Scott Confirms 480+ New Jobs At West Fraser In McDavid, Pensacola Call Center

July 18, 2013

Gov. Rick Scott confirmed Wednesday morning that dozens of new jobs are coming to McDavid as the West Fraser sawmill reopens after sitting idle for four years, and he also announced over 400 new jobs at an expanded CHCS Services and the iGATE call center in Pensacola.

West Fraser Restart

As first reported last week, West Fraser is looking to fill over 80 openings for their newly reopened McDavid Mill on Champion Drive. The company has turned to Workforce Escarosa for assistance in filling a long list of positions, which are both hourly and salaried. The company plans to eventually hire up to 100 people.

“We are pleased to be able to restart our McDavid sawmill,” said West Fraser Vice President of U.S. Lumber Operations Sean McLaren.“We are looking forward to training staff who will be working with us and investing capital to improve the mill’s operations.”

Requirements and qualifications vary by position type. All of the jobs are full time with a benefits package.

In late 2008, the West Fraser McDavid mill was closed, putting about 75 people out of work. The company also closed a mill in Citronelle in 2008, cutting about 100 jobs.

The McDavid mill produces Southern Yellow Pine lumber and has an annual production capacity of about 200 million board feet. At the time it was closed in 2008, the mill was  running just one shift, producing about 75 million board feet.

During the first quarter of 2013, West Fraser reported earnings of $67 million or $1.57 per share on sales of $863 million. During the same quarter in 2012, the company lost $19 million.

To view complete job descriptions and apply for available positions, visit Or to complete an application in person, visit the Workforce Escarosa Century One-Stop at 8120 North Century Boulevard from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., Monday-Thursday.

iGATE Expansion

iGATE owns CHCS Services, a longstanding local information technology company that will be expanding its corporate headquarters in the downtown Pensacola area and hiring as many as 385 full time employees.

“Our center in Pensacola is one of our three delivery hubs in the U.S.,and we are pleased with the talent available in the region,” said Dr. Srinivas Kandula, EVP and Global Head of Human Resources for iGATE.“We are happy that our efforts have contributed to the Chamber’s vision as we look to invest further in the region and continue to create jobs across our locations in the U.S.”

Chamber Tops 2015 Goal

The Greater Pensacola Chamber said Wednesday morning that the new jobs in McDavid and Pensacola has surpassed its Vision 2015 goal of creating 3,000 high wage jobs–two years earlier than anticipated.

“Today’s announcement of more than 480jobs being created in Pensacola is great news for the families living in the area and further proof that the policies we’ve put into place over the last two years are working,”said Governor Scott. “I would like to thank iGATE and West Fraser for taking notice of Florida’s improving business climate and making a tremendous investment that will get more than 480 Floridians the chance to pursue their dreams in Florida.”

Senate President Don Gaetz (R Niceville) said Wednesday marked a momentous occasion, not only for the state, but also for the residents of Escambia County and Northwest Florida. “The leadership of Governor Scott and the persistence and dedication of the business community have created a stable and predictable business environment,”said Gaetz. “As a result, more and more great companies are planting their roots and investing their futures in our Northwest Florida communities.”

Pictured: Gov. Rick Scott announces the restart of the West Fraser McDavid Sawmill Wednesday morning in Pnesacola. Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Scott Confirms 480+ New Jobs At West Fraser In McDavid, Pensacola Call Center”

  1. Spongebob on August 20th, 2013 3:32 pm

    I got a interview few weeks back for forklift hopefully Ill get it. I think alot of people applied for jobs there didnt know how to do.

  2. Duke of Wawbeek on July 20th, 2013 3:41 pm

    @Jack Johnson. When I think of Commissioner Valentino, my next thoughts are of Dante Alighieri.

    @Jeeperman. Good point.

  3. Bob on July 19th, 2013 11:47 am

    Do you really believe Scott had anything to do with getting these jobs..
    Another smoke screen…

  4. James Broel on July 18th, 2013 4:13 pm

    429SCJ, Can you even imagine the panic and chaos that would cause?

  5. Jack Johnson on July 18th, 2013 1:54 pm

    There is gene sucking up and trying to get the lt gov job.i pray it does not happen!

  6. bill on July 18th, 2013 1:49 pm

    CJ – Gov. Flim Flam would never try to dissolve the FED. He’s doing everything he can to get his invitation to the Bohemian Grove and the Bildenberger convention, so he can rub elbows with the people who own the FED.

  7. jeeperman on July 18th, 2013 8:53 am

    Not so fast there Mr. Duke.
    What did the club of business owners A.K.A “The Chamber” do exactly in relation to these two businesses re-opening/expanding ?

    I see per the article someone at “The Chamber” implied that they might have had something to do with this.
    Or they merely made a statement that could be read that way.
    I for one would like to know if they did anything.

  8. Jane on July 18th, 2013 5:02 am

    In this area I would not be so snippy about working at either company…it is a job and they pay you decent wages. The person who turned their nose up must not have bills to pay…LOL! We need some jobs out in this area instead of wasting time and gas driving to Pensacola for a minimum wage job, which, after gas, leaves you very little to pay bills! I am glad to see some jobs that actually will pay more than minimum wage!

  9. 429SCJ on July 18th, 2013 4:38 am

    Governor Scott your stock is rising rapidly.

    I would cast my vote for you sir as President; if you would pledge in your campaign to sign executive orders for which to dissolve the Federal Reserve banking system.

  10. William on July 17th, 2013 9:15 pm

    >> does not have any jobs listed for either of these jobs

    The West Fraser jobs have been listed for over a week, but they are a little tricky to find.

    In the search box on the front page of the site, search for zip 32568. If you enter McDavid, it won’t find them.

  11. renay on July 17th, 2013 9:00 pm does not have any jobs listed for either of these jobs…. I wish we had more information about when these jobs will be posted.

  12. Oak Grove Bud on July 17th, 2013 7:24 pm

    @well………well said!!! Nothing wrong with working at a saw mill. That was my first real job. I guess Gov. Scott will catch flack , no matter what he does as governor. I think it’s great that mill is starting back up. These will probably be jobs where people actually have to work…..and not be pecking away on their phones all day!!!!

  13. Duke of Wawbeek on July 17th, 2013 7:18 pm

    It is good for the chamber that they were able to deliver on these jobs; especially at a time when they are coming under more scrutiny.

  14. well on July 17th, 2013 5:42 pm

    If these are not up to your standards keep living off mom and dad.
    Or welfare, whichever pays better.

    A job is a job. Get one and then look for a better one.

  15. Justin on July 17th, 2013 3:02 pm

    Ooh! Working at a sawmill or in a call center! I just cannot decide! I’ll bet you’d never see Rick Scott working at a sawmill or a call center.

  16. mspence on July 17th, 2013 2:42 pm

    WooHoo! So proud for our people to be able to apply for positions at both companies.