Shooting Involving Two Deputies Injures One Suspect

July 28, 2013

A shooting involving two Escambia County deputies left one person injured early this morning.

At 2:42 a.m., deputies responded to an address in the 200 block of Shadow Lawn Lane of West Navy Boulevard in reference to a possible vehicle burglary.

Neighbors said deputies had followed the man home perhaps thinking the car was stolen, but the car belonged to the victim’s mother and he had permission to drive it. The man was reportedly bent over into the car  in his own driveway looking for a cigarette when deputies arrived and approached.

During the incident two deputies discharged their handguns striking the subject, who was transported to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the State Attorney’s Office are investigating. The two deputies will be placed on paid administrative leave while the incident is under investigation, which is standard procedure.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, in a written statement, said no further information will be released this weekend.


19 Responses to “Shooting Involving Two Deputies Injures One Suspect”

  1. Maybe Morgan wanted the cigarette back? on July 29th, 2013 10:54 pm

    Yeah the innocent victim will get paid, but everything happens for a reason… …. Maybe before u believe a neighbor’s report you should make sure you have a victim first!!!! Can’t arrest someone in a car if you can’t prove they aren’t supposed to be there,

  2. jeeperman on July 29th, 2013 3:08 pm

    Do not worry.
    The FDLE “investigation” will (99.9% of the time) find that the deputies action is justified.
    There is no point in debating what is what.

  3. Sick & Tired on July 29th, 2013 10:58 am

    Frank: I agree.Glad to know the LEO’s who did an unjustified shooting is ok. the first thing people need to read in this article is “injured one suspect.” Hell he was in his yard and his car so WHAT THE BLEEP makes him a SUSPECT.
    BLACK MALE, 230 AM , DECENT CAR that obviously someone went to work and paid for but apparently Black does make you a SUSPECT IN FLORIDA, luckily he survived because we can be assured they would have only been standing their ground.
    LEO: administrative paid leave
    Innocent Man in his own yard: 20,000 hospital bill.
    3 hrs in the ER will get you 5000 an admit will get you an application for part time employment to cover the portion insurance doesn’t.

  4. billybob on July 29th, 2013 6:54 am

    Why does not jthe media ust get a copy of the 911 tapes. They are public record.

  5. lucy on July 28th, 2013 11:28 pm

    So, Avalon, what should he learn? I appreciate what deputies do but they are not always justified in their actions just because they have a gun and a badge. Be careful about pulling in your driveway or leaning into your car. Oh, that’s right, you know not to do that.

  6. Confused on July 28th, 2013 5:18 pm

    “At 2:42 a.m., deputies responded to an address in the 200 block of Shadow Lawn Lane of West Navy Boulevard in reference to a possible vehicle burglary.”

    “Neighbors said deputies had followed the man home perhaps thinking the car was stolen, but the car belonged to the victim’s mother and he had permission to drive it.”

    Is anyone else not confused about the story as it was reported? Were deputies responding to a possible vehicle burglary? Or were they following him home thinking the car was stolen? They could not have done both. And if they did follow him home thinking the car may have been stolen, why wouldn’t they just run the license plate?? Doesn’t add up.

  7. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2013 4:38 pm

    “Maybe They Should Learn To Be Sure Before Shooting.”

    They should, but the problem is that if you always wait to be sure, some of the time, you are dead before you are dead sure.

    My grandfather was a US Deputy Marshal along with being a Game Warden. He told me whenever he approached a suspect at night he had his flashlight away from his body in case they shot at the light. Further he had the light in their eyes so they couldn’t see their target if they decided to shoot and kill him.

    None of them ever tried their shot because they couldn’t see well enough to make it. (Daytime was another matter.) They never saw he also had his 38 drawn, cocked and pointed in case they decided to shoot. He thumbed the hammer down while pointing it elsewhere after they had yielded and holstered it ere they knew how close they had come.

    Of course, he’s dead now going on 32 years and other officers do things other ways.

    David for better ways

  8. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2013 4:26 pm

    “Even I, who has had very little experience with LEOs, know NOT to reach into a vehicle once an officer has approached/made contact. Is a cigarette really worth reaching for once an officer is on the scene?”

    People who smoke have already shown they are ready to die horribly as so many smokers do, but in this case there is nothing saying he reached into the vehicle AFTER the officers approached him.

    David for snuff over cigarettes
    (less fire, easier to reach cancers)

  9. Jann on July 28th, 2013 3:55 pm

    Waiting for the other side of the story…

  10. woerner on July 28th, 2013 12:42 pm

    Sounds like a humdinger here. Probably was a rookie that shot an unarmed man . Morgan trained. They can’t chase a suspect, but they sure can blow your head off if they feel threatened.

  11. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2013 11:58 am

    Oops? The danger of only arming law enforcment officers is that sometimes they make their own laws.

  12. gf on July 28th, 2013 10:19 am

    Even I, who has had very little experience with LEOs, know NOT to reach into a vehicle once an officer has approached/made contact. Is a cigarette really worth reaching for once an officer is on the scene?

  13. internet commentaries on July 28th, 2013 9:50 am

    Very true johm. For one little rinky dink artical about this storry im amazed how yall are so quick to judge as if yall were on scene yourself. Alice theyre is nothing “apperant” if your comment was based from this story alone. .oh and btw since we are all speaking our minds I will say that in this town at 2am if I was responding to a burglary call I would too, be on high alert, and if that suspect quickly leand into the car I would have probably done the same. Because those quick decisions are the ones that keepn stories like this from being a ” deputy killed responding to possible burglary call” jussss sayn.

  14. John on July 28th, 2013 9:09 am

    For Alice: Iam sure the LEOs didn’t just start shooting,please wait til all informmation is out before blaming LEO’s. Individual out at 2:40 am bent over in car maybe he came out and turned toward officers with something in his hand . LEO’s only have a blink of the eye to make a decision to fire or not to fire that’s the way they are trained they have to protect themselves. Put yourself in their shoes and see what you would do.

  15. BlessRheart on July 28th, 2013 8:57 am

    Avalon, what should the ’suspect’ learn? Not to drive his mother’s car with permission? Not to park his mother’s car in her driveway? Not to retrieve something from his back seat? I do these things every day, I’ll bet you may too. Should we be shot? Sounds like our deputies may need more training

  16. Frank on July 28th, 2013 8:52 am

    avalon: it’s good to know that you’re glad the LEOs are okay. What about the “suspect” who was just reaching into the car? Turns out the deputies fired on him when he wasn’t even doing anything wrong. What should the “suspect” learn from this? Not to be black at 2:30 am while looking for a cigarette in his mother’s car?

  17. Tim G on July 28th, 2013 8:42 am

    Wow avalon, are you serious? ECSD are known for shoot now, ask questions later.
    He’s in his hospital bed right now trying to get some sleep and the lawyer wont quit calling him.

  18. Alice Harris on July 28th, 2013 7:34 am

    What?From The Inf Published, If Anyone Should Learn A Lesson It Is The Deputies, Who Apparently ShotA Man With No Justification. Should This Man Learn Not To Be Outside His House? Should He Learn To Stay Away From Cars Parked In His Own Driveway? I Presume The Deputies Will Convince The Investigator That They Thought The Man Had A Weapon, So They Will Be Found Justified. But Mayb They Should Learn To B Sure Before Shooting.

  19. avalon on July 27th, 2013 7:49 pm

    Glad LEOs are okay. Maybe suspect will learn from this, maybe?