and not wanting to pray for all involved but if we are going to ask God for healing in this young mans life it would make sense that we ask for healing in all their lives. I am of the opinion that if we can not find it in our hearts to pray for God to help all involved, we will eventually find ourselves praying for yet more victims because some did not find faith enough in God to change the accused as well.

  26. David Huie Green on July 9th, 2013 1:18 pm


    Yep, three drunks with guns at a party at one in the morning is the formula for a good outcome. Might even include those who stood around and cheered without helping the victim.

    As to bail, the Constitution demands there not be excessive bail set. They have not been convicted of a crime yet and the trial could be years from now. If guilty, being in jail is no problem unless the sentence would have been less than the time served but if innocent, it is wrong to have incarcerated at all.

    Bail is to make sure they appear for trial. If they are likely to skip town and never come back, no bail is reasonable. If they are dangerous to others, no bail is reasonable. I assume they don’t try to beat people to death when sober and they can’t legally drink until 21 anyway, so they should be safe to release as long as they come back for trial.

    David for sobriety
    in a well armed society
    and better music

  27. David Huie Green on July 9th, 2013 1:08 pm

    “Our country has gotten so bad, God will have apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!!”

    So you believe the people of this country are all worse than the people of Sodom and Gomorrah?

    Remember God would have spared them if there had been five righteous people in the entire city but there weren’t. Surely you know that many in this nation.

    David for better people

  28. Jacks Branch on July 9th, 2013 12:16 pm

    We’re a nice bunch of folks who live on Jacks Branch but there are a lot of side roads leading down to the river and wooded acreage. Might not have been at anybody’s house, per se. The traffic is so fast up and down our road, we hestitate to step out to our mail boxes lest we be creamed by a young male driver going 90 mph. Goes on all day and all night.

  29. kathy on July 9th, 2013 11:55 am

    What a SHAME!! It really angers me that young people these days think they can just do whatever they want to whoever they want and get by with it. Maybe the punishment for these out of control teens should be for someone to do the same to them! Or would they even care. The kid in the picture doesn’t even look sorry for what he did.

  30. Debbie on July 9th, 2013 11:25 am

    ATTN: RICK – I’ll tell you what kind of people live on Jacks Branch – great people. And people just like the ones in your neighborhood. This is a piece of crap, thug wannabe punk and they’re in your neighborhood as well. And it’s people that make comments like yours that cause a lot of problems in this world. Talk about judgemental and stereotyping. Geez. As for this punk (who needs a good butt beating himself obviously, and our youth as a whole, unless the laws are changed, if you’re under 18 there is very little the Courts are able to do. Unless they score out, they can only be held 5 days if charged as a delinquent, yep, 5 days. And the Court has no control over that. If they have committed enough crimes, or felonies, they can score out to a program but that only lasts so long as well. As for the bond, I cannot address that, nor can you, since you have not reviewed all the facts that were presented to the Judge that had to make that decision. Blast me if you want, I could care less. But if you can’t do or say something constructive, at least please refrain from judging people who live on the same road or area as this punk. And, no, I do not live on that road.

  31. jack branch on July 9th, 2013 11:22 am

    I live near Jack Branch & this crime has nothing to do with where you live. It also may or may not have anything to do with the way they were raised. It’s the society we live in now……..take God out, put Satan in…………junk in, junk out………Keep leaving God out………..it’s only going to get worse……..Praying for ALL involved b/c those young boys have possibly ruined their lives over something idiotic. & I agree, what were they doing out @ that time of the night……….could be that like a lot of parents……………if they aren’t being bothered with their children they don’t care or could just be they got in with the wrong crowd…….one bad apple. Could be a lot of reasons but no matter, there is no excuse……..praying this teaches them a hard learned lesson. Just a shame it had to be at the expense of someone else. Praying that young man recovers completely & turns his life around.

  32. Kim on July 9th, 2013 11:14 am

    This breaks my heart! I pray he makes a full recovery. Nothing good comes of a drunken party and whose house was it where all this took place? Had to be an adult looking the other way while underage drinking was goin on…all these lives forever altered because of alcohol abuse….. So tragic and senseless!

  33. Dawn on July 9th, 2013 11:09 am

    The only one I am concerned with is the victum!!! nott the 3 other thugs! I pray for the victum! I don’t pray for the thugs that done this to him! And the 19 year that is in jail now, be friendly. because you have no friends in there. I hope you straighten up after this. and the 15 and 17 year olds, you don’t need to be out at 1am. hope this straightens yall out too….grow up! don’t fight over a stupid song! its not worth what everyone got in this… on that note, prayers for the 19 year old victum… and him only!!!! have a speedy recovery!!

  34. The ETC on July 9th, 2013 10:35 am

    Very tragic to read. These young men are going to encounter people much tougher than them if they end up being setenced to prison by the judge.

  35. Don on July 9th, 2013 9:49 am

    I would guess nothing more but someone didn’t like “Country” or “Rap” I bet it wasn’t Blues, Rock or Pop… I have been wrong before. Prayers for speedy recovery & conviction.

  36. Rick on July 9th, 2013 9:06 am

    What kind of people live out there on Jacks Branch? What about the rest of the people at this “party”? Did they just think this was entertainment? No one steps up to say anything?

  37. nana j on July 9th, 2013 9:03 am

    I’m not surprised at all about the bond….more surprised that our sheriff’s office made an arrest! There used to never be ANY bond given to murder suspects but since our current state attorney took office, a former defense attorney who believes everyone deserves a bond, you can kill someone and walk right out on bond, so for an aggravated battery……it’s no surprise…….heck, if the boy had jumped in his car and ran, there wouldn’t even be an arrest because our deputies aren’t allowed to pursue anyone! This is why crime is higher than ever and still climbing! Pray he is ok!

