Rick Scott Worth $83.77 Million

July 7, 2013

Gov. Rick Scott was worth $83.77 million as he wrapped up his second year in office, according to a newly posted financial disclosure form. The majority of Scott’s money sits in a blind trust while he earns 12-cents a year as the state’s top executive. The blind trust, which accounts for $72.8 million, made $3.1 million in interest last year, according to the financial disclosure form for 2012 that was posted by the state Commission on Ethics.

Scott, a former health care executive who listed a net worth of $218 million when he ran for office in 2010, submitted his five page disclosure report June 28. Scott reportedly spent more than $70 million of his own money to win the office.

According to the report, Scott’s Naples Gulf View Estates home is worth $9.2 million, and a boat club condominium is worth $99,750. He also holds an IRA account with CL King & Associates worth $468,118. No liabilities are listed.


20 Responses to “Rick Scott Worth $83.77 Million”

  1. David Huie Green on July 10th, 2013 6:17 pm

    “it’s somewhere hidden.”

    Why would he hide it?
    What does he stand to gain?

    David wondering

  2. The ETC on July 10th, 2013 9:00 am

    Rocky Thomas,

    All states in the U.S. except Vermont require a balanced budget to be approved by their governor anyway.

  3. melodies4us on July 9th, 2013 3:08 pm

    I knew something was wrong with him.

  4. bill on July 9th, 2013 7:53 am

    Where did his money go? Henry could be right, check his wife’s finances. Gov. Flim Flam didn’t steal that money from Medicare just to throw it away. Check his wife’s drug testing company, it’s somewhere hidden.

  5. David Huie Green on July 8th, 2013 2:42 pm

    I do not worry how much he has but how much he lost. He has sacrificed much to be our governor.

  6. War eagle007 on July 8th, 2013 5:14 am

    Didnt Rick Scott make all his money in the medical supply business? and didn’t that same business come under investigation for illegal business practices? Didn’t Gov Scort plead the 5th like a thousand times (exaggerating) during his company’s Medicare/Medicaid trial? My understanding is that he and his company ended up having to pay back some monies and were accessed some fines. Richard Scrushy in Alabama is still doing time in some 5 Star prison somewhere for basically the same offenses. Not since the early 1980’s have medical supply companies been a place to turn to as a source of easy revenue, at least not if you are filing your claims honestly.

  7. Rocky Thomas on July 7th, 2013 10:34 pm

    Think positive folks, Rick Scott has balanced the budget in Florida, we are not operating at a deficit. Yep… He’s worth 80 milllion, but look at New York’s Governor Cuomo. At least Rick Scott isn’t trying to tell you and everyone else in the country that you shouldn’t have a gun, or trying to tell you that you can only have so many rounds in your gun, or allowing your name to be printed in the paper if you have a concealed carry permit, or trying to tell you that all of those illegal guns used in crimes come from gun shows in the south, when less than 3% of all guns used in crimes were found to be purchased at gun shows and/or flea markets, and he’s not lying to you about some non-existent gun show loop hole, when one doesn’t exist.. He’s not trying to tell you that you can’t buy a 20 oz. soft drink, but you can buy a 16 oz. soft drink with unlimited refills. He’s not trying to tell you what you will be allowed to eat by law, nor dictating how you will conduct your private affairs in any other manner.

    Things could be a whole lot worse!

    Rick Scott has had to make some very unpopular decisions in these trying times, and yes there are those that probably don’t agree with his decisions. To assume he can please everyone, all of the time, is simply wrong; that does not happen in his position. Were he not making someone grumpy, I’d say he wasn’t doing his job. And, that’s about as simple as it gets!

  8. Interesting on July 7th, 2013 6:38 pm

    It’s easy to spend someone else’s money on yourself. The greatest cons in the game are the ones who give substantial portions of their “take” away as a cover for their criminal activity.

    With that kind of money, you can afford to have phoney comments posted on every news outlet in the state on a regular basis.

    ***Gov. Scott is a disgrace to Republicans across the country.***

  9. Sara on July 7th, 2013 4:38 pm

    To have what others don’t you have to be willing to do what others want.

  10. comnsens on July 7th, 2013 1:12 pm

    Yea why does no one complain when Obama and the democrats spend over $900 million on campaigning. Gov. Scott has only helped the state why the democrats steadily pour more money into social programs so they get another vote so they can stay in power and ruin the country more.

  11. Duke of Wawbeek on July 7th, 2013 9:49 am

    Governor Scott has proved in my opinion to be the greatest statesman since Benjamin Disraeli.

  12. goodforall on July 7th, 2013 9:18 am

    Yea and we the people need to reflect on the decision to vote someone into an office that makes only about 150 thousand a year, and determine why someone would want to spend 70 million to get into that office. We are the mentally challenged ones.

  13. well on July 7th, 2013 8:49 am

    At least we don’t waste a lot of money on his salary.

    12 cents a year? :-)

  14. David Huie Green on July 7th, 2013 8:47 am

    At this rate he will be broke soon. Such sacrifice for us. Almost makes me ashamed of not voting for him.

  15. Robert S. on July 7th, 2013 8:41 am

    @ Henry Coe…..Absolutely a great question.
    I recall that when questions arose about Rick Scott’s interest and value from the Health Care businesses he ran that RS transferred those investments, and others, into his wife’s name. He then claimed that they never discussed the value of those assets. Really???
    As it turns out, with no other viable candidates in the tater sack to shake out, it appears the Gov. race will be between Rick Scott and Charlie Crist……and did someone ask “Can it get any worse?” Answer, Yep.
    Florida is in a deep rut with politics…..Help.

  16. Bob on July 7th, 2013 8:17 am

    It’s amazing what the Repub brotherhood will spend to impose his views on the public. Sickening!!!!!!! He’s a slime ball!

  17. m on July 7th, 2013 8:10 am

    What’s wrong with having a successful business man in the Governors Mansion rather than some loser lifelong politician. Rick Scott has made some difficult financial decisions for the Citizens of Florida in some very difficult times. There are many states bankrupt, or nearing bankruptcy because of irresponsible politicians, while Florida manages to balance it’s budget every year. Good going Governor Scott

  18. State employee on July 7th, 2013 8:02 am

    He has all that money and he is steadily taking money from us, I have been with the state for 4 years and my pay has went down. I have never had a raise, and I am around criminals and murderers all day long. I hope Rick Scott is living a happy life.

  19. 429SCJ on July 7th, 2013 5:22 am

    70 million dollars in personal expenditures shot on a campaign.

    Florida voters were not the only ones to suffer a staggering loss in that election.

    Let’s all be smarter next go round.

  20. Henry Coe on July 7th, 2013 2:54 am

    So, how much is his wife worth and how much do they both have in over seas accounts??