Report: Bennett Pushed Grade Changes That Benefited Donor

July 30, 2013

Florida Education Commissioner Tony Bennett and his Indiana employees “frantically overhauled” the Hoosier State’s school-grading system last year when it looked like one of his political contributors’ schools might get a “C,” the Associated Press reported.

According to the AP, Bennett — who was then superintendent of public instruction in Indiana — became alarmed when Christel House’s initial marks came back lower than expected. Bennett had touted Christel House in his drive for reform, and its founder had donated $130,000 to Bennett as part of $2.8 million contributed by Christel DeHaan to Republicans over the last 15 years.

“They need to understand that anything less than an A for Christel House compromises all of our accountability work,” Bennett wrote in one email obtained by the AP.

But he told the news organization Monday morning that the changes in Indiana helped schools besides Christel House. “This wasn’t just to give Christel House an A. It was to make sure the system was right to make sure the system was face valid,” Bennett said. Unlike Florida, Indiana allows voters to select the head of the state’s education system.

Bennett was defeated for re-election last year.

by The News Service of Florida


2 Responses to “Report: Bennett Pushed Grade Changes That Benefited Donor”

  1. E Bell on July 30th, 2013 8:28 pm

    Maybe it would be a good idea to elect our Education Commissioner. Then the people would have a chance to rid themselves of this type of leadership.

  2. bill on July 30th, 2013 7:43 am

    Sounds like Gov. Flim Flam has found his man. Changing school grades to benefit a GOP contributor is a pretty good start but until he learns to cheat Medicare out of Billions of Dollars, then he will still have to play second fiddle.