Scott In Aspen With GOP Governors

July 25, 2013

Gov. Rick Scott is hobnobbing in Aspen, Colo., with his fellow GOP governors and an expected crowd of wealthy donors as he continues his summer travels. Scott’s office had no itinerary for the Wednesday and Thursday trip to the Republican Governors Association’s annual summer meeting.

The association is a political organization that helps elect Republican governors. The organization gave $8.3 million in 2010 to the Republican Party of Florida, which contributed $5.2 million to Scott’s campaign, according to the Center for Public Integrity.

A spokeswoman said the trip wasn’t listed because it is “not a state event.”

The Aspen meeting will include panel discussions with titles such as “What’s Working at the State Level?,” which is slated to include New Jersey Gov.Chris Christie, Louisiana Gov.Bobby Jindal, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

Scott has spent little time in Tallahassee during the past two weeks, with the exception of a meeting last Thursday night with some of the protesters who continue to camp outside his Capitol office. Also, he attended services Sunday at Bible Based Church as part of his Statewide Day of Prayer for Unity in Florida.

Scott told the Palm Beach Post on Tuesday that he expects to return to Tallahassee “probably next week sometime.”

By The News Service of Florida


One Response to “Scott In Aspen With GOP Governors”

  1. Sara on July 26th, 2013 5:32 am

    GAWD! ..2014 can’t come soon enough, to get this leach, out of office. How is it, that Rick Scott, never got charged for stealing Medicare funds?.. He should be in a PEN, but not AS-PEN.