  38. Henry Coe on July 9th, 2013 8:41 am

    I’m so glad I stopped drinking years ago. I never liked it much, but still, it always lead to negative consequences whether they were large or small.
    People commenting are asking “how this could happen?”. Alcohol! We advertise it everywhere and sell it where we buy groceries and gasoline.

    It isn’t really a wonder that kids/teens/young adults go off in groups to party, get shnockerd and end up with major life altering consequences while being impaired. We see this happen everyday. More often than not it is a traffic fatality but more than that, there is a bunch of damage occurring in families and lives because of Alcohol that we never see until it manifest itself in some kind of grand finally and becomes a headline.

    Btw, what was the song?

  39. bama54 on July 9th, 2013 8:36 am

    I heard this the other day and thought I would put it here!! Our country has gotten so bad, God will have apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!! The country I live in today is not the country it was when I was kid growing up!!

  40. Zoe on July 9th, 2013 8:20 am

    Who was the judge in this case!!!!!!!! Bail for this sick idiot. With a bonds man this twit will be home in no time. Anyone who could beat someone they way these did is a wacko and needs to stay locked up. $20 this POS stay in & out of jail his whole life. Thanks to a judge that is Basically giving him a slap on the wrist. This judge needs to grow a pair or step down when he see 20k as a bail for almost killing someone!!!

  41. me on July 9th, 2013 8:14 am

    Bet he never seen this coming all by hiself with a felony charge that never goes away while his buddies get away with juvenile charge that will be gone at 18 sad sad I read where someone says something about the parents ITS NOT THEIR FAULT u can only do so much with a child u call esco theyll pick them up and bring them home for themto wait until u fall asleep and go again these children are old enough to know better and thats our new generation for ya!!!!!

  42. Bulging on July 9th, 2013 7:52 am

    I hope the young man recovers without any permanent damage.

  43. baebae on July 9th, 2013 7:48 am

    Nothing but the devils work here…the whole world is going to hell in a handbag…this is typical of where our country is headed…pray for the victim first…then the thugs..

  44. Disgusted on July 9th, 2013 7:41 am

    Absolutely disgusting that the bond was set at $20,000. Three against one…disgusting. Those three punks do not need to think of themselves highly because three will always be able to beat up one. I hope they see a lot of jail time. I hope the boy severely beaten recovers and will be at home when 1AM rolls around next time…..and choose better people to “hang out” with. Prayers to the boy beaten.

  45. BPD on July 9th, 2013 7:16 am

    The Victim is 19 years old. The 15 year old is just another scum bag in training.

  46. 429SCJ on July 9th, 2013 6:49 am

    @Jane, the victim will recover, but will not forget.

    The reckoning will be waiting for those three, observing patiently for opportunity to come round.

  47. awed on July 9th, 2013 6:47 am


  48. chris1 on July 9th, 2013 6:42 am

    $20k bond? How is this set?
    Seems to me should be $299K

  49. Lin on July 9th, 2013 6:19 am

    Angry over a song? What would happen if it was something really important? Always goes back to how they are raised. Great job parents.

  50. amy on July 9th, 2013 6:09 am


  51. fred on July 9th, 2013 6:03 am

    vicious bastards.

  52. Matt on July 9th, 2013 5:58 am

    @Jack88- The 15 y/o was one of the suspects… not the victim.

    On a side note, my parents KNEW where I was ages 15-19, or I let them know ahead of time I would be late. Why was a 15 y/o, and a 17 y/o allowed to be out at 1 in the morning…especially where drinking was located? I understand that parents cannot keep up with their children all the time…but this was not at a reasonable time of night…I would be a little more concerned where my child was?!?!

  53. Racing Stripes on July 9th, 2013 5:53 am

    If I had been involved in a 3 on 1 beating of another child , my father would have left racing stripes on me that would be there 35 years later. Shame on these young men. Period.

  54. just saying on July 9th, 2013 5:38 am

    Jack88 — not to split hairs but the article stated the victim is 19 and one of the attackers was the 15yo

    Seriously — what the heck is wrong with all the young people now?? (and i’m not that old myself) I’m so sick of seeing articles where the attackers/theives/aggressors ect are all so stinking young. I know even kids raised with good parents will turn bad and TRUST ME i’m not blaming parents…. when did kids that are hardly even teens start stabbing people (in another article on here) and beating people to a pulp over a STUPID SONG ON THE RADIO!! I pray for our country, our people and our future. Maybe we need to unleash our military on the YOUTH of America. Let them take over and discipline these kids.

    I’m praying for the victim, and eventhough it may be “cold hearted” to some people, I’m praying that these attackers get whats coming to them…. maybe it will teach them a lesson. And if they don’t get that lesson here on Earth… I’m sure they will get it when they learn where they are spending eternity.

  55. Jane on July 9th, 2013 4:07 am

    3 people beat someone this badly and bail is only $20,000? This is why people carry guns! The people who did this will just do it again…maybe with worse results.

  56. Front St on July 9th, 2013 2:48 am

    Such a waste. Praying that the young man comes through this ok.

  57. Jack88 on July 9th, 2013 2:03 am

    What a sad situation, prayers going up for the 15 yrs old hope he pulls throught. The other 2 juvies I hope you learn a leason from this and get ya’lls act together, cause next time(pray there isn’t one) what gonna happen to you’re 19 yr old buddie there could be happening to you..Lord I pray for them ALL.!! God Bless You 15 yr old!!