Shoplifting Case Ends With Active Meth Lab Discovery

July 27, 2013

What started as  a shoplifting incident ended with an Atmore native and another suspect  behind bars on multiple charges after an active meth lab was found in the back of their truck.

Thomas Lord, 48, and Shanna Johnson, 32, were each charged with one count trafficking in methamphetamine, three counts possession of a listed chemical, and one count each of manufacturing methamphetamine, possession of drug  equipment, and shoplifting. Both are from Biloxi, MS, according to Pensacola Police. Lord, according to an arrest report, is an Atmore native and he provided a current address on Oak Street in Atmore when he was booked into the Escambia County Jail.

Sgt. Marvin Miller, who supervises the Pensacola Police Department’s Vice & Narcotics Unit, said the trafficking in methamphetamine charge carries a minimum mandatory prison sentence of 25  years plus a $500,000 fine.

The incident occurred around 11:55 a.m. at Wal-Mart at 2650 Creighton Road. Lt. Chuck Mallett was finishing an extra-duty job at the store and was following the suspects by vehicle after they took some spark plugs and a drill from the store without paying for  them. Officer Patrick Burns responded to the area and the suspects’ truck was stopped north of  Creighton Road.

While searching the truck for the stolen drill and spark plugs, the ingredients and equipment for making methamphetamine were discovered in the truck bed. Approximately 13 ounces of a liquid containing methamphetamine were found in the truck, Miller said.

In addition to the ingredients and equipment, methamphetamine was actively reacting in the truck in two bottles, which had the potential to have exploded if left unattended because of
the pressure build-up inside the bottles, Miller said.


8 Responses to “Shoplifting Case Ends With Active Meth Lab Discovery”

  1. melodies4us on July 28th, 2013 9:47 pm

    I am so glad to learn that there are stiff penalties for manufacturing crystal meth. Hats off to the law enforcement. Keep up the good work.

  2. David Huie Green on July 27th, 2013 5:04 pm

    Every time law enforcement officers interact with other people, there is the danger the other people may have committed any kind of crime and be paranoid about being caught. This makes them more likely to be caught and more likely to kill the officers who may not have even noticed their fears.

    Also, when you’ve broken one law, you might decide other infractions with lesser penalties don’t matter even though they might be seen and bring you to the notice of officers who then discover evidence of those other crimes.

    All good reasons to obey all laws and be careful when dealing with lawbreakers, suspicious actions and strangers.

    David for less meth, less mess

  3. Sharpstuff on July 27th, 2013 12:37 pm

    You never know what you’re gonna turn up even on a simple shoplifting stop. Great job!

  4. mick on July 27th, 2013 11:07 am

    73 years old and 57 years old when they get out of prison, They should have to do every bit of it leniency at all… send these dregs to prison and send the message to those who manufacture that poison it will not be tolerated, now we should push for home invasion crimes to carry the same mandatory minimum of 25 years first offense…prepare yourselves scumbags we are coming after all of you…

  5. Terri Sanders on July 27th, 2013 9:01 am

    This is so strange…I thought there was good money to be made selling drugs. They couldn’t afford a drill and spark plugs???Can’t fix stupid!

  6. Jane on July 27th, 2013 4:24 am

    This stuff is dangerous to everyone, not just the people who use it and the ones making it. It just contributes to crime and it can explode, cause fires, chemical burns, etc. Good job getting it off the street.

  7. jcellops on July 27th, 2013 2:32 am

    GOOD work!! no mercy for these bottom dwellers.

  8. Tracey on July 27th, 2013 1:57 am

    It would seem by the rightful age of 48 one would B tired if living life in such a manner!! So sad that some addicts & Drunks NEVER find the loving & healing hand that Our Heavenly Father !!!!
    These ppl not only put themselves @ risk, but also could have fatally wounded ANYONE they could have pulled up next to @ a red light , for example a family on vacation or just a young couple that just started their lives together!!
    Thank GOD they were DUMB enough to shoplift & & get caught B4 anyone got hurt…. Even themselves!!!
    I truly hope that these ppl get some help & get themselves cleaned up so that they can spend the rest of their lives HAPPY instead of in misery , on the Run from not only themselves, but from the law & FIND GOD!